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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. The ignorance of some people just makes you want to scream doesn’t it! The end of term cannot come quick enough for me. The children are all tired, snotty and wound up and this is really affecting their ability to play, share, Concentrate and listen and with staff all on the last dregs of energy it’s not the best end to term. I am also chasing up parents who are starting in January (who already seem to need everything spoon fed to them) it’s all exhausting. To top it all our LA have changed our funding portal and got lots of emails yesterday on accessing the new system, I really question their timing on this, what are they thinking!
  2. Great decision, I wish you luck for the coming week. Xx
  3. Oh no!
  4. Sunnyday you do what you need to do to keep everyone safe. As Louby quite rightly says, all these rules and guidelines are made by people sitting in a clean, sanitised office where they wear masks and keep socially distanced. I challenge them to come and work normally with any of us. We all know this means cuddles, snot, coughing the occasional lick! See how they feel then. I hope you are ok, let us know what you do and how things develop. I put a warning out to parents this week, saying that we have reports of three children with tummy aches and not quite right and another with a rash. Quite common symptoms in Covid in children. Just asked parents to keep children at home if they have these symptoms just as a precaution (even though most likely it’s just a bug) Well I have to say, it’s like I asked them to keep them off for months! I do feel that people down here have become very complacent (lower cases and tier 1) but it really makes me cross and frustrated. It’s almost like they don’t care. Maybe I should suggest they all watch the programme from channel 4 last night ‘surviving Covid’ did you see it? It was truly sobering.
  5. Ahh, sorry to hear this Sunnyday.
  6. Totally makes sense now you explain it! We have a four year old boy who has just started to do some really intricate drawings and they make me smile everyday.
  7. I want to come up with a witty answer but I have none, it must be time to pour the gin xx
  8. Friday again! How did that happen so quickly? Well the tree is up at school now and Christmas crafting starts next week. We had a good week, one new two year old started and we haven’t had too much wet weather either so able to have extended times outside and boy did they need to be outside on Monday! Not sure what had gone on at the weekend but they were wild! One more new starter next week and then loads more in January! Have a lovely Friday xx
  9. Sorry Sunnyday, I have a lot of family in Kent and they are probably feeling just like you. Personally whatever tier we are currently in or potentially go into it won’t change my behaviour. I go to work, click and collect my shop and walk the dog! I know we have low levels in Cornwall but with vulnerable parents and me being their support bubble I am taking no risks. I have to say the relaxing of rules over Christmas leaves me quite bewildered as to what the government are doing. I think we will feel the repercussions from it for quite a while.
  10. Why was the turkey in the pop group? Because he was the only one with the drumsticks! What did Adam say the day before Christmas? “It’s Christmas Eve” What does Santa do with fat elves? He sends them to an Elf farm!
  11. 🤭Just read the posts back and it’s obvious you are not unwell! It’s just me being stupid! Anyway glad you are well, stay that way! Xx
  12. I’ve just booked ours for February, doing face to face, couldn’t face the thought of a zoom one! Sunnyday £120 is extortionate, ours is £80! Hope you are feeling better today Mouseketeer. Xx
  13. I thought she was a great young Diana, definitely had all the mannerisms.
  14. Sounds like a very hard decision that you have made. I hope you enjoy your retirement. Pre School Alliance - Retention Periods for Records Aug 13.pdf
  15. We finish on the 18th as well 😢
  16. I cannot believe you used the C word! 😩 I think Eric the elf will be leaving the children’s presents this year. After not allowing visitors into the setting for the last six months I don’t really think it’s appropriate to bring in Father Christmas. Also don’t think he would come in anyway to be honest! I think we will be having a party on the Wednesday morning when all children are in and then the Friday will be a normal session.
  17. Thank you all for your replies. Can anyone recommend a good company to use?
  18. But I am not trying to use her committee DBS just the enhanced one from the primary school. What the hell is the point in the update service if we can’t use and enhanced workforce disclosure? It makes my blood boil!
  19. A good week here, like you am feeling quite tired but am really enjoying work again, something seems to have clicked and it’s all good! Happy weekend all, hope you are all safe and well.
  20. So sent an email to Ofsted explaining very clearly what I wanted to know. Have had this reply sent back by email. Thank you for your e-mail. Ofsted does not carry out checks on staff working at non-domestic childcare settings. It is the responsibility of the registered provider to check their staff. The full requirements are given from page 18 of the Early Years Statutory Framework. As part of their checks, staff must obtain an enhanced criminal records disclosure and staff who have not completed their security checks cannot be left unsupervised with children. So not helpful at all. The enhanced disclosure that this lady has got clearly states School governor- childcare workforce. So it’s not a volunteer one. Why can’t Ofsted just give me a definitive answer 😡
  21. Really? Do you know where I can get absolute clarity on this? Honestly what on earth is the point of the update service if we still have to get a new one!
  22. So a member of my committee is now starting work for us as an assistant, I know her committee DBS will not cover her but she has an enhanced DBS as a school governor and is signed to the update service. Is this sufficient to use as a staff members DBS?
  23. Glad the result was negative xx
  24. Our outdoor area is a large tarmac area. Our current everyday provision outside includes, large sit in sand pit area, sand kitchen, slide, climbing A frame and ladders, hollow blocks, balance bikes and ride on toys. Our playground is completely open to the Cornish elements and has no shelter. I feel as we are spending more and more time outside that we need more activities/resources available. I am applying for a grant and am interested in finding out what you have and what works well in your provision. Please bombard me with ideas.
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