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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Louby Lou, I never understood parents like this and found them really frustrating. Some people just need to have something to complain about to keep them going in life! Bet you are looking forward to half term. Sunnyday let’s hope it’s all plain sailing with your sisters recovery from now on. The rain has been a bit of a shock! Although this morning it was still so warm and muggy here that I was walking in just a T-shirt. Not loving darker mornings and evenings! Have a restful weekend all.
  2. Oh goodness Sunnyday, the poor lady that sounds like a horrific series of procedures and outcomes. Please keep us updated how she is doing. Xx
  3. All good down here, enjoying some beautiful weather and making the most of this last lovely weather before winter sets in! Have been enjoying a little break from a couple of my jobs as people are away and the holiday changeovers have slowed right down. Been grand dog sitting each day this week which is a lot of fun as she is such a love but exhausting! Hope you are ok Sunnyday, how is your sister getting on? Hope you sorted something for your tea. It’s so tiresome sometimes to think what to cook every night. I have a significant birthday next year, not looking forward to it! I used to love The house of Elliott, gosh that brings back memories. I used to dread getting this done and dread them ticking the wrong boxes, one did it once and ticked they were nominated person, it was a nightmare getting that sorted. I don’t miss it for a second! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, enjoy the weather unless you are in Scotland!
  4. The glacier.
  5. The ship, the staff the food were AMAZING absolutely faultless. Sadly we missed our first port because the weather was too rough to dock, second port was lovely but the rain did not stop for a second! (Bit like being in Cornwall) we walked up to a viewing platform which was 418 steps 🥵. We were like drowned rats and wet through but the view was good. The next port was stunning and I want live there, it’s just beautiful. We did do a trip along the lakes and on troll cars up to a glacier which despite the weather was awesome. The village (500 inhabitants ) give the most amazing and emotional send off to the ship each week but because it’s the last trip there u til next year it was extra special. Made me cry. Our last port was a really industrial town and quite a long walk to get to the nicer parts, sadly by this time my husbands chest infection had really taken hold and despite his best efforts to pretend otherwise was making him feel yucky so we decided to stay on the ship. We also slept through the northern lights! (Hangs head in shame) Captain was expecting them between 4-5am (so we got up) but they had actually appeared at 2am!! Honestly story of my life. would I crusie again? Yes, probably but wouldn’t be my first choice, I prefer to be more independent and under my own stream. But I would highly recommend the Norwegian fjords they are truly spectacular.
  6. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  7. Hello lovelies. Just catching up with all your news since coming back from holiday. It was very refreshing not having internet access for a whole week! It sounds like it’s been eventful for some and I hope things are getting better for all! Xx
  8. This is exactly what I did as well. Being on the other side of it now, I realise how unnecessary a lot of it was!
  9. Yes I use the spray, and it does help a bit when it’s mild anxiety. But when it’s really full on it doesn't work! I will definitely report back!
  10. Good luck to all those going back, hope it goes well. Well I’ve booked a cruise to Norway and the fjords, we leave in two weeks! Super excited but also overcome with anxiety and worry (which is standard for me) Will absolutely love it when I get there but I just overthink and worry about everything before hand. Always have done and alway will I guess. If anyone has any hints on dealing with anxiety that they would be happy to share I am willing to try anything! I’ve done the CBT and mindfulness courses and tried medication over the years but not had any huge improvements.
  11. So sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she has a speedy recovery. Xx
  12. Weather just hitting us! Such a shame as it was meant to be the parade of sail of the tall ships and we were going out on the boat to watch them. But it’s now been cancelled due to the impending storm. We did it before and it was an amazing experience. It still feels really strange to not have a mad summer TDL and I don’t miss it one little bit, it’s very liberating! Not long before it all starts to quieten down a little bit down here on the changeover front which will be quite nice! It’s pretty full on at the moment. well I’m off to baten down the hatches before Betty unleashes her full fury. Have a lovely weekend all.
  13. You are talking my language Sue. Xx
  14. I’m just hoping that we get some sunny dry weather so that my sweetcorn’s and butternut squash can ripen. I’ve nursed them through all the winds and rain and need some sun now.
  15. I’m fed up with the weather we are having, rain, fog and wind this week. Had a glimpse of sun today for a while so I had a mad dash to try and dry all the laundry from my holiday cottage changeover. This week we had something called a fog bow form over the cove, it was extraordinary, I never even knew there was such a thing! Some people call it a ghost rainbow apparently. in our village on Sunday some people have arranged a vintage tractor rally to raise funds for the little four year old who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It’s just amazing what they have managed to achieve, there are now 90 tractors, loads of stalls and an amazing raffle and silent auction. This is as well as the £3k that has been raised on the just giving page. It shows what a fantastic community we live in and that there are a lot of kind and compassionate people out there. Well my son and his partner have had an offer accepted on a house in the village and a mortgage offer accepted as well. So very excited for them both and really proud that a couple of 24 year olds can do this. It’s lovely seeing them starting out but don’t envy the next 35 years of mortgage payments! Hope the weekend is kind to all.
  16. That’s exactly what I said. They are coming home to safety and their homes and all they were doing was moaning.
  17. The weather has been ridiculous. A couple of days this week were more like November! Pouring with rain and thick fog. We are still on a hosepipe ban as well! At least the worry that the water company had about how it was going to cope with the influx of people into Cornwall for the summer is now not a problem! I agree with you Sunnyday, enough already. Today I was doing a holiday cottage changeover which overlooks the most beautiful cove, one minute I looked out and the beach was busy, there were people paddle boarding and swimming in the beautiful sunshine, five minutes later it was foggy and drizzling! It really is the most peculiar weather. Also very bizarrely, on my walk the other day I passed loads of ripe blackberries! Where have the seasons gone? Gosh us British really do like to talk and moan about any sort of weather don’t we! When yiu think about it, we are blooming lucky when you see what’s happening in Greece and other countries. Nothing exciting planned for the weekend, just more changeovers and then taking a clients dogs out as she is working on a boat all day and her husband is currently filming the free diving world championship in the Bahamas! Have a lovely weekend all.
  18. Typical spaniel!!
  19. Cheers to Panders. Thank you for the advice and the laughs over the years. May you rest in peace and I hope that there is a way for you to know how much you meant to all of us here.
  20. I will raise a glass. Xx
  21. That’s lovely news Sunnyday and Panders would most certainly have wanted you to share it. Xx
  22. Very grateful to her son for being so kind at this time to let us know. Very sad and very shocking. Sending you love as I know the two of you have been forum friends for a long time. Xx
  23. Thank you so much for making me aware of this Sunnyday. Xx
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