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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I've always had fiesta's since they first come out :) We used to trade up every few years ... and actually to be honest the only reason my husband got his dream car was the fact I was in the ford garage at update time, and dared to look at a something a bit more upmarket than the fiesta- the salesman actually said 'oh that's a bit outside your price range'!!!!!! A red mist came over me and I told him he'd just lost a sale and I was now going to get a XXXXXXX from elsewhere !!! 🤣 (I'm actually a very layback person and I think this was my only 'red-mist' moment in my whole life)
  2. Well me personally, for a good few years I had a clapped out 2004 Ford fiesta - my dad's old car 🤣 Andy's the one that likes a nice car, however I did treat myself a couple of years ago when the fiesta finally came to end of life.
  3. Oh no... I'm going to have to follow that link and have yet another distraction from my TDL 😁
  4. Cool milk keep ringing me (well not anymore because I've blocked them!). We used to use them until they sent us a bill (well to the last owner!) charging something 96p a pint as they said we hadn't claimed! We now use a local dairy. :) We have nowhere to put backing paper - so we don't have that problem ...... but the downside to that is we have no displays as such!!! Sunny and warm here today!! I'm a bit saddened today though, I took my car for it's service- pre-pandemic it used to have a nice lounge area with coffee/tea with china cups, cakes +biscuits (even tunnock wafers!) and a full range of branded drinks. Now its hard tables and chairs and a single coffee machine! Fortunately I was a bit sceptical that they would remove this permanently using covid as their excuse.. It used to be my summer TDL focus time as an enforced focused 2-3 hours with no distractions (other than the coffee and cake!!!). Today I just left car and went out for lunch instead 😁😁😁
  5. How are people getting on? Do you think they'll redo the 'What to Expect When" ? I'm annoyed that the DM has changed from 77pgs to 128 full colour! I'd like a editable version of either to be honest.
  6. That's so nice that you rescued her rather than getting a puppy. She's obviously living her best life now 😊 How long have you had her? We have a rescue cat, she was around 2 when we got her- and I would say it took at least 4 years to be totally at ease with anyone other than us. We'd had her around two years before any of our friends actually saw her properly, I think they thought we were kidding them as we'd only ever had dogs before.
  7. Gosh you were lucky to get out. We've had constant hard rain! ...finally stopped just after 12ish. Sunny now- but I won't be planning any long walks yet a while 🌦️
  8. Love it!!!!!!
  9. Baby steps....baby steps....
  10. Totally the best feeling! Well done 🖐️ I shall watch this space! I have always had dogs until I lost my last one around 15 years ago, I really want one! Use it every other day ? 😃
  11. Solidarity - neither have I, same problem !
  12. I've just cleared my big sewing table to take on the dreaded accounts- so solidarity with Sunnyday ! Froglet - embrace the wrinkles - no seriously 'hand iron' (flatten out with hand whilst fresh off line/dryer. Having said that I do iron sheets- but they have to be washed ironed and returned to bed the same day. Not sure if I've mentioned this but we lost our rent-a-dog/holiday dog back in spring 😪 I used to love having him here for the holidays and really miss him. Although we do still have the random big cat that decided to move in.
  13. One day you will wake up and have a light bulb moment and ask yourself why? Trust me one you let it go it's like some kind of sense of freedom! I used to iron everything- and I mean EVERYTHING! Now I just iron actually needs ironing rather than all of it. The folding straightaway is the key though- never just pile it in a laundry chair basket if you do that then it will all need ironing 🤣 NOTE: Ironing actually shortens the life of items too - I can go into the science but I'm not going to. 🙂
  14. I've pretty much said the same thing on the other thread. I'm just continuing as before really- but I do think in need some knowledge incase Ofsted question me!🤣
  15. Yes, I'm lucky on the front too. I've now become an 'iron before you wear' if it needs it person. Everything get carefully folded/hung up as it comes in off the line- it's actually surprising how much can be 'hand' ironed if folded neatly enough straight from line/dryer.
  16. Looking dodgy here now, just got all the [dry] washing in. Had a quick play with new toy which I stumbled across whilst looking for a printed copy of EYFS (as you do) 🤣 A sort on mini upright cordless hoover/dustbuster in one. (obviously some of a lower age range may not know what a dustbuster is!🙀🤣) I'm thinking of making welsh cakes as my contribution.
  17. I got annoyed when the postage was almost as much as the document! I have a pretty good printer, and it's not tooo bad on inks. so I might just print off. Once I know what we'll use for definite I will buy a few copies for staff though. I have just fallen down the Amazon books rabbit hole though 😩 Has anyone seen/used this book- just wondering if it's suitable for preschool ? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Get-Them-Talking-Writing/dp/1408163926/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=get+them+talking+get+them+writing&qid=1628161155&s=books&sr=1-3
  18. Well I just want to put it put it our there that I've just cleaned my cooker!!!! I say cooker as it's gas hobs and they take a lot of cleaning! I did open the oven door- but I think it's self cleaning and the shelves look ok. (Love sticking them in oven pride). I checked the freezer and that seems fine- although the one in the garage does have one sticky draw- so maybe that need attention. I really want to know how the development matters can go from about 75 pages of printer friendly 'ish' document - into an 128 fully colour document!! Can I just work with the 75pg one does anyone know. Even that one spreads the wording out to be honest - I'm sure if it was in work you could easily get it down to 40 pages 😬 Anyone else got a fit bit? It seem I have climbed 28 flights of stairs already today- which is amazing as I actually live in a bungalow and the only thing I've done today is clean the cooker top. (yesterday I managed 136 flights) This is a new issue as normally it registers zero unless I do actually do stairs!
  19. What did you go for? Or one of each?
  20. Where have people bought their hard copies form- Any recommendations for a good price please?
  21. I think that's my issue too! (I also blame the Fitbit - which tells me I haven't moved.... and that seems a good excuse to stop researching new framework!) So nice to see they've revised the draft copy of DM....... added lots of pretty colours and pictures- just what you need when printing off (why, just why?) 😩 I started with updating the policies - but I bit of a waste really as they are not actually mentioned much in the new PSLA policies anyway.
  22. Possibly. It's one with the double fridge on top and two big draws at the bottom.
  23. I'm actually having trouble focusing on anything at the moment. I seem to do an hour of 'things' at a time - and therefore not actually finishing anything 😩 That said- I have updated all our policies and procedures for September! I bought the new ones from PSLA (£8.50) but I think they only last a year for any updates now. 😬
  24. I've never defrosted my freezer... 😳 ... am I supposed to? Looks ok to me, and if I did defrost it I would have to deal with the stuff that went in there around 2015...
  25. We've actually not had any rain today! Very grim though since lunchtime but no rain for a change.
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