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Ofsted coming on Monday !!

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We received the call today - as I was travelling back from a few days away! Now in complete panic and worrying that I am have missed something really obvious and will let my team down.  Has anyone recently had a visit and give me some guidance please?


Hello hopeytg,

I haven't been inspected recently but physical play and managing own risk have been talked about quite a lot.

If it were me I would focus on the basics: safeguarding  (remember that the disqualification by association rules have changed), Prevent duty, British Values, FGM - make sure your staff know what kinds of things they are looking out for and what they are going to do if they are worried. Make sure key people are confident to talk about their key children and can pick out a few of the things they are working on at the moment. Pair up any weaker staff with more confident staff.

Don't forget it is your inspection, you show the inspector what you are proud of and what you think you do well. If there is something you have identified as being not as strong as you want it to be - point it out and say what you are doing about it. Ask the inspector for clarification of anything you are are not sure of. Make sure that they are following the inspection handbook - have a read of it yourself (here) so you are clued up and ready. Remember it is not a memory test - if you, or your staff can't remember a detail tell the inspector -'it's in the the red/blue/spotty file, I will go and check it and see' - they know you will be nervous.

These articles about inspection might help

Don't panic, don't go into overdrive this weekend.

Tell us all about it on Monday :)



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1 hour ago, hopeytg said:

We received the call today - as I was travelling back from a few days away! Now in complete panic and worrying that I am have missed something really obvious and will let my team down.  Has anyone recently had a visit and give me some guidance please?

Dear hopey - I am sure you will be absolutely fine - great advise there from Rebecca - did your inspector give you a list of 'stuff' to have ready - have you read the latest inspection handbook?

Sending you and your team my very best wishes

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Good luck Hopey, ours was July time so not much help really, once you have all your stuff ready, and have spoken to your staff try and give yourself a break, I am sure you will do well and if you have followed advice and made any improvements you were asked to last time I feel sure you will be able to relax a little.   I think it's tough getting the call on a Friday, but someone has to have an inspection on a Monday I suppose!

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All the best from me too Hopey, I would look up recent inspections from your area, you will likely find some from the inspector you are having and can often see a similarity to their recent ‘recommendations’. 

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Thank you all - it went well and the Inspector was lovely - just how I think they should all be - she put the staff at ease and clearly wasn't out to catch us out.  She recognised how we work and commented on our lovely children. Two members of staff had not previously experienced an inspection and were clearly very nervous but at the end of the day agreed it wasn't as bad as they expected.  Usual questions regarding Safeguarding, Prevent, Diversity, Assessment and Progress  - the later being the main area.

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