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Got My Results!

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Finally, have finished my degree and I received my results today........................I have a BA (Hons) grade of 2.1, which has chuffed me to little bits. Just wanted to thank everyone who has helped me in any way along the way......I truly couldn't have done it without so many friends! It has been a long, long road, but I got there.So, to anyone struggling with it.......it IS worth it, keep going! Now, onto the EYP and hopefully christmas sees me a free woman again! ( And YES, I'll be picking brains for help with it LOL) :oxD:(

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oh bless you hun - great news congratulations and will have a glass of something to celebrate you - cheers xxxxx :oxD:(


congratulations brilliant news,spoil yourself you deserve it x


well Done Narnia, Thats great news, well done :o


I was at Upsy Daisy's house last night when I heard your fantastic news but couldn't get to a laptop til now.


Many many congratulations, narnia. I would be hard pressed to think of anyone who deserves their success more than you do!




Well done :o you will really relish your weekends once all your study is over good luck with your EYP




Well done my friend Narnia, a well deserved degree and even more so as your journey included a battle with cancer. It has been a pleasure to be alongside you and I wish you every success for the future and yes I am here for EYP advice at any time xxx :o


Thank you, you've been truly lovely all the way through (and so has cait, my personal proofreader!)..........................you might regret offering help for the eyp though! :oxD


Many congrats Narnia - I have my results too and am very pleased with my 2:1 - like you its now onto EYPS until October/November - we have just had our dates brought forward Arggggg!!


First thing I did was reclaim my front room floor from the papers, books and particularly the little stickies although they have soon returned with EYP - roll on the end of the year - hoping for a positive result


Also my thanks to everyone on the forum who has helped me along the way - its been a bit of a haul as Narnia says but lookiung forward to graduation in November x


Hi Narnia


Yes it is lovely to be finished - started back to work yesterday and already have a mountain of paperwork from that so am beginning to feel that I need to switch back into disciplined study mode to write EYP tasks and get portfolio done - at the moment they are all bits of unorganised paper spreading out all over the place again :o


Congratulations to you both, worth all your hard work!!


Narnia, special extra congratulations to you for achieving a fantastic result despite (or in spite of!?) your battle with cancer - truly inspirational!


Nona x

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