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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. I feel your pain, no literally I do, I put my hand between the biter and another child yesterday!😬New boy, started yesterday cannot stand another child having something that he might want and takes matters into his own hands. Does not like to be told no and will throw things and push you saying ‘shoo”. I did know that he rules the roost at home but he ain’t gonna do it here! He is quite a little character though, so am hoping we can work our magic quickly on this behaviour! Haven’t had a biter for a while now!
  2. Sunnyday all the very best of luck to Mr S keep us updated. I hope you are ok and that your week has started well.
  3. We had a child who did this many years ago. It definitely was not projectile but still unpleasant. You could set your watch by him! In the end we got Gran to stay with him and decreased the time that she stayed and also she would move out of the room to the cloakroom etc. It was very distressing (and unpleasant) seeing the child so upset. Glad to say we worked our magic and it didn’t last for too long. Yours sounds a slightly more complicated situation but I can’t help thinking that you really don’t want bodily fluids such as vomit in the current pandemic!
  4. Ahh Sunnyday so sorry to read this, what a difficult start back for you. I did pack a way years ago and it’s so much harder, I have nothing but respect for settings that do this on a daily basis. Do you know how long you will have to work like this? Your poor staff member, hope she has a quick recovery. It has such a knock on effect when you are missing a staff member, especially at the moment for you with all the additional cleaning and packing away. i am sure your new children will settle, but it’s upsetting whilst this happens isn’t it. Don’t be so hard on yourself, show yourself some kindness , try and take a break this weekend so you are ready for whatever next weeks brings. Take care lovely lady xx
  5. zigzag

    September opening

    BUT on a really positive note, we have had a fabulously happy day. All returners so happy to come back and it was like they had never been away and new children settled quickly.
  6. zigzag

    September opening

    It’s going to be really tricky for the next few months! My problem is that we always have some parents who arrive saying” they are poorly and I told them they shouldn’t come, but they wanted to” This drives me insane and makes me want to take a zero tolerance of any illness attitude. But I know this would cause uproar and to be fair not only would we be missing the kids half the time but staff as well. Colds just seem to go round and round! Not looking forward to being faced with this Dilema.
  7. zigzag

    September opening

    Sweet dreams forum friends and all the very best of luck to everyone returning tomorrow. Hope your settings are filled with lots of laughter, mess and happy children. Xx
  8. Welcome to the funny dreams club!
  9. Well went in yesterday to finish off and the hoover blew up on me! Hope it’s not an omen😱
  10. zigzag

    September opening

    Oh my goodness, I could have written this post! I was moaning to my Mum about exactly this just this morning. I am quite patient but nearly lost the plot with a couple of the questions. It’s all in the blooming letter and then drip fed to you through messenger and then just in case it’s on Tapestry as well!🤪
  11. zigzag

    September opening

    Had my first back to work anxiety dream last night! It was very strange, I was running around looking for a measuring stick so I could chalk 2 metre circles in the playground and whilst doing this the children and parents filled the pre-school! There were no toys or activities out and children and parents wandering around inside crying! Goodness knows what my subconscious is thinking. I am not intending to chalk anything on the playground, the room is set up beautifully and parents will not be coming inside! I am not even back until Monday, wonder what tonight’s dream will bring!
  12. zigzag


    We have a big outdoor sandpit and the children, especially the younger ones love it and I have made the decision to have it again. Children will wash hands before and after and then we will spray with Milton and rake through. If we have sand indoors it will just be quarantined for 72 hours.
  13. I think it’s quite normal in the circumstances to be having these kind of dreams. Let’s hope once we have all been back for a week or two that we are feeling more confident and reassured that things are going ok. I also have those dreams where I am still working, wake up exhausted! My son is a chef and so busy at the moment and he spent the whole night sleep cooking the other night!
  14. Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry to hear all that your family have been through. I hope you make a full recovery. It’s interesting that you mention the stomach symptoms, talking to the nurses at the hospital where my Dad was and they said that is how their patients and staff presented with it. But you never seem to hear about these symptoms on the government information. I think we are in for a tricky few months at school with cold season and nori virus season upon us! I personally would prefer to take a strict stance on this right from the start and say they must not attend with any signs of illness but I know this would not be welcomed by parents. Good luck to you on returning.
  15. zigzag

    September opening

    I’m ready! Gosh it’s hard trying to strike a balance of welcoming and safe and manageable! Won’t know if I have it right until the children come in!
  16. zigzag

    September opening

    Yes I had that, answered it and because it was so simple, panicked that it wasn’t legit!🤭
  17. zigzag

    September opening

    Just seen this on FB thought I would share. FAQ Question Do I need to disinfect my play sand, and if so - how? Answer We asked the experts at Milton this question, and this is what they said: The only reasons for a sandpit to be disinfected is if cats have urinated or defecated in the sand, or if the sand is extremely dirty (for example, if it has a very high level of use) as basic bacteria will not survive in a sandpit as the tonicity would be too high for them and the cell membrane would rupture (i.e., water would be drawn out of the bacteria’s cells into the drier environment surrounding them). The recommended procedure for cleaning a sandpit is: mix a capful of Milton into 5 litres of water or add 1 Milton tablet to 5 litres of water, in a plastic watering can. Sprinkle the solution onto the sand. Turn over the sand after 15 minutes and repeat until the area has been covered. Ensure the sand is reasonably dry before children continue to play in it.
  18. You Friday gang make me smile. Thank you 😊
  19. I think we may be surprised by just how resilient these children are.
  20. BEST Friday ever tomorrow. After 11 weeks in hospital and a rollercoaster ride of end of life visits and experiencing every emotion on a daily basis, my strong willed, gorgeous Dad is finally coming home tomorrow. None of us know how long for or what is coming next, but are just going to treat each day as a bonus.
  21. Thank you for sharing.
  22. zigzag

    September opening

    Nothing surprises me anymore! When is the next guidance due?
  23. zigzag

    September opening

  24. zigzag

    September opening

    I have been interested in the comments on Facebook about children settling better without parents, I actually prefer it when parents don’t hang around as I feel we get to become closer to the children quicker. I remember the old days when this was the normal way to do it. We are going to be 14 children and 3 staff across the week, so we are just one bubble as there is no other way of doing it. As for guidance (or lack of) I am using common sense and what I feel is safe and manageable for us.
  25. Yes currently a member as our insurance is with them xx
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