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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. What are people doing about the bank holidays that fall in half term? Am I right in saying that two bank holidays will fall in the half term (Thursday 2 and Friday 3) So are people taking two additional days off at another time. I can’t help think I am being thick on this, but I’ve been looking at it and going around in circles!
  2. They make it so complicated, it makes my brain (alright it’s a tiny brain) ache every year!
  3. We have one more week, hoping we might actually get a full house again next week. Can’t remember the last time this happened, what with Covid and then a D&V bug doing the rounds. Good job we have a two week circuit breaker very soon! Beautiful sunshine here, just a couple of flakes of snow/sleet this morning but it had finished before it had started. Buts it’s so chilly 🥶 Hope everyone is well and has a lovely weekend.
  4. First negative test today. I cannot wait for human contact! I just need a hug from my husband and to get to see Mum and Dad. Amazingly my husband and son who live in the same house have not caught it.
  5. You do make me laugh!
  6. Yesterday was the first day that I felt half human and managed to do a clean of the house and a potter in the greenhouse. So starting to recover I hope! The second night with it I had a temperature of 104 which was incredibly unpleasant! I didn’t realise just how hot I was but luckily my husband checked on me and next thing I knew was covering me in damp tea towels! Still testing positive yesterday so will see what today says. So that’s three out of four staff who have had it. Luckily as two of us got it, one was just returning so we have managed to stay open to most children. The school also sent staff home yesterday as well. It’s rife in the village, but the way people are behaving it doesn't surprise me. I have only been outside in our back garden and won’t be venturing out until I have two negative tests, but people who have it are dropping their children to school and carrying on as normal. Anyway, don’t start me ranting about inconsiderate people as it really makes me so cross! Thank you for asking how I am. Xx
  7. So tested positive this morning! Big week, Ofsted and Covid!
  8. Our council tax has only increased by £7 a month which I think is quite amazing! Electric bill has gone up by £450 and we got heating oil last week which was very expensive. My committee is discussing wage increases (or not) tonight, hope they take all this into consideration!
  9. Totally agree with Louby Lou. Our two year checks are usually done nearer the child turning three. We had Ofsted yesterday and she asked to see a selection of two year checks so you need to have them. Just explain that they are delayed and why if any questions are asked. Don’t give yourself a hard time, it’s been a hard couple of years.
  10. Actually haven’t managed to eat anything today yet! So wine will wait until after dinner, but safe to say it’s going to be huge🤪
  11. I know one other setting in Cornwall who were also eight years, but it must be some kind of record!
  12. Ahh bless you. It went brilliantly, it was a very positive experience and worth the weekend of anxiety! I am delighted with the result. Will share with you when I can. Now just breathing deeply again and unwinding! Eight years was a long time!
  13. Yes definitely. Oh no, that’s awful, so sorry to hear this. All the best to you and your team in the coming weeks dealing with this.
  14. I would just like to say, having a whole weekend to be anxious and nervous before inspection is VERY unpleasant! There is a lot to be said for the no warning inspections. It would have saved the full blown panic attack at 4am this morning! Not helped by a message later to say a staff member has tested positive! 😱😱
  15. Friday again and a good week back for us. Three families with Covid but all agreed to my request of staying away, thank goodness. Have had an email from Ofsted to say they were trying to make contact (last week when we were closed) to arrange inspection. FINALLY! Last inspected in 2014 so you can imagine what the last few years have been like, living on tenterhooks. Hoping they will phone today and we can just get on and get it over with. I’ve got a stinking cold and am meant to be going to watch Sarah Millican on Sunday, so hope to feel better by then. Happy Friday all.
  16. Manager £11.75 Deputy £9.71 level 2 Assistant £8.91 level 4 Assistant £9.20 I am aware that as manager I am on a good rate of pay but I have been there for 19 years and do EVERYTHING.
  17. Yes! It wasn’t so bad with Dad, only had to call 111 once. Just hard not being in your own home and having to work to a care routine that is like Groundhog Day. I knew it was hard, but until you live in someone else’s shoes you just never know the true extent of it.
  18. Well we had a two week half term and this week I have been living with Dad and being his full time career whilst my Mum got a well needed break to see the family in Kent. She is home tomorrow so I will be “free” and there will be no TDL on Sunday! Sunnyday very glad to hear that your stitch and bitch Sorry I mean knit and natter went well. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  19. It’s starting to clam down here now. Thankfully we have got away with no damage! I did fear for my greenhouse at one point this morning! Thankfully we are on the south coast of Cornwall and not the North! Also grateful that my son has been spared (so far) any Coastguard call outs. Fingers crossed we get to Kent tomorrow!
  20. Well we were actually due to drive to Kent today! Have made the decision to postpone until tomorrow. It’s really starting to build here now and now that the southeast also have a red warning in place it just wasn’t worth the risk. Stay safe everyone.
  21. Oh gosh Sunnyday. I hope she is ok. Xx
  22. Oh Sunnyday will be keeping everything crossed that you and Mr S remain negative. As for your comment about being too careful I really think you have been responsible and I wish more people still were being. It very much feels that everyone is acting like it’s all gone away. We have had so many poorly children in pre-school this week. Coughing and spluttering everywhere, I now have a stinking cold and a staff member off poorly.
  23. I agree with Louby loo. Instead of getting frustrated or angry I now just laugh at it all! If I didn’t I think I may sit and cry and rock in a corner somewhere!
  24. Ahh Louby Loo, I feel your pain and everything you just said is exactly how we feel. Today we had a child who coughed non stop from the start of session until the end. Unfortunately she is having a bit of a wobble at the moment and is very clingy to me so I have literally been coughed at face to face most of the morning, despite me telling her to cough into her hand or arm. Mid way through the morning I had to take a couple of minutes away as I was getting quite stressed by it. Like you said it’s not me I am worried about it’s my elderly parents. A couple of things are really getting on top of me at the moment and I came home feeling awful. But I took the dog for a nice walk and decided to let it go for the weekend and deal with it on Monday. It’s just so damn hard to switch off when it is little people that we care about so much. It’s really exhausting.
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