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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. I actually bought three copies of DM but refuse to buy anymore! I will scribble the changes on it myself. Honestly they have had a whole year to sort this out, to then let people purchase or print them and then make changes. Makes me so mad.😡 (But not surprised at all!) Tomorrow is going to be miserable weather so I am going to chain myself to the chair until I come up with a plan and understand just what we need to do or not do in September 🤯 What a shame we can’t all get together over cake and coffee to brain storm. Think we would have fun!
  2. Done some much overdue weeding in the veg garden and moved the tomatoes that I had outside into my brand new shiny greenhouse! Can’t seem to keep on top of the weeds this year! The veg garden has never looked so neglected! I now seem to be doing any jobs to avoid sitting down and trying to get my head around the new EYFS. The more snippets I read everywhere the more confused I am getting! (Sunnyday I envy you not having to worry about it anymore!)
  3. Just defrosted the freezer! Another item ticked off the TDL.
  4. Watch this space, nothing will get achieved tomorrow!
  5. Early dog walk to give the dog a swim at the beach this morning, oven cleaned, which was long overdue! Mowed the grass, did some weeding and dead heading and now just waiting for my bread to come out of the oven. Then off to cut my parents grass and get Dad out for a little fresh air in his wheelchair. Hopefully some more painting of my Perrybox items later. Have a great afternoon.
  6. The what three words app is brilliant and personally I think it should be installed on all phones as standard. The Coastguard use it all the time and where we live it’s invaluable.
  7. 7 hours seems to be the normal in Cornwall currently. My son is a Coastguard and they now have to advise non life threatening casualties to find a way to get to hospital themselves! Dire straits down here.
  8. I have to admit I am so confused! 🤯🤯
  9. Sorry to be dense! But I don’t get when people say they are creating a new curriculum, what do they mean by this. I like you have read so many different things and feel more confused than ever!
  10. I have done a few hours at school, stripped down backing paper (just waiting for the new stuff to be delivered as there is a delay😡) Rejigged the mark making and craft areas and am so happy with the result. Tidied all the cupboards except one which I just can’t face😬 Next week I need to work on reducing the amount of continuous provision we have available and do a deep clean. Haven’t even got my head around the new EYFS or thought about how to approach that yet. Have spent quite a bit of time painting a wooden advent calendar for my grand nieces and paining my items from Perrybox. Just waiting for the weather to sort itself out again, my poor garden has been decimated.
  11. Just think how much better you will feel once it’s done. It will be cathartic! JUST DO IT! I am hoping to blitz my place next week as that is what is really bugging me and then the new EYFS and planning can be done whenever before September. Like you I am thinking Ofsted may be turning up in September. (Last inspected in 2014) This happened once before in our first week back! So glad that you understand the unjumble the jumble in my head meaning🤯🤯🥴
  12. 🥴My staff actually know what a control freak I am and just leave me to it! Either that, or they can’t be bothered! Actually one staff member would help, but just find it so much easier on my own! I know that is a really bad reflection on me but I’ve been doing it that way for 18 years and it’s a hard habit to break.
  13. Breaking up today, happy to be breaking up but so sad to be saying goodbye to our school leavers. Happy that I will be able to get on and reorganise the classroom, focus on the new EYFS and Unjumble the jumble that is currently in my head!! Then walk away and try hard to forget it for a few weeks!
  14. Ahh Sunnyday that sounds wonderful and obviously truly well deserved. All my very best wishes to you for a happy retirement. My one stipulation is, that you don’t ignore your forum friends! Xx
  15. But you cannot help worrying though can you. Hope she continues to feel better quickly and everyone else remains safe.
  16. Oh goodness it really is a time of it at the moment isn’t it. Cait, wishing Zebedee well and Sunnyday I hope your Granddaughter is ok.
  17. Cannot take credit for this, it was an idea from someone on here or the Cornwall Early years FB page. Just thought it may be a good place to start. Like you, I was convinced that Ofsted would arrive this summer term as the last inspection was 2014! We only have one more week now! Think the summer holidays is going to be a busy one!
  18. I have contacted our schools reception teacher and asked her to add to my list of things that she expects (in an ideal world) the children moving up to her to be able to do. I thought I would use this as a target and then work backwards to build a “curriculum” to achieve this. BUT I haven’t spent much time exploring the document yet, just glanced through and looked at the changes on Tapestry. I just need to get school finished first before I can even think about this properly! Just hoping that we escape Ofsted before the end of term now!
  19. I usually agree, I am not a football fan I am a rugby fan and the footballers do my head in! Give me the tough better behaved rugby players any day of the week. But, this team under Gareth Southgate are different, he has made a huge impression on them as people and how they conduct themselves. And as Sunnyday said, their fees are going to the NHS which is great.
  20. 🤣🤣You would think so, but no!
  21. We have just watched this. Fascinating how different the football was played then.
  22. Good week for us with the children, it’s getting real now that our time with our lovely older ones is quickly coming to an end. They are such a group of fun characters with big personalities. We are going to really miss them. Haven’t had the easiest ride from some of our parents this week! We wanted to tweak our opening hours in September and have been met with a resounding stamping of feet and complaints. Quite demoralising when you are wanting to make changes to benefit the children! Anyway, need to let it go and move onwards and upwards. Anyway this week we are running a special forest school session for our school leavers which will be a lot of fun. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the football. Wouldn’t it just be such an amazing feel good moment if we actually won!
  23. Haven’t quite bit that far yet, got major problems going on with parents kicking off about opening hours! I may well not be in position by September!
  24. We will be using DM. I have looked at both but feel this will be more familiar for staff. After a year of having lost our way with regards to planning and next steps we will also be moving back to having a loose, long term overview and some weekly planning as well. The in the moment planning really hasn’t been successful for us, staff just don’t get it and seem unable to document it properly. So we will have some planning and a big push on continuous provision and enhancements to meet next steps etc.
  25. Well my husband had a negative PCR yesterday and isolation is finishing tomorrow, so back to work for him next week! I have my second jab tomorrow so will be delighted to get that. A good week for us, we have one family isolating and all the children have stinking colds (hopefully nothing more sinister!) can’t believe it’s only three weeks left! Really better get myself end of term organised!
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