Sunnyday you do what you need to do to keep everyone safe. As Louby quite rightly says, all these rules and guidelines are made by people sitting in a clean, sanitised office where they wear masks and keep socially distanced. I challenge them to come and work normally with any of us. We all know this means cuddles, snot, coughing the occasional lick! See how they feel then. I hope you are ok, let us know what you do and how things develop.
I put a warning out to parents this week, saying that we have reports of three children with tummy aches and not quite right and another with a rash. Quite common symptoms in Covid in children. Just asked parents to keep children at home if they have these symptoms just as a precaution (even though most likely it’s just a bug) Well I have to say, it’s like I asked them to keep them off for months! I do feel that people down here have become very complacent (lower cases and tier 1) but it really makes me cross and frustrated. It’s almost like they don’t care. Maybe I should suggest they all watch the programme from channel 4 last night ‘surviving Covid’ did you see it? It was truly sobering.