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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. So at the beginning of last week the rest of the parents said they would wait until schools returned before coming back. I then had two parents contact me and ask if they could return after half term. This then took us up to six children. So I decided we would increase to three mornings. Chairperson then put this out as a message and wow! They all changed their minds pretty quickly. This takes us up to eleven children now before the new starters. I do worry that as our cases are so low now that a lot of people have become very complacent and I will be sending out strict reminders this weekend!
  2. Back to school next week with all except one child returning! Have delayed the four new starters until after Easter.
  3. Another good series on Amazon prime is New Amsterdam. It’s a hospital drama and makes you realise just how lucky we are to have the NHS in this country.
  4. My Mum had the Pfizer jab and was absolutely fine, no side effects. My son (aged 20) had the Oxford jab and was really unwell for a week. I put this down to him having had glandular fever in the past and his rubbish immune system but on his return to work a big proportion of the care home staff and residents had side effects. We were then so worried about Dad having this jab in his frail state, but he had no side effects whatsoever. I think it’s awful that the police force have no had their jabs working on the front line like they do, I was shocked to hear this the other day. I am hoping that the Coastguards receive theirs sooner rather than later, as my son has to be in close contact with anyone that they rescue.
  5. My Dad is 89 and housebound and the nurses from the surgery came to the house to give him his vaccine.
  6. I find it very hard with low numbers! It seems to be harder to create a spark for some reason. We have taken my dog for a walk to the local farm to see the animals, visited the park and had lots of messy fun outside but I am longing for the days when we get back to normal. On a really happy note, one of our villages donated £70 to us from the sale of a play station. And in response to my public thank you to him on FB, the local garage owner contacted me to see if he could make a donation and last night donated £100 to us. Just blown away by the kindness. 😍
  7. We are only open one morning, started with two children and have now increased to four. We have just put out a message to find out what people want after half term and the majority want to keep their children away until the schools go back. With only four children I don’t feel inclined to offer normal hours so this is a compromise. We are being funded for all our children still and this is continuing after half term. I have also made the decision to not start the new two year olds until after Easter when hopefully we will be back to normal numbers, hours and operating. My priority is getting all existing children back and settled again before newbies come in.
  8. How’s everyone doing? I am finding only working one morning a week incredibly hard! I feel quite lost and aimless at the moment without any kind of focus. Thank goodness for the dog, who needs long muddy walks each day. If only the weather would dry up and then I could get on with preparing the allotment but at the moment you can’t even walk on the soil let alone dig it. Anyone else lost their mojo? Don’t get me wrong I am incredibly grateful to be safe and well and living where I live and I really do thank my lucky stars each day for this.
  9. Yes this can be a sign of Covid along with an upset stomach. Apparently this can be quite common.
  10. I love This is us, think it’s a great series. Currently watching the Kominsky method which is funny. You need to be a certain age to appreciate the humour I think.
  11. Have just watched this and enjoyed it very much.
  12. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and try and shut off from work worries. Xx
  13. Sending you lots of love Sunnyday. The more I think about your situation the more furious I become that you have been treated like this. I would be very interested to see how your parents react and see if they take any action. As for the briefing, early years was of course not mentioned! I hope that now you have come to some kind of decision that you can breathe and relax again. Xxxx
  14. Oh goodness. All my best wishes to you all. Xx
  15. I would be withdrawing the child’s place. I know it’s not the child’s fault and at the end of the day they will be the one missing out but you have to protect your staff and children in the setting.
  16. Oh goodness sunnyday what an awful dilemma and how truly disgusting that you are being told this by your LA. How can they legally refuse to fund you from April when actually none of us know what the situation may be by then and we are all hopeful that we may be able to get back to some kind of normal opening. Would it be any good contacting the EYA about this? I think if I was in your position and in current circumstances I would be tempted to throw in the towel, but that is just my personal opinion. I was very against opening and luckily managed to deter a lot of my parents as they did not like the thought of outdoor only sessions. So currently we have just got two children attending one day a week but at least doing this means we will get our funding for all children for this half term. We have told parents that our opening hours and days will be under review on a two weekly basis as numbers increase or decrease. I feel increasingly sad each day as the early years workforce is being completely overlooked and ignored and do wonder if, when this is all over what morale will be like.
  17. One of my great nieces took her first steps today as well! I don’t know where the time has gone.
  18. What a shame they couldn’t have decided this at the beginning and saved a lot of worry and anxiety for everyone.
  19. That’s brilliant news.
  20. I saw him on Andrew Marr this morning, still insisting schools are safe and saying that schools and nurseries are open so that NHS staff can work. Has he even seen the key worker list?
  21. Are we in early years settings required by the government to provide any learning activities online for our families? During the last lockdown we posted activity ideas etc onto Tapestry for our families but this was because we wanted to. I have seen a lot of settings saying they are doing proper online interaction and learning activities and am getting a bit worried that this is now an expectation.
  22. That’s what I fear may happen with our lot. As soon as they know some are back at pre-school they will think it’s ok and appropriate to send them. We are reopening next week but to be fair a couple who said they were coming back have backed out already so we are opening for 3 children on Monday and Wednesday morning and for the time being have closed on the Friday as we only had 2. (None are key workers or vulnerable)
  23. Oh no. What a worry, hope you are ok.
  24. Hope you relax and enjoy your day Froglet. X
  25. Spoken like a native there Panders my ansome!
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