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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. I personally would say no. Are you able to think about doing it another way, maybe by Zoom?
  2. I bought two of these packs the other day, along with colour your own canvas bags for each child as a present.
  3. Ah sorry Sunnyday. It’s so hard isn’t it at the moment. I have no words of wisdom or comfort to be able to give you but just wanted to at least respond. Sending you a sanitised virtual hug. 😘
  4. More than happy to share, it’s an old family recipe that my Mum and Nana used. Made one last year for an auction in the village and the lady who won it contacted me this year and pleaded with me to make another for her. She makes decoupaged items so we have a barter system going!
  5. Saw it in action and thought my children would love that. I love the flexibility of it and it will make a great addition to our construction and small world areas.
  6. Fell in love with a toy I saw on Instagram this morning. Thought can’t really justify that at the moment. So decided to make up 100 lucky squares and offer two prizes of boozy homemade Xmas puddings. (I make an amazing pudding!) Put this out on the pre-school messenger page and the village FB page. Have already sold 86 squares AND someone has donated an additional £50! Love our village.
  7. Saw this somewhere and thought it was apt for us all. Xx
  8. Oh no Panders, that’s a horrible thing to have happened at any time let alone with everything else going on at the moment. I hope you soon get everything sorted. I know what you mean about the foreboding feeling, it’s horrible isn’t it. When you take a minute to sit and think about this year and what has happened and what is still to come it’s still very surreal. I for one am very grateful for half term next week, I know I will probably still be doing some work for school but am glad of the break. The last few weeks have been hard, my deputy suffers from bouts of anxiety/depression and although thankfully this time she has been able to continue to work she hasn’t completed any obs or learning journeys so I have been desperately trying to do this for all fourteen children. I actually feel physically and mentally exhausted like I am wading through treacle and not getting anywhere. I think everything this year is just catching up with me! I hope everyone who is on half term next week, has a good rest and recharge. For those that don’t get half term, you are all troopers! Sunnyday I hope Mr S is continuing to improve. Xx
  9. Not a bad week here, children all fantastic, they really are a brilliant group. Almost wishing we didn’t have to add to the group with new children! A member of my staff (there is only 3 of us) suffers from bouts of depression intermittently and is currently going through it, feel very sad when I see her like that and trying so very hard to be supportive. It does make it very difficult at work though as it’s like only having half a staff member and it also leaves me to complete all LJ and obs. I am hoping that the it leaves her soon and normal service can resume. Big I am looking forward to a weeks break from it. My Dad sat in a chair for the first time in over twenty weeks this week! He was able to tolerate the hoist and change in position better than anyone dared hope and it’s so amazing to sit and chat with him in a chair rather than a hospital bed. He has had some quite dark days this last few weeks so being able to feel a bit more ‘normal’ is a real godsend. Just off to ‘Dad sit” now as Mum is escaping for a much needed reflexology session. Hoping to be able to have a family meal with them on Tuesday to celebrate Mums 85th birthday! Just hope no new rules come in before then. Have a lovely weekend, don’t work to hard and be kind to yourselves. Stay safe all.
  10. I love these, you are so clever!
  11. So you were trying to recreate the thick oozy mud from the bear hunt to go with froglets snowstorm!
  12. 🥳🥳Great end to the week with an outdoor morning. Tweaked a couple of bits of outdoor provision and it totally reenergised the play. We have finally after much repetition and hard work won our battle with improving manners! Today they were off the chart, not just to adults but to each other. This makes me so happy and I just hope parents continue the high expectations at home! Currently feeling a bit more positive about work, let’s hope it lasts! Have a great weekend whatever you are doing. Sunnyday, hope Mr S is continuing to recover and recuperate xxx
  13. Is it Friday yet?😷🤧😴
  14. Fabulous news, so happy for you both. Xxx
  15. Hoping everything rights itself and he is home with you soon. Xx
  16. Sunnyday, thinking of you and Mr S and hoping all is well and on track. Xx
  17. Hope recovery and progress goes well. Xx
  18. It’s constant ups and downs with Dad, but he is still with us and still at home xxx
  19. 90% of our children and one staff member have got colds a week within coming back together again. I do worry that we are all going to have zero immunity from normal bugs this year due the excessive cleaning hand washing and sanitising. I too spent the whole afternoon binge watching Ant Middleton’s Mutiny series yesterday cuddled up on the couch. It was lovely but feel so guilty. I was messaged by one of my parents with a bizarre message saying that she is scared about the second wave of COVID and what could I do to help her! 🤨. Ummm wait a moment and I will wave my magic wand! I was truly flummoxed what to reply as I really don’t understand what she thinks I can do. I am also worried about it and trying desperately to keep my own parents safe. So I tried ignoring it but I couldn’t, so replied we at school are following all government guidelines and doing all we can to keep children, staff and parents safe and will follow any updates as they develop. Also reminded her that pre-school is no statutory so she doesn’t have to send her child if she is that concerned! Not sure what else I could say really...
  20. Last week lulled us into a false sense of security with such a positive start! This week has been strange, think the excitement and novelty of being back at school has worn off! Most of the children have gone down with colds and have varying degrees of green noses! They don’t seem to have much concentration and seem to have a low boredom threshold! Is this because they have had so much technology over the last six months that they have forgotten how to play? And where oh where have the manners gone?😱 Be interesting to see what next week brings...
  21. Well I am team Sue! I braved a trip to B and M the other day (not done more than click and collect since lockdown) and the place is full of Ch*****as stuff🤬 I was the grumpy middle aged women wandering the aisles shaking my head and moaning about it only being September! Way to early for my liking!
  22. Oh yes, an evil pea emoji would be great.
  23. Welcome to the forum, you will get so much help and advice from everyone on here, it’s great.
  24. I love the term ‘free range’ children! That is such a polite way of meaning something totally different! Have a love,y day everyone.
  25. Well it’s not the money, or the recognition! I must admit the older I get the more I ask myself this question on a regular basis!
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