Oh no Panders, that’s a horrible thing to have happened at any time let alone with everything else going on at the moment. I hope you soon get everything sorted. I know what you mean about the foreboding feeling, it’s horrible isn’t it. When you take a minute to sit and think about this year and what has happened and what is still to come it’s still very surreal.
I for one am very grateful for half term next week, I know I will probably still be doing some work for school but am glad of the break. The last few weeks have been hard, my deputy suffers from bouts of anxiety/depression and although thankfully this time she has been able to continue to work she hasn’t completed any obs or learning journeys so I have been desperately trying to do this for all fourteen children. I actually feel physically and mentally exhausted like I am wading through treacle and not getting anywhere. I think everything this year is just catching up with me!
I hope everyone who is on half term next week, has a good rest and recharge. For those that don’t get half term, you are all troopers!
Sunnyday I hope Mr S is continuing to improve. Xx