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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. I’m so shocked and very sad to hear this. Panders was a wonderful forum friend and a tremendous support to us all on here. Sending her family all my thoughts at this time. Xx
  2. Not a tennis fan but wow, that final was amazing, I was gripped.
  3. Goodness Cait I had no idea that it could take something so little as that. I wrongly assumed that you would have to eat a fair bit of gluten to get a reaction as severe. Poor you, it must be difficult to live with.
  4. Hope you soon feel better Cait. Yes I have WhatsApp. The wild weather was absolutely awful this morning, my poor flowers have taken a battering. Hoping it dries up as I have all the laundry from the holiday cottage that I do to get washed and dried before next Friday! It’s so changeable at the moment. Wishing a good weekend to all.
  5. Me too! I can’t knit, can’t crochet and have trouble sewing a button on! Listening to you guys is like listening to a foreign language!
  6. That’s a fab activity, we used to do that at forest school. Be beautiful with all the coloured summer flowers.
  7. Lovely activity Froglet.
  8. Love the well dressing idea!
  9. I did a gorgeous walk yesterday and managed to collect some more sea glass along the way! Main aim for tomorrow is to get my changeover done as quickly as possible and to get out and battle the weeds before the weather changes! It’s ridiculous just how fast they grow after a small drop of rain. Froglet that’s awful. How much longer do you have before you break up and can have a well deserved rest?
  10. I find it so therapeutic. I can go down there and it’s the only time I can completely switch off and settle my mind.
  11. Apologies for my absence yesterday!🤣 At that time I was looking after the mad grand dog puppy! She is 100% scatty, lively, full of mischief and kept myself and my dog completely on our toes until she was collected🤯 I think a toddler is less exhausting. Went to explore a new section of coast path that has been opened on our nearest beach yesterday, then suggested we walk a little bit further to the next beach to collect sea glass (my obsession). I then had a brainwave that if we took a diversion through the quarry it would be quicker. Now think of the steepest hill imaginable, that is what we walked up in the very hot sun only to find the secret way out has been found and blocked off!😬 To say I was not popular was an understatement! Honestly some people have no stamina! Off out for dinner today and might just squeeze in a visit to a garden centre to spend my vouchers that I got when I left school last year. Have a lovely weekend all and try not to spend it all doing school stuff!
  12. Oh Cait, this made me smile, if I had a £ for every time I heard this over the years I would be a lot richer. Well it’s well and truly raining down here, which is great for the gardens but not for too long please! Been to put flowers on the cliff top today where we scattered Dads ashes as it’s a year today. Got blooming soaked! Sure he was laughing somewhere! Some very sad news this week, one of the pre school children has stage 4 cancer. She is only just 4. So having to travel to Bristol hospital for treatment every other week. Was speechless when I found out. The great thing is that she comes from an incredibly strong family. Also our amazing village has started fundraising for the family and as always, is getting huge support.
  13. Sending empathy as well but my god reading your posts makes me realise just how flippin glad I am out of it now! I think the way parenting is going is incredibly sad and it makes me worry just what this future generation will be like as adults! It’s quite scary.
  14. Cake looks lush, carrot cake has to be my favourite. Sunnyday, Elton was amazing, he did such a great job. Lewis capaldis set was very emotional. I think he did a brilliant job to keep going like he did but my god, my heart went out to him. The crowd were phenomenal and totally had his back which was heartwarming. I hope he gets some rest and some help now.
  15. I also have the Grandpuppydog for the day. My dog and her are so funny, they will spend an hour roaring around like complete lunatics then crash for an hour then start all over again! They are worst than toddlers though, what one has the other wants despite the huge amount of toys strewn over the garden! It’s good fun though! Hope everyone is ok, I feel like I haven’t contributed on here much recently. It’s that busy time of year when holiday changeovers are coming thick and fast. Have a lovely weekend all. Xx
  16. We still have a hosepipe ban in place from last summer which was never lifted! South west water have been on the news tonight appealing to people to limit water use! They are seriously worried for the summer tourist months and how it will cope with the millions of visitors. It’s been boiling here this week, I have finished work in a hormone and heatwave induced puddle each day. I know it’s awful but am desperately hoping for the rain to hit us at the weekend but it looks like we may just escape it.
  17. After a foggy start here it then became unbearably hot and sticky now I’m sitting with a blanket over me as it’s cold! Very confusing weather!
  18. So funny! You need to wear your balaclava to be incognito! Well done on the award by the way. Xx
  19. Ahh enjoy them. This is my new Granddog! A utterly beautiful and very intelligent worker cocker spaniel.
  20. If you can get out of the wind, it’s absolutely boiling down here! But the wind is wicked!
  21. Sue! That’s the start of the slippery slope, they’ll be singing carols next month!
  22. Amazing weather this week got loads done in the garden and a joy to have dry non muddy dog walks. Changeovers have started to get busier so we must almost be in the ‘silly season’. Next week my brother and family are down from Kent for a week which will be lovely. My son and his partner got a puppy last Friday, she is gorgeous and luckily my dog has accepted her without a hitch which is a enormous relief.
  23. Hope you’re ok Sunnyday as they say tomorrow is another day. I didn’t feel my knee at all when I was inactive with Covid. Then first day back to normal was really painful and ached all night. But since then it’s been bearable.
  24. Froglet that sounds nasty, hope it is soon better. Well I’ve had two very productive afternoons in the garden and for once feel like I’m on top of both vegetable and flower gardens. It won’t last five minutes but nice whilst it does! Am hoping that this beautiful weather might last..
  25. well we awoke to no electricity! Today of all days. Managed to somehow transfer the 4G from phone to iPad and began to watch the build up then my phone ran out of battery. 😡 How happy was I when I was just about to have a melt down when my husband casually magicked up a generator for the shed and hooked up the tv. I knew I married him for a reason. Thought the whole service and procession was splendid. How beautiful Charlotte and Kate looked. I don’t know that there is a way back for Harry with the family after his book and documentary. I was completely behind him when he wanted to step back and move his family away but his further actions have left me with no sympathy to him. I also have total respect and admiration for Penny Mourdant, what a very together and composed lady, who must have guns of steel and looked amazing.
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