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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Ahh no, I can’t find my purchased books anywhere.....
  2. Just received my email from them and registered so going to try now!
  3. Log into your account, then go to shop and scroll down to downloads. Click on downloads and it should take you through to a list of your purchases that have updates. Give me a shout if this doesn’t work xx
  4. Well we are still on daily visits to Dad in the hospital, this is 24 miles each way and between the endless stream of tourists and tractors it seems to be taking forever! We get home at about 2ish and by then I just do not have the motivation to do much other than cook tea and minimal household chores. During the last eight weeks we have not been able to think further than the next day as we literally do not know from one day to the next how Dad will be and it’s so changeable. So trying to even motivate myself to think about September is so hard. I have over the last couple of afternoons made myself update forms, registers etc and placed a couple of orders but I am finding it so difficult. It worries me how quickly the time is going without me really noticing!
  5. zigzag

    September opening

    Just wondered how good they are and if it’s worth investing in one if it means I could bring back some soft furnishings!
  6. zigzag

    September opening

    Anyone using a steam cleaner to clean rugs etc?
  7. zigzag

    September opening

    I really don’t know. I am struggling to think about September due to family circumstances but know that I have to try and give it some thought. Unusually we are starting September with high (for us) numbers bit with a staff member down (until we employ someone). We currently do two days and one morning to make our 15 hours but am toying with (for the first half term at least) just going back to opening every morning.
  8. zigzag

    September opening

    Is anyone changing their opening hours in September due to the virus?
  9. zigzag

    September opening

    I have seen so many FB posts/pictures from people who are setting up their classrooms/environments for September. The rooms are full of resources and soft furnishings (in a pre-Covid way) and looking stunning! I feel like it’s just me that is not doing anything or thinking ahead to September. (Well I am thinking, but not doing) I refuse to waste time setting up until the last week when we may have different guidance completely. The rate we are going down here we will be back in lockdown! What/how are you approaching set up?
  10. Where are you thinking of getting the scrub tops from?
  11. I am not making any decisions about it yet, so much could and may change by then. I will consider it all very carefully in the last week of August!
  12. Yes, I vote yes!
  13. Thankfully we still have a weekly rubbish collection. The recycling is every fortnight and so is the garden waste scheme. The garden waste scheme, you buy a bin for a one off payment and then a yearly fee which for the largest bin is £43.
  14. Whilst I think in theory it’s a good idea, there is no way I can keep my small group of six school leavers with us as I have no space for them and if I had to keep them I would have to turn away others who have been expecting to start in September. Let’s hope the government do not decide to adopt this at this late stage!
  15. What are everyone’s thoughts on the Education experts thoughts about delaying the school year? This was from Nursery world. The proposals for children return to settings and school in the autumn term 2020 are: In September children will return to the year/age groups and adults they left in March to re-settle, build on their current starting points and re-establish where they are in their learning and development as well as in their relationships and routines. This will be a time to consolidate prior learning, including the learning gained during lockdown, and to build on any positive practice developed through new ways of working with families. Children who were due to start Reception in September will remain in their nursery setting, pre-school, nursery school, or nursery class. They will start their transition visits to Reception classes including a settling-in period in partnership with their parents, with plenty of time to build relationships with their new teachers and develop their self-confidence. Children due to start in Year 1 in September will instead return to their Reception classes. With a curriculum focused on crucial aspects of recovery, such as rebuilding relationships and reducing anxiety, and an emphasis on promoting/stimulating their physical, emotional and language development, they would fulfil EYFS expectations and ultimately be ready for the Y1 curriculum. Children due to start in Year 2 in September will remain in Year 1. This will help teachers and children secure the foundations of the Y1 curriculum. Any attempt to ‘catch up’ what is seen as ‘missing’ in order to achieve end of KS1 targets would simply result in (a) leaving out chunks of the curriculum or (b) rushing children through the curriculum. Both would result in vital connections not being made between new and prior learning and, consequently, knowledge and understanding being weakened, standards falling and a pervading sense of failure impacting negatively on children’s wellbeing. Spring Term 2021: All children will transition to their next year groups and new children will start in Reception. In effect this will be the start of a shortened school year.
  16. enuffsenuf one of the things that I have found invaluable on this forum is that we are all unique in the settings that we come from, how we work and our personal views. This can lead to interesting and thought provoking discussions and of course at times we may all well disagree with each other which is only natural. I love that we can say what we think and people will react but then we can move on and enjoy the next topic and discussion. Please don’t feel that you now can’t comment or participate, that is the last thing that any of us want.
  17. We returned with three children and my chairperson was very sure that lots of parents would send their children back once we had been open a couple of weeks. I felt confident after speaking to all my parents individually that they were more than happy with their decisions to keep the children at home until September (I completely agree with them as well) Despite the chairperson telling the other families how much her children have enjoyed being back and me extending the offer to the five other school leavers to join us I only have one more who is returning next week. I for one am really impressed with peoples decisions to keep their children at home and think they are jolly sensible. It has been a good eye opener for how we will have to operate in September and enabled us realise it’s going to be jolly hard with everyone back and six new children! In these strange times I have found some weeks really easy to get through but other weeks I struggle with feeling anxious and worrying about what will happen next and when will things return to anything that resembles normal. This does lead to a feeling of helplessness and feeling low. Especially at the moment when I see a distinct lack of social distancing and people behaving like fools just because they want to go shopping or to the beach. This really annoys me as we are unable to visit my Dad in hospital at a time when he desperately needs us. All the time people behave like that we are just going to prolong this god awful virusThe expected influx of tourists to Cornwall (and yes we desperately need them) fills me with dread. We have such limited resources down here and struggle to cope in a normal summer. Sunnyday you lovely lady, sending you positive vibes, keep your chin up and hopefully the lovely summer sunshine will soon return and you can get back out in your garden. Xxx
  18. We have lots of children due to start in September. I have set up accounts on Tapestry for these children and have added loads of photos of the setting (pre Covid), a video of the toilet area and photos of the staff for them to look at. Depending on the situation in September but my guess is we will still not be allowing parents and visitors into the setting so there will be no option of settling in with parent sessions. I will be doing it the old fashioned way, taking the child from the parent and settling them. Can’t see any other option and it’s what the school leavers will have to do when they move up to school as there are no transition sessions allowed this year. I will be staggering all the new children starting though so we are not overwhelmed!
  19. I have watched the news over the last few weeks in absolute shock with the way people are behaving. The protests, the beaching, the shopping queues and football celebrations. It is beyond me, just what these people are thinking. As I have said before we are expecting a huge influx down here in Cornwall starting next week! I know Cornwall needs the tourism desperately but we only have one main hospital in the whole county which is on black alert in a normal summer season! I will be hibernating in my garden until September if anyone wants me.....
  20. I was so worried what benefit the three children returning would get from it but they have really surprised me. They are not phased by a pretty bare room and a strict quota of resources at all and seem so happy to be back, running in without a backward glance and not even questioning why they don’t have access to all their favourite toys!
  21. Ahh Cait that is great news, been thinking about you.
  22. We have these half waist aprons for that and they are really handy.
  23. Dog balaclavas are needed! My spaniels ears get full of sticky balls! (Sorry don’t know the Latin name for them)
  24. Sunnyday this reminds me of last year, when a group of visitors were walking through the meadow where the calves were and they were squealing and complaining about the cow pats! I was in fits listening to them!
  25. No need to apologise🤣 I love hearing people’s opinions, I used to have to wear them 20+ years ago when I worked at the day nursery and hated them! Now I feel they may cover and conceal lockdown weight gain!!
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