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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Happy Birthday- have a great day! 🥂🎂💐
  2. Horrible wet grey day here too. I'm making 10 mermaid tails today 🤣 (local dance show) Hope your feeling less itchy soon Froglet, and I'm with you with the overwhelming work situation. We're eminent an Osted- and all I really want to focus on is the transition for our leavers, and new EYFS ready for September which work wise is only really 9 weeks!
  3. My seconds is the 19th, Andy had his last week...... yet my older member of staff hasn't even been offered her 2nd one yet - I have told her to book herself but she's insisting on waiting for the Drs to call her. Like sunnyday I've only been at work 2 days this week too! :)
  4. Missed this post first time around. I can't seem to give any thoughts to September yet, think it's because I am now focussing on an imminent Ofsted inspection. I guess this will be on my summer holiday list of things to do.
  5. I've not actually read it properly- just thought it looked handy os saved it !🤣
  6. ADMIN - please remove if not allowed. I found this on Facebook which is an interesting comparison, I have left the author's name on it so I hope it's ok to share? Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters-1.doc
  7. Not checked yet. But I thought I'd print one of each to compare. I didn't print all 128 pages of the coloured B25 one though! You would think that all settings should get a least one hardcopy though.
  8. Well I do have a sneaky look at what's on it's way out.... last time I found a brand new book about different kinds of families on it's way to the charity shop 😳!! (I think someone had a hidden agenda on getting rid of that one 😬)
  9. This is me. 😟 A few years ago I'd have be devouring them like chocolate and wine and creating my own format, now I haven't even really looked at them properly yet. Considering the year + we've had, you'd think Osfted would just say 'Right, we're having a total resent from September 2021 (unless concerns). I'm now stressing over current standards/inspection frames and not even thinking about the new ones!
  10. Now you're just gloating! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm actually thinking I don't need either, just the staffs own knowledge - but I guess that only works if the staff have knowledge in the first place! And while I'm in a ranting mode - why do they always have to add so many photo's in these documents? At the least the DM hasn't - but then again it's printed in a very un-user friendly format. Information spread across pages rather than compressed into one page? At least the B-to- 5 is more readable even if it full of colour and photos so expensive to print off!!
  11. I've requested that the staff sort the cupboard when I'm not there 🤣😳
  12. I can't get my head around either the new DM or the B-to-5 one! That alone seems a good argument for retirement 😩
  13. Another random question - which maybe sunnyday can answer - Can early years workers really make good gardeners ? I've planted my seeds and the instructions say .. 'prick out the weak ones, select the strongest'...... and my work head says 'but everyone is unique and just needs to right support' 😳
  14. This is how we feel too! The children's safety has always be foremost - but everything else has slipped, actually I would say children safety and staff mental well being has been our top priority - and I will be telling Ofsted this. It did say priority would be given to requires improvement and no previous inspection (which we will will now come under 😭).. I'm hoping the requires improvement will give us hopefully a month or so to get back up to speed. I will now be eagerly waiting to read any new reports from 4th May onwards. I did have a panic moment Friday when I got a call from an 'no caller ID' number..... sunnyday will like this- it was a headcount query 🤣🤣
  15. Just committee and manager xx
  16. We had to reregister when the then owner left owing loads of 14k rent arrears and I ended up taking it over. Technically we haven't actually had an inspection which puts us as a priority. 😭. Slightly worried as we are 'covid weary' now and have slipped into bad habits - which was why today was so good as we could relax, chat and recognise our failings ready to get 'back on it' as it were. Staff all now feeling more confident.
  17. Yes another Friday done. We have just had a long awaited staff meal! We actually had full uninterrupted conversations 😂 Obviously outside, but lovely country pub with really good food...... I chose from a menu and had hot food cooked for me!!!!!!!!!!! (wine was had too 😁) apart from the obvious restrictions it was good to feel normal for a few hours. We haven't had a meal together for over a year and it was so relaxing, and it's been reasonably sunny here today. Although I must say the short walk to the pub was a tad scary down a country lane but worth if for the wine 😂 and we did all get collected to go home. 😊 I'm feeling upbeat, ready for our very imminent inspection from any time next Tuesday onwards 😳. and sunnyday... just go ahead and whack those heads together!
  18. Ha ha, I know what you mean- literally just done mine just now! I had a chat with my deputy Monday. ...... she's told me when I go- she goes!🙀 I was priming her for my retirement 😳
  19. Happy Birthday for yesterday Zigzag and dad xx
  20. I've expanded back to normal!! The panel of shame has gone!!!🤣😂
  21. Happy Friday everyone! 🙂. Lovely and sunny here- and I'm off on a picnic with a whole crowd of 6! Other than work - it's the biggest group I've done for over a year. 🙀 Hope you all have good weekend. Note: I thought the top banner thing was just my Mac not liking the whatever programme used to add something nice looking!!!!😳
  22. Essex stopped a few years ago. Such a shame it was probably the most useful resource they ever offered :(
  23. Well I'm calling it the 'Panel of Shame" as it highlights those of us with to much time on our hands!!!!! 🤣😂
  24. Well.... I'm not a lover of change, but I'll get over it 😂
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