Blimey, Sunnyday and Panders you have had eventful weeks! Sunnyday that’s quite shocking that the carers did not react quicker to the situation it must have been very scary for you. I know situations like this are unpredictable but they need to act quicker. Hope you are ok. Glad you have a knee diagnosis, like you say at least you know now. I am now just waiting for X-ray results but am terrified I am going to be told to rest it! I looked up your condition and I must say the symptoms sound vey similar. I really need to lose two stone in weight as I know that would probably make a huge difference. But it seems over the last few years it doesn't matter what I do the weight stays exactly the same. In the past I lost weight successfully with WW but last time I tried it just didn’t work. I don’t think peri menopause is helping but I really need to find something that will work!
We are meeting my sons partners parents for the first time today! Seems like such a grown up thing to be doing! My son and his partner have been together for 4 years but with Covid and the fact they live at the other end of the county it just has not happened. I am really hoping that they will just be an extension of the family like Amy has become.
Louby Lou, I couldn’t agree more, the weeks seem to zoom by at the moment. It’s lovely to see lots of signs of spring now though. Loads of daffodils, snowdrops and violets out here. Which makes you feel spring is on the way.
Have a lovely weekend all. Xx