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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. My worry is we have very cheap parquet type flooring at work, and I'm worried the damp rugs will lift the flooring 😳 If we had guaranteed hot weather for a few days I'd bring them home and do them in the garden.
  2. 😍😍😍
  3. Trust me you are lucky! Yes, it does have some good bits - however I cannot seem to get out without spending a minimum of £126.37p !!! AND try making sense of the receipt when you get home and try an sort the work stuff out! I'm sure it randomly changes the order that you put stuff through the check-out.😬
  4. My problem it it's a bit too near! 😭
  5. I shall give it a go then. My daughter bought this one as they moved to a 'do'er upper' about two weeks before lockdown and eighteen months later things still weren't going to plan and they still had the old carpets. (if it works well I'm taking it to pre-school this week!)
  6. Are they that easy? I just keep putting it off. Do you have to move all the furniture, and does it take ages to dry? I've borrowed a cheapish Vacs one (£125 ?) but not sure if I trust it yet!
  7. 😳.... you're keen! I've got a carpet shampooer here-that's been looking at me hopefully for the last six weeks!!! 🤣
  8. I mean if it said 1600's I could have understood...🤣
  9. I'm buying a new role play kitchen 🤷‍♀️ Well it just paid for all the stuff last year!
  10. Just checked. I remember now I added it as a bullet point. I'm not particularly impressed with the policies the safeguarding has a lot less information than their last one - it relies on heavily on linked document this time. It also has quite a few errors, and they actually still had about exclusion by household in the suitability policy. Another example is this (further information can be found - Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession (HMG 200)= the year 200??
  11. I can't remember 😩 But I am calling it faith based rather than witchcraft.
  12. Thank-you, that's helpful too. I actually feel pretty let down by our LA at the moment. They used to be fantastic but we have had not heard a thing form them, and nothing much on the website either - well they made it so difficult to navigate there could possibly be stuff there. We have just been awarded a £500 PPE grant 🙀 Not sure if that they are expecting trouble ahead- or just incredibly guilty about the lack of support last year!
  13. So sorry to hear that. 😪 You just want to step in and say 'just do it to me instead'
  14. Thanks that's really useful 😁 Says it's date Dec 20- but seems pretty update to me? - and most importantly it has all the information that we need in a good clear format. The one thing I have done is update ALL the policies! (I'd totally forgotten I'd climbed that hill🙀) I bought the new EYA ones. I don't think they are as good as the last ones... and I really can't remember if it even has a smoking one in there 😳 That said- I have printed off a 'no vaping' sign !
  15. 1) That explains me precisely too !!! 2). I feel your pain! I loved both my parents dearly - but driving them anywhere took an incredible amount of patience and mental preparation 🙂
  16. Hope it goes well. My grand daughter had to be 'glued' at the weekend (classic forehead job) that was bad enough.
  17. meant to add to my previous post - Great news!
  18. I can't believe it's Friday already. I have actually done practically nothing on my work TDL (I have literally just made one) 😳😩 I've done the registers- but not printed off as probably late changes! (I feel I I don't print off there will be no changes, if I do there'll be loads!!!) I've printed of the new frameworks act- but not really read anything just skim read. I do need to do an 'outbreak management plan' apparently 🤷‍♀️ (I intend to just google and develop something from there!) Still waiting for the hall updates to be finished. We have been told not to panic as we have until 11th (even beyond) to get ourselves sorted, but I just want it done now. We go back on the 1st, and to be honest I wanted to do it all by myself and have a serious chuck out- now it will be up to 7 women all having there own ideas of what needs keeping/chucking!! If that's not a hot recipe for friction in work place I'm not sure what is!😭 If I'm honest I actually feel less motivated to go back than this time last year. Time for a serious retirement plan. I have my daughter's friends children with us and I really want to see their time out with us though, and in Jan I will probably have my granddaughter in for one morning- but not sure how that will work out 😳🤣
  19. I'd best stay away form that then! 🤣🤣
  20. I have just added these to my (new customer) basket! 🤣
  21. I stopped doing it once cheap exports from China became a thing. In all honesty some of the exports are really good though :)
  22. I steer away form reality type programmes as a rule, but I did get sucked into 'curvy brides' a week or so ago. I couldn't believe the actual fit of the finished dress on the wedding day shots!!! Admittedly I used to make wedding dresses so I can be picky- but I don't think the dress had been altered to personally fit the bride at all. 😳
  23. Sorry to here that. I'm no expert, and it may be just me but the air quality does sout doesn't seem to be the best at the moment which can't help.
  24. I love both the chosen dresses- I like that they complement each other in both themes and fabric choices.
  25. Yes, I've had the panic visit to the hall this morning 🤣 We've been told all will be fine, and we have until 11th Sept to fully sort our new storage (we go back 1st) but I feel out of control 😩
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