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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. I wish I was feeling upbeat! Before Covid, I felt as ready as I could be for Ofsted but I now just feel out of touch with it all! Have been so preoccupied with settling children and trying to stay sane that I am now in a bit of a panic! We haven’t been inspected since 2014 so it surely has to be one of the first inspections. So worried that I have not crossed an i and dotted a t somewhere and going to get caught out on something ridiculous. I think I am going to spend Tuesday going through everything and refreshing myself. I think the last year has lulled me into a false sense of security. But I do know that I have happy children, happy parents and we are doing the best we can! Any prompts of things I need to check, refresh myself with would be most welcomed. Have a lovely weekend xx
  2. Gosh I’m so glad that there are other people who think like this. It really is my baby and I need to remember that it was formed without me and will one day continue to run without me. I really am so possessive of it but also when I let myself, very proud of how far it has developed and come on since I took over 18 years ago.
  3. And when you put that balaclava on! Scary 😦
  4. Also got my first vaccine tomorrow, which is brilliant, just hope Sunday will not be wasted feeling rough! Have a lovely weekend all.
  5. Dad and I celebrated our birthday today! It’s a birthday we never thought we would share again, so was extra special. Had the most amazing cake made for us by the clever lady who works with me, the attention to detail was fabulous. It also tasted delicious! My two lovely sons also bought me a swing seat and covered it in solar fairy lights, which was such a surprise.
  6. Ohh not a lover of the new change I have to admit! But like some others I don’t do change easily!
  7. I’m back! I have missed you. My LA sadly didn’t renew and I was suddenly locked out😢 Thank you to Sue for getting me sorted and enabling me to use my username under my Tapestry account.
  8. Balance bikes are a must. Even the youngest children are amazing on them. It then makes riding a bike come naturally to them.
  9. I think my children and quite possibly the parents would lynch me if we didn’t offer cooking. They just love it at the moment. Oh my good get a skip, it’s seriously worth the money!
  10. We finished last Friday with the children after a lovely Easter egg hunt and the obligatory making of the cornflake Easter nests! We return on the 14th April with children (first aid the two days before) So far this week I have totally cleaned out the two sheds, the storage room or otherwise known as the dumping room and the staff cloakroom area. Myself and my staff then filled a massive skip to the brim and oh my goodness it felt good! Now catching up on paperwork! Four new children starting after Easter so going to be a busy summer term.
  11. We received ours today. I’m doing the same and offering to childminders. It’s just crazy 😜
  12. And it confuses me every blooming year!🤯
  13. This made me laugh, you are so right. No pleasing some people!🤣
  14. Yes wearing just in communal areas and I guess if when you are talking to parents and cannot socially distance. I have noticed a few times now when I have needed to talk to a parent or get them to sign the accident book etc that sometimes it’s not possible to keep to social distancing and think we may start wearing masks at handover time. I have also noticed a bit of an air of complacency amongst the parents and think perhaps people are starting to forget the need to still comply to distancing etc.
  15. It’s a flaming joke! Where where they at the height of the pandemic? 😡. Also I am so disgusted and enraged on behalf of our childminder colleagues that they do not have access to tests or masks!
  16. We received our test kits today. I do not understand the logic of not using them until the 22nd! What on earth is that all about? Im not sure we are going to use them. We have just got back and settled and one false positive will mean closing until a PCR test can be done. I have heard that there are a lot of false positives with these and just don’t know if it’s worth the disruption to the setting. I have yet to make a decision on it. What’s everyone else’s thoughts? Plus you can bet your life there is going to be extra paper work and recording to go with it.!
  17. Roll on some good weather. This constant rain is getting me down. Having soaking wet waterproofs hanging around, then having to put them back on anytime we are going out is so time consuming. Then the other morning some of the our waterproof coats just gave up and couldn’t cope with the deluge and despite us supplying every child with a full set of waterproofs we still had some arrive in fashion coats which ended up drenched through. I am determined to spend time outside whatever the weather each day and this is not a popular decision with some parents and am working hard to try and make them see the benefits so the waterproofs failing did not help the situation. I want summer now! Anyway have a happy Friday all, stay safe. X
  18. So I am very grateful that all our children without exception are happy to be back at school with their friends. Friendships have just picked up again with no problems. But listening skills have completely gone out of the window which has really shocked me! Dressing skills are practically non existent and trying to get waterproofs and welly boots on 14 children accompanied by the “I can’t do it” chant nearly drove me over the edge yesterday. Luckily we only have one child at the moment who has some behaviours that need keeping an eye on. I just hope the 4 new children starting after Easter settle easily. I am incredibly happy that I have chosen now to drop my two afternoon sessions and I was expecting to find it very hard walking out and leaving everyone still there but it was actually quite easy! Although the children were so confused as they are hardly ever without me there! I really do think this is the first steps to me giving up eventually!
  19. I have just managed to book for my husband. We are going to a centre about 18 miles away. Our doctors surgery is quite slow so it seems sensible to go further afield and get the jab quicker. Still keeping my fingers crossed they get to the over 45s soon!
  20. Oh my goodness he is gorgeous. Cleo cocker spaniel would like to come and play as well please!
  21. The difference in side effects is really interesting. My son was poorly all week after having his (but he has a shocking immune system after having glandular fever) Most of the staff from the home and the doctors staff had it at the same time and the majority of them had side effects. My Mum (85) had a sore arm and my Dad (89) had no effects whatsoever!
  22. I can’t wait for my jab, don’t care which one it is! Just need them to get to the 40-50 bracket now. My husband 60 this year so shouldn’t be much longer until he has his. Hopefully it won’t be long until my parents get their second jabs as well.
  23. Oh no. Hope everyone is ok, thinking of you all. Xx
  24. We are back three mornings and have 13 children. They are so happy to be back, no tears no reluctance at all and have just picked up friendships straight away. We now just need to get self care skills, manners and tidying up skills back on track! We are going back to full opening hours on the 8th March. Have a good day everyone, the sun is shining here in Cornwall and looks set to be a beautiful day.
  25. I feel more confident but am worried about people being complacent and what will happen when lockdown restrictions are lifted.
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