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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Exactly! Just make yourself number one for a change! My staff have fully supported my new attitude, and to be honest I think it's actually made every one else more relaxed too 😊 I've just been reading on Facebook about an Ofsted loophole that some settings use, basically you get a bad report you just change your name, re-register and start again with a clean slate! 😮 That might explain why a big full daycare near us keeps changing names 😳😂
  2. Accept and own it. If things aren't done it really doesn't matter! Since adopting this attitude and accepting it I've actually found I feel a lot better. I know my staff know their key children, we keep them all safe, what more do we actually need to do? their education comes with our routines and our conversations :) In the summer term I was constantly worrying about ofsted, now I'm like... meh, they'll either like us or not, and nothing I can do will actually change that! At the end of the day your mental health is -and should be- your top priority. This pandemic has shown that we [us personally] are not actually that important in the wider scheme of things- we were made to jump through hoops for little reward, and no respect for what we do. Our parents are lovely, but even then, many them are now becoming very entitled in their expectations of us. I totally blame the government for offering 'free' childcare- then expect us to make it an education on the cheap. I've even booked my week away during term time the week before we break up for Christmas, I am literally back for the last two days! Enjoy your week-end! 💐🍫👩‍❤️‍👨 🥂
  3. Vertigo? Not full blown vertigo- but more of a woshie type feeling? I've had this a couple of times, and been able to sleep it off, think it's the body telling asking for a bit of rest when I've been over thinking things rather that physically busy.
  4. Thank you x And... I think KNOW if have a fabric addiction ! So very true. xx
  5. Can't believe it's Friday already. No preschool work done all week I seem to have adopted a NTDL attitude recently (a Not To Do Lit) 🤣 I fell upon this method once I realised nothing really matters in the end! My 'peaceful week alone' resulted in my daughter coming over every day as she felt I needed the company.... which was lovely but it meant none of my planned cleaning decluttering got done.😭 I think the company was for her really rather than me though! She has been on maternity leave since mid Dec 19, then was put on furlough, and then last month when furlough ended she was made redundant. She didn't really get a chance to make any 'mum friends' as such as no groups where running etc, and then few did make have now all returned to work! Have a good week-end every one
  6. Hope you've had a fantastic day 🎂☕💐 xxx
  7. My daughter used to make those and bring us the 'rolls' over for us to freeze and use as and when. I shall have to remind her she needs to start doing this again 😁
  8. Sounds like a good plan! Well, I slept most of Friday 😳, had my flu jab this morning.... which could be a good excuse for a nap this afternoon 🤣 Nothing planned for the half-term, Andy's away at his sister's in Devon for most of the week so I may have a mega clear-out while he's gone!!
  9. Well I'm on half-term now 😁😁 I am taking the granddaughter in for a photo in the morning, but I'm done with working until 1st! YAY!!
  10. 🙀 🤣
  11. 🤣🤣🤣................ only just got that! ..... it's been a long half-term 🤣
  12. We like to be early!
  13. Happy Birthday 🎂 🍹💐 xx
  14. Ow Like that! Nice and simple for children. :) :)
  15. 😳😳😳 You NEED a break!!!!
  16. We did consider this, but decided to stick with finishing a week earlier at Christmas instead. We always go back ASAP in September though. On another note- I have just booked a mid week 'tots' break with my granddaughter and daughter the first week in December 😁 I've never actually done a holiday camp before- not sure what I've let myself in for!
  17. We have another week before half term. 😬 Are you one or two weeks off Froglet?, I know some areas have two week autumn HT.
  18. That's really quite stunning Cait!
  19. I think many early years workers have the same tattoo! We must all have faces that are used to little people speaking random ramblings to us ... to which we are always so pleased to hear!!!
  20. Parts of Barking are still nice, I think it's more the Dagenham borders.
  21. We have an independent charity shop that takes ANYTHING..... sometimes I feel bad when I leave bits! He took about 4 big bags of children books last time I went. He did say his daughter was a teacher in Dagenham and Barking -which is one of the most deprived areas in the country though- and she takes most of the books to give out to families. :)
  22. Another week down, and I'm back to a three day week! 😁
  23. Do they have their milk allowance during the morning? I like the social side of snack myself, and as finleymaid says it a great learning opportunity that supports all areas. :)
  24. I think it's the constantly not being able to switch off during this pandemic that absolutely mentally drains you. Every time the phone rings/pings you just hope it not a staff member testing positive! We had a phone call from staff member this week, 10mins before opening. "sorry I'll be late in, the roads totally flooded, there's been a bad accident at XXXX.... " We were all just relieved it wasn't Covid!!!!!!
  25. YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!! Already having it! To be honest I feel the parents (one in particular) are fuelling it. 😭 Give me a crowd of boys any day - at least they can be distracted with running and construction resources (sorry for being stereotypical - but it's true) Last year we had a group of what I call potential 'head girls' - they were fantastically well rounded, and always made sure everyone was included in games etc.....I REALLY miss that little group.
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