A really full on week here and I am literally so on the verge of handing my notice in. We have a full on group at the moment made up of four year olds who are ready for school and two year olds who just want to destroy the place! We then have a new starter who Screams the place down (quite a shock as we usually have no trouble settling them in) and is taking me away from the session as she needs constant 1-1. To add to this we have another newbie who is fine once in session but doesn't want to leave Mum and will try to run after her if given the chance at drop off time. Then for whatever reasons we have two of our other children who are playing Mums up and need peeling off Mums to get them in, then literally seconds later are all smiles. So my poor little chap who does need my attention at the moment so that I can get a early help referral in for him is just drifting through the session not achieving much. I really feel torn in a million pieces and that I am totally failing them all. Then to top that I have announced that we have to drop our extra session that parents pay for in September as we just don’t have enough children to break even for it and a parent has just become demanding, critical and nasty despite my endless efforts to make her understand. It’s just all too much. Thank god it’s a long weekend.
FM glad your Ofsted is over, it’s a great feeling isn’t it!
We have had beautiful dry weather but a very cold east wind, but at least it makes mud free dog walks! Enjoy the weekend all.