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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well I had a lovely weekend with our granddaughter and she was a little angel, slept through the night and woke up happy 😁 Back at work now feels like we have been off! Remind me..... how long until the end of term 😂
  2. A girl after my own heart!!!
  3. What a lovely photo 😍
  4. Personally I'd announce from the roof tops! Don't get me wrong I don't put decs up in November - but I LOVE planning for a family celebrations etc.
  5. I've got the granddaughter Saturday night, only her second stay away from mum and dad - I'm hoping she's a good girl too! 🤣
  6. Yes it does seem a bit random. My deputy's younger soon is still expected to go to school though! She said she feels like she in a game of 'last man standing' and hopes she doesn't test positive once the two eldest (17/19) are finished isolation!
  7. Well I'm officially exhausted!!! The new cupboard is 90% there, we've struggled with the smaller space - but we haven't moaned half as much as the brownies, guides and brownies! They have done non stop complaining for the last week, I think they'd hyperventilate is they looked in ours! Technically I could have got away with only working Wednesday with no children in 🤣. Hopefully will go back to three days from next week...... ALTHOUGH that said my fantastic deputy's family has been struck down with the virus 😩 Her two teenage boys have tested positive - they have been (happily) banished to their rooms and she just provides them with food. Theoretically she could come to work as double jabbed and is testing daily etc - but we've all agreed for her to stay at home... luckily we're quiet for a good few weeks!
  8. That's what I'm looking forward to a nice pub lunch with staff. We didn't do an end of term in July as we wanted to all steer clear of C for summer hols.
  9. I like making those, and also the little pyramid ones. I sometimes make them as a de-stressing chill out activity for myself- I then donate them to the local care home for the their C/summer fairs. I've still haven't tried out Panda's one - as I can't find where I've put my stash of iron on interfacing and I REFUSE to by more as I have loads! Once half the preschool contents (might be a slight exaggeration- but it feels like half!!) leaves my house again next week I hope to return to some sort on normality.🙂
  10. Oh my days, I'm exhausted ... I've completely gutted and culled the 30+ year old pack-away cupboard! It's taken 3 days with just myself and one likeminded staff member at total of 32 hours!!! We're about 80% done! We were told we were getting a slight bigger space but EVERTHING had to fir inside- but actually it seems we have slightly smaller space to fit everything in 😬 although to be fair it is soooo much easier to access now. The trouble is I need six weeks of now to recover! It was all supposed to be done at the beginning of the holiday - but they are still not fully finished with the renovations..... hope they're done by Thursday !!!!!!
  11. Our were really good up until around 2019 when they cut all our area EY's Senco's - we used to have a fantastic one that always backed us up. Now it's a 0-25 Senco service and they really don't seem interested Early Years intervention- 😟
  12. Now.... if I hadn't left my TDL till last minute I could happily make some of those!
  13. Well I think your effort it very good! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!! (now I want to make some 😁
  14. Good thinking. I would say though, with our two year check we do try and bring any concerns up informally with the parent well before we do the written check so nothing really comes as a shock.
  15. They have a page 🙀.... or do you just mean Facebook in general?
  16. Now I need to look at my wording, never had any comments though. Just looked. We put- Is the child meeting development milestones yes/no. This is at the bottom- not for each area.
  17. Really quite addictive! Just glad I did whilst home alone.... can't believe the colour of the water! 😲
  18. Well, I've cleaned the carpets! I did write a longer post about an hour ago- not sure were it went!!! I'm not repeating it incase it turns us later 😂
  19. I've just taken that ages bands of mine. Oh, and changes some of the headings we only every did the prime areas anyway.
  20. They're really cute Zigzag :)
  21. Sounds like a sofa day to me, or a book in the garden if it's sunny 💐🍫☕ 😊
  22. Yes, but I'm not sure to be honest as when listening to the news it seems that they haven't fully decided yet? I'm wondering if it's actually the pneumonia one- but he's go over excited and assumed it's the covid one? 😂
  23. Now I have to google ruggable rugs................... mutter, mutter, mutter, more money spent, mutter, mutter mutter 🤣🤣🤣
  24. Andy has appointment for flu and booster jab! Early October. Me being a spring chicken seem to have to book my own 'free' flu jab as the doctors don't seem to like me 😂
  25. Luckily I been left a big bottle along with the vacs 😁 I thought it was meant to be at least a little bit sunny today - totally grey and gloomy here again. Sun seems to motivate the cleaning in me!
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