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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I'm currently just working 2 mornings - and it's playing havoc with my brain. I don't usually work Fridays, but am now doing Weds + Fri, and I now haven't a clue what day of the week it is anymore! We're doing home learning pack for our funded children, I'm in charge of that and it seems to take all my time up though😳 I don't even post them, I just make up the packs and staff share out the delivery as they are more local.
  2. Well, that's the problem.... the Mojo for 'buying' the fabric never goes!!!! Doing something with it, well that's a different matter altogether 🤣 I bought some fabric (online) at the weekend, it arrived and I just looked at and though Why?..... and put it with the bits I bought a few months ago!
  3. I'm ok, but I was a bit shocked that they rung to be honest, I actually felt a bit more valued. Although I'm begging to wish I'd asked for a nice day out for staff instead!
  4. Well I had a phone call today from my LA. They are very concerned about my well-being 😳 I applied for a well-being grant....... turn's out everyone else asked for spa days for staff, massage chairs for the staff room, fancy coffee machines etc....... I asked for training for mental health, access to counselling for staff if they needed it, .....I also said I was ready to throw the towel in!
  5. That's shocking! To be fair ours is only a 10-15 min drive away.
  6. I didn't even get a reply! Our LA have sent an email strongly suggesting we all go out of our way and drive to a LF T test centre twice weekly. I can't really see the point really unless you're worried that you've been in contact etc. I guess that's easy for us though as we Arn not having any staffing issues 🤞🤞
  7. I watched this this afternoon. Different, but I enjoyed it, had to laugh though- I've now watched two films within a week 🙀.... and both had the same actor in! Lily James.
  8. Argh... I think it's because we have London by default (which usually covers our area to be honest) It's just the odd day we get Kent/south east. We have no aerial 🙀.... we're stumped if the 'box' goes off!! 😂
  9. More annoying as it does literally just 'blip' - just enough to turn the virgin box off which then takes about 5mins to reboot and sets you back to main page 😩 Didn't effect the actual power supply thank goodness. Ongoing problems in the area, but I guess we're lucky to have power unlike many others. Yes, I just saw them 😁😁 On the subject of lunchtime news, do those of you in Kent ever get the Essex news? I keep getting the Kent news!
  10. I've not managed to view my scheduled TV time at all. We kept having power supply blips yesterday 😬😬😬
  11. Ok, now with two recommendations I am going to make a concerted effort to watch it tomorrow. I'm trying to have clear 'down-time'. I watched the remake of Rebecca yesterday which I enjoyed more than I though I would. I was saying at work Friday (whilst looking after 4 children) that I really don't watch very much TV at all. I watch This Is Us, and that's about it really. I usually have Hallmark type films on in the background for noise if I'm being lazy and working from the sofa. If I'm in my study/office it's radio 4. I did bing watch the Marvellous Mrs Masiel - but it think that was for the costumes more than anything. Oh and Little Fires Everywhere - but I've totally forgotten what it was about now 😳
  12. I always thought that about Lettuce/tice...... until I came across it in a book spelt lettuce! I suppose it could be one of those names that's changed over time by interpreting how it's been spelt on birth records etc?
  13. So busy muttering and moaning I forgot! I've actually had a lovely afternoon! Andy's birthday today, so I ordered a delivered afternoon tea for him(us). I have to admit he was a tad perplexed when he opened the door only to be presented with a fully loaded three tier cake stand! (He's not really an afternoon-tea type person 🤣) Well I must say it was very nice.
  14. Yes, and incredibly mentally draining. Our LA are offering small settings a grant to access mental health and wellbeing services for staff. To be honest I haven't got the mental energy to complete the application form - only given a week to research what's actually our there for us- and the application need loads of details of costs etc...... I'll just open another bottle of wine then!
  15. We cut down to mornings only. I think the minute we offer full days (we only do two anyway) a lot more children[parent!s!] will want to come back. We did discuss that we may need to start offering the full days possibly form half-term, but I am going to limit the numbers as I honestly don't think we can offer a covid safe lunch-time with our normal numbers.
  16. Have you got many in at the moment? Our staff are all older, and so far 🤞no issues, and staff are all having days off. We have a max of 8 each day, usually 6/7. We are actually becoming very lazy 😳 We don't have to pack away at the moment, we're doing limited interactions with the children. My brother asked if we are now running a 'Joyce Grenfell' type set up .... obviously after that comment we listened to some of her monologues at work today - I'd forgotten how funny they are.
  17. Good news for the jab for Mr S 😁 ...... and lets face it- it would always be 'just one more year' 🤔😳😊 Our LA are trying to get vaccines for us, which is good. I've only worked two day this week, and two next week. I've upset a few parents this week by making them 'scan in' now. They argued that they weren't staying- I said as the primary carer of there child they needed to, a few moans about how the app keeps pinging.......... I said well mine doesn't! My thought now are why are they 'pinging all the time'. obviously they must be going to a fair few places then 🤔
  18. 😳......... can't find a 'bangs head against wall' emoji! One of our attending parents has had the cheek to put a 'lets all help the NHS' posts on our Facebook page..
  19. Worrying! thanks for the update. I've just added it to our Facebook page.
  20. Well said.
  21. Are you not open either? I'm about to get tough with the data. I think I have one genuine keywork parent- and they use another setting plus granny!!!!!
  22. In all honesty - no x
  23. Do you have a link at all please ?
  24. Did anyone actually say that the parents needed to know you were open? Our LA are funding setting that are 'open' regardless of who chooses to attend..... just forget to mention to parents that you're open? Then quietly close again due to lake of interest. The headache is a killer, nothing seems to shift it. We had a vitual LA meeting, we were asked our coping strategies, I said wine - they seemed to think I was joking I have NEVER been a drinker.... just lately I am 'needing' a glass or two of wine every night 😢😢
  25. That would be my way of thinking.
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