Yesterday was the first day that I felt half human and managed to do a clean of the house and a potter in the greenhouse. So starting to recover I hope! The second night with it I had a temperature of 104 which was incredibly unpleasant! I didn’t realise just how hot I was but luckily my husband checked on me and next thing I knew was covering me in damp tea towels! Still testing positive yesterday so will see what today says. So that’s three out of four staff who have had it. Luckily as two of us got it, one was just returning so we have managed to stay open to most children. The school also sent staff home yesterday as well. It’s rife in the village, but the way people are behaving it doesn't surprise me. I have only been outside in our back garden and won’t be venturing out until I have two negative tests, but people who have it are dropping their children to school and carrying on as normal.
Anyway, don’t start me ranting about inconsiderate people as it really makes me so cross! Thank you for asking how I am. Xx