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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. He’s fine (just a bruised ego) 🤣 My family in Kent keep sending photos of the snow!
  2. Well yesterday morning we had frost and ice (which is very rare down here) it then rained, then hailed hard and then completely froze! I had to walk to work this morning and it was lethal, our lane was a skating rink and so was the village! Luckily I Managed to stay on my feet (which is rare for me) but my poor husband went straight down on his back when walking the dog. Us Cornish lot just are not used to this weather. Stay safe all. Xx
  3. Have a relaxing weekend. Xx
  4. And understandably so! Nearly the Christmas break for you. Xx
  5. Oh my goodness what an awful cheek, what did you say?
  6. Look what we came across today in Appledore! A crochet Christmas tree! Also has miles of knitted paper chains!
  7. Not a bad sea glass haul today from a cove in Woolacombe. Certainly a relaxing way to spend a couple of hours. Hope everyone is ok on the busy run up to Christmas (I am not missing it at all).
  8. Every beach walk I search for it! For the first time this week I was organised and took a little mesh bag with me to put the pieces in as usually they are mixed up with the spare poo bags in my pocket. Anyway collected a few bits, got home and had only lost the flaming bag!! Can’t wait to see what Devon comes up with!
  9. The activities and extras are really expensive. At the time we were on a strict budget so had to choose carefully. The four of us did archery, then the boys did paddle boarding (little did we know that a few years later this would be my sons summer job teaching it) and I think the boys did tennis as well. It will be lovely there at Xmas time. Have a wonderful time.
  10. Need a passport though to cross the border!! Relaxing, pleasing ourselves, eating out, sea glass hunting (I am obsessed) and maybe a little Christmas shopping.
  11. Louby Lou, I’m not a social, group person at all! So it suited me perfectly. The design of the lodges make you feel like no one else is near, even though they are. We then just stayed in our family group and did the pool everyday, walking and cycling etc. The only time we did a group activity was when we treated ourselves to an archery session. I think we ate out once and then the rest of the time I cooked. (We we’re on a budget then)
  12. Louby, hope you have a lovely time at centre parks. Which one are you going to? We had a great holiday at the longleat one when our boys were teenagers.
  13. Sounds like you have been busy Sunnyday. A local lady runs wreath making workshops in our village each year. I’m always tempted to book but think I would be laughed out of the room! I’m the sort of person who can’t even make a simple bunch of flowers look good in a vase! It’s become a family joke actually. just the usual week here, nothing exciting. My on,y excitement is when I manage to walk the dog and not get rained on! Which is few and far between at the moment. Have booked a short break away for the week after next. Only to Devon so really not far. But my husband and I just need to get away and have a relaxed break for a few days. The last six months have been quite challenging and full of changes which I haven’t really fully processed yet. It will be great to have some days when we can just please ourselves and not have to think about anyone else. Just hope the weather is kind so we can do some walking and visit lots of nice places for meals! No plans for the weekend, tomorrows weather looks horrendous! No doubt my lot will be watching the football. Have a lovely weekend all.
  14. Congratulations to you and your team, what a fantastic outcome and well deserved I’m sure. Xx
  15. Oh wow, the rainbow buns look fantastic!
  16. Louby I never ever thought I could walk away and not miss it. The last 19 years I lived and breathed everything pre-school 24/7. But once the decision was actually made it has been the easiest thing ever. I don’t miss it at all and the relief is immense. I have had to go to school a couple of times to help with admin stuff but couldn’t wait to get out of there. I really don’t regret my de sci on for one minute.
  17. Happy Friday all. Nothing exciting this week just the lovely slow unstressed pace of my new life! Could have done with better weather, it’s been atrocious here this week and getting used to the dark evenings is so very difficult. Bit annoyed as my son has been on the Isle of Wight for the last three weeks on a course learning how to be a deck hand on the mega yachts. Booked on the train to come home on Monday, they then announce a strike for next week so we book a coach home, now they have cancelled the blooming train strike! It’s so infuriating and he is now £75 down 😡
  18. No one ever ventures this far out of our village, so we are never bothered!
  19. Happy birthday 🥳
  20. Ha ha, reading this whilst drinking tea! Now cleaning my IPad screen! 🤣🤣
  21. And me!
  22. Take care Froglet, you never seem to stop!
  23. All went well, a few tears were shed but it was such a beautiful day so we just sat up there and talked, it was so calm and peaceful. And a stunning view a good place to be laid to rest. We have also put a little simple plaque on the wall.
  24. All good down here. Busy scrubbing and still loving the lack of school stress! Having been paying attention to Liz Truss really, I can’t stand the women. So haven’t heard about the ratios or funding changes. But paying funding to parents seems like a recipe for disaster in my opinion! But I don’t actually care any more! Off to scatter Dads ashes today. We have been putting it off and making lots of excuses but today is the day. It’s a beautiful and calm sunny day, perfect for scattering off the cliff top that he chose. Hope everyone has a restful weekend.
  25. Wow, this is fabulous. You are very clever.
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