Love that! I certainly fully understand what you mean.
I have been off a week now, and have not given a moments thought to preschool work 😁 I can't seem to get my head around the new framework for September at all...... worrying as I'm now sure we'll have our Ofsted the first week back 😭
I did wake in a panic at 4am this morning worrying that we will not fit all our stuff into our new storage space! Well I know it won't all fit and I need a major cull of resources. Staff have offered to help- but to be honest I think 'too many women' will actually clash as to what to keep or not, so I think I need to go it alone 😳 (preferably when I'm in a bad mood!!)
Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem - but we have quiet a few really old resources that just need chucking, however they are build so well that they will easily outlive any updated new resources 😭
Oh, and not happy as I actually went into a shop, and bought new diaries ..... get home and realise I've got Jan-to- Dec ones instead of academic years ones!😩