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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I've actually done nothing all day 🙀 I put some washing out around 8am when it was sunny, had a two hour nap.... then brought the washing in as it was dry. That's it for the day 😳 Well I have added then crossed one item off TDL 🤣🤣
  2. suitably chastised ..... I made the effort and found it! Off to google the inspector now 🤣
  3. I think I have found were it might be - however it involves me getting up from sofa to find our old number 🤣
  4. I'm pretty sure the word 'e-scooter' didn't help. It reminded me of when we were on holiday in Cyprus and my daughter fell and cut he knee badly - at the hospital they were a little 'stand-offish' when initially treating her and assumed if it was a 'moped' injury, when we said no-she fell whilst walking in the Trodos [s?] mountains they completely changed their attitude and she got the most fantastic caring treatment! Even given priory for the return visits needed! No it was removed we needed to re-register 😬 Worrying isn't it? 😟 When my late mother was ill, the Dr phoned me after some test results and said she had just called an ambulance for her - it was on my driveway before I'd even ended the call!
  5. Not really :( I keep having mini panic attacks about it - but in all honesty it seems to be pretty much what we already do. I feel annoyed I spent so much time trying to work things to last framework as we were well overdue an inspection before the end of term. As I've just put in the Friday thread, I think we actually work to the new framework already! We actually have very little paperwork. We used to 'try' and have a really short meeting each week and I had just had a list of all the children and we quickly ran through were everyone was -using staff knowledge rather than any documents - and we noted down any issues ideas on the list. That was our 'next steps'! never in any really detail as such- just 'Johnny really needs to be able to get his coat on himself' type things. I have tried to buy the two different books this morning as I seem to find reading a hard copy easier - but I'm impatient and couldn't find any thing on Amazon for delivery tomorrow (or anything up to date in fact!!!). I did print the Birth-5, and part of the Development matters- but I've left them both in work 😩 Think I might try and collect them in the morning, but the hall is having major work done this week so might not be able to. Why did they have to make the development matters document so printer unfriendly?
  6. Neither have I ....🤷‍♀️ 🤣 At our last inspection 2017 (I think- under our old ownership) Our inspector was so lovely- and sound like if we had her again now things would be perfect. She was so impressed with our staff knowledge and never asked for any paperwork, she even said we were just wasting time on our daily set-up/planning sheet! If I knew all inspectors were like her I'd feel 100% confident going forward in September, however unfortunately we all know this isn't the case :( I can't even find the inspectors name now (to see if she's still active in our area) as our old reports have gone and I never kept a copy 😩 (Every bit of old paperwork was boxed up and given back to old owner in complete hissy fit of disgust at the time!)
  7. I can answer that one! Maps are difficult to read, whereas you can easily just follow a pathway- and still end up lost at the end of it!!!!! 🤣🤣 I need to get my head around all of this this week 😩
  8. Well I've had a Friday I'd happily forget ! We went for a walk with a friend witnessed a woman come of an e-scooter at speed, landing literally head first about 6ft in front of us. Long story short ambulance called, told it would be a 7 hour wait... luckily a passer by stopped and took her to A&E in his truck. Woman has since phoned to thank us for helping she has a fractured cheek and eye socket. We then went and had a coffee. Sitting there drinking a witnessed a twit (putting it very politely) dressed instagram worthy in top-to-toe in baby pink drive a vespa moped thingie straight in front of a cement mixer lorry!! How the driver avoided running her over was **** unbelievable - her deserved a medal!!!!!! Next week I'm concentrating on my TDL - at home in my happy safe place!
  9. I must admit I was actually quite relieved when we didn't have to do it in in end- as the tube itself would have been my worry, but we would have found a way round it somehow. You have reminded though, that a couple of months ago we did have a parent requesting a place (she wanted it immediately and we didn't actually have any spaces). Her son was tube fed but she had said she would be available to come in straight away to fed/deal with any issues.
  10. We were going to have the child's paediatric nurse come in and train us,.... mum was more than happy to show us though! I had to explained to her about insurance etc. On reflection I think the child's needs were quite low really, it was a few years ago now, but I think the mum said she probably wouldn't need feeding at the setting anyway as she was planning on starting slowly and gradually building up the 3 hours. The child did attend with us until school and eventually even stayed for lunch with us. We just had to ensure she had plenty of a vitamin drink throughout the day.
  11. We had a child due to start with us, but things changed during the six week holiday and she didn't need the tube by the time she actually started she started.
  12. Trouble is motivating myself to go in and do it 😩
  13. Thank you for adding that 😁
  14. Love that! I certainly fully understand what you mean. I have been off a week now, and have not given a moments thought to preschool work 😁 I can't seem to get my head around the new framework for September at all...... worrying as I'm now sure we'll have our Ofsted the first week back 😭 I did wake in a panic at 4am this morning worrying that we will not fit all our stuff into our new storage space! Well I know it won't all fit and I need a major cull of resources. Staff have offered to help- but to be honest I think 'too many women' will actually clash as to what to keep or not, so I think I need to go it alone 😳 (preferably when I'm in a bad mood!!) Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem - but we have quiet a few really old resources that just need chucking, however they are build so well that they will easily outlive any updated new resources 😭 Oh, and not happy as I actually went into a shop, and bought new diaries ..... get home and realise I've got Jan-to- Dec ones instead of academic years ones!😩
  15. You are obviously well respected in your community - you desevered to be spoilt 😊 Have a good retirement - but please remind me of the things that need to be on my TDL !! I'm seriously going to miss your input!😳
  16. Good that she's feeling better now xx
  17. That's good news :) Sounds a bit like my staff member last week. Daughter positive on the lateral flow - she had a bad cold sore/throat (suffers with tonsillitis anyway) does the PCR, fthis gets 'lost' in the system.... constant chasing up, finally turns up and the result was negative!
  18. Sending best thoughts for your husband, and conratualations for you daughter xxx
  19. Yes our county have given a warning about high cases.
  20. Panda - positives vibes to your granddaughter too. xxx
  21. Sending positive vibes for your granddaughter x We finished today. YAY! Totally shattered. We got through the term without Ofsted 😭.... really wanted it out of the way- now it's just another thing the think about over the summer 😩 We are having major work down in our scout hall including us getting new storage, which, unfortunately means we have to clear out our old! Ive brought so much home to sort here that my conservatory (which is a fair size) looks like a jumble sale 😭. Andy never says a word as I walk past with more boxes and bags- but I know he's wondering just how long it going to be like this 🤣
  22. Well, technically we are a new setting as we had to re-register - that was back in Feb 18 - so were due an inspection around the time Covid started. They has said the newly registered were going to be priority along with any compliances etc. We now just have Friday left this term 😳. However, now I'm going to have to be tip-top with the new inspection framework as they'll probably come our first day back in September!!! I have not so much as even looked at the new framework, let along think about it. I was hoping do be 'done' by now so I could have a totally stress free summer. 😭 Anyway onwards and upwards ....😬😁😁 And this thread has some interesting ideas- I like the one about asking feeder schools what they want (thanks zigzag!)
  23. I'm going to read this post in two weeks time and I might actually make sense of it! I have total covid/ofsted brain fog, and can not give this any though until we finish and my head has had a complete rest. I feel like I've lost a whole term where I should've be planning, doing staff training and concentrating on this. - but just wanted ofsted out of the way. We now have two possible days left (inspection wise- we finish Friday) and every time the phone rings my nerves jangle.
  24. Was it not just a load of men kicking a round bag of full of air up and down a big field then........ like it is now? 🤣
  25. I used to have Jeff Hurst's autograph 😂 ...
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