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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Fingers crossed for you.🤞 xx
  2. I second what sunnyday said. You have actually made me think we could try harder. 'm now thinking about some kind of bus trip for ours. We have a good bunch of parents that spilt walking and driving. Having thought about it we only have one child that uses the bus as main transport, and at a guess I would think that not many of ours have even been on a bus!
  3. Well, Andy has just informed me his sister gave him a quick lesson on how to make a wreath when she gave him all the bits today - tomorrow is going to interesting!
  4. Yes, that's our lot too 😬
  5. The best kind of day. Hope your son remains mild. Any crafting this week? My Sister in law has just sent me all the bits to make a wreath - no pressure there then!😳 We can put them in the room together with my anti mask wearer- they can have a good old B***** about us! You are one brave person!
  6. Another Friday and another train ride for me 😂 Last week was heritage steam light train which was good, this weeks it's a miniature steam rail. Pretty stressful week at work with a parent not happy about mask wearing, making fuss and trying to stir things up 😬
  7. Only tW full weeks left! Can't believe it!😂 I'm off for festive train ride this evening- Steam train with lights. I glad the wreath making was a success, I'm really wanting to make a door wreath now. Happy weekend everyone. :)
  8. I think you have to go with the 'use your own company' route. I maybe wrong but I think the link you've added for for people that can't do their own? For example I am the owner- so I can't check my own ID etc, but I've had to set up an account with a DBS company to do all my staff. We use Ucheck.
  9. I've been totally 'cocomelon'd' out today, by our not quite two year old!!!!😂
  10. 'Cocomelon' counting dinosaurs song- is quite a simple 1-10 song.
  11. Print them of and keep them in the child's file. Glad the committee are behind you on this.
  12. This is what we sing- One little candle burning bright, lights up the sky on a dark dark night, candle light is so much fun- we could do with another one. Two Little candles " ' " " " Three Little..... Four..... Until you reach your desired number- then the last bit is 'we don't need another one'
  13. At this time of year you could do 'One Little Candle Burning Bright'
  14. Wowzers! They're fab!!!
  15. Yes!!!! Put 'open the yarn' at the very top of TDL!!!
  16. Two friends also had it Monday and they both just had the usual achey/fluey type side effects.
  17. Glad the craft class was bearable today, I really want to do make wreath now! I did an interesting door hanging many years ago using a wire coat hanger which was rather nice, we also made garlands too. I had my booster on Monday, very interesting side effects for me. 😳 I woke up at 3.30 with a very quick night sweat over in less than 30 seconds- then I was wide awake in an hyper-active way! this continued all through Tuesday .... that said I got the whole of Christmas sorted at work 🤣🤣
  18. This certainly has brought out the worst in some families. :( We had one child, mum phones and say the child will be in, however - she will be collecting her for a short while as she's been a 'bit off' and she'd managed to get a Drs appointment..... but the child is desperate to come in! We said Dr's first!! The child didn't return for 2 weeks, mum just rung and said she's keeping her off until she's better! I have my suspicions !!!!!!
  19. She asked about supervisions, but didn't ask to see any paperwork.
  20. Same here, this cohort all seem so young. Dreading January as that's when me seem to have a massive intake of 2 year olds😩
  21. It's all a bit if nightmare, we had one parent annoyed that we asked her to get her child tested and she insisted no as he had no symptoms- even though he'd spent over 30 mins sitting with a staff member waiting for her to collect him as he wasn't well, staff member found out later that day she was positive! I'm just glad we have such low numbers the moment, we gives us a bit of ease with staff ratios. After Christmas it will be a whole different ball game though 😳
  22. One staff member for us this morning 😩
  23. He's really sweet.
  24. Actually, I can't guarantee what they taste like- but I've just remembered I used to get small (yogurt pot sized) individual ones for my mum. Also children have had them in their lunch boxes too come to think of it. Would these be any good for you? Please excuse me if you already know about these- but I know I come across things in lunch boxes nowadays that are an education to me 😊.
  25. I've even moved on from the tin now........ I buy the add hot water packets (and possibly even ready made nowadays)
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