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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Told to open as normal!
  2. I'm actually beyond fuming now. We are in the 2/3rd highest LA area in the country and they still think it is safe for us to open. I think I'm going with only opening mornings for the first few weeks- as lunchtime is definitely our 'pinch point' of the day.
  3. Actually my question has been answered by my LA (very quick of the mark I must say!). Our staff are critical workers so their children can attend school.
  4. Same here 🤣 Well I lie- I do have one whippersnapper who has child in year 6 - but they have an older brother that will be off college... phew!
  5. Just a thought- are settings going to be massively understaffed if the staff them selves have children in primary school? given that they shouldn't really be ask friends and family to look after them.
  6. Well, we open for children Wednesday, and I'm very much sad to say we will be offering a babysitting service rather than childcare and 'education' if you get what what I mean. Luckily we have a large hall- and I plan for children down one end....staff up the other!🤣 We haven't actually got a proper outside area 😬
  7. I can pretty much guess what my lot are thinking - I fully expect 100% attendance !
  8. Love it! I'm in the epicentre !!! (I think my LA is 2nd/3rd in England) All I want is to get the vaccine as a priority
  9. Well it seem us in parts of Kent and Essex (plus a few others). Are to open form the 4th for all children - but primaries only to critical and vulnerable children!
  10. sounds good to me....
  11. To be fair they are quite addictive, I did mine over three days (1000) but I did have to force myself to stop 🤣
  12. I know the feeling I thought I'd get a jig-saw to try and help me relax- it didn't really help as I hunched over it and I could actually feel myself tense up whilst concentrating 😳
  13. I've been thinking about this (alot!). I haven't checked, but have they added runny nose and sneezing to the symptoms list yet? I guess maybe covid can develop into a cold if you're already rundown- and sneezing is a sure fire way of spending any remaining virus.
  14. Good to hear everyones managed at least a semi decent Christmas. and I hope your daughter-in-law tests negative too sunnyday. I did end up doing the turkey after all, we had it Christmas Eve (as is our norm) but I did it with simple veg, and yesterday was a total stress free and relaxing day. I guess I'm lucky in a way to just have the one daughter- as I didn't feel the need to 'spread' myself around + I have been her childcare bubble and I've seen her more or less throughout this whole thing (apart from the March lockdown period, until we were able to outdoor meets)
  15. fingers crossed for you x
  16. Haave a fun day tomorrow Froglet - school work Sunday xx
  17. We're following this closely...Groundhog Day... I think we''be expected to open regardless (and our area is is getting daft now, our LA is, I think 5/6th in the country now), and can sort of cope with this- although most of our staff are 'mature' to put it politely. I just wish we were up on the list for vaccines I know they say we're the same as any shop workers etc- but I'm pretty sure they can social distance easier and/or have screen + they don't tend to be licked by people and coughed and sobbed over!!
  18. I think we're overtaking you!
  19. This is what confuses me. Surely you can have parked up lorries AND normal traffic at the same time ? What if the drivers try to get out?
  20. Neighbour is sorted - her brother is bring dinner. So I think it's lasagne for us then - my favourite ! A question for those of you in Kent. When they do 'stack-up' on the M20 - do they completely close both sides and all traffic has to find alternative routes?
  21. think I'm going to put the ball in my next door neighbours court - I'm going ask if she'd like a dinner (delivered ) If she says yes- dinners on! Just had some major excitement here.... I thought someone had stolen our outside lights 🙀 turns out they're not working 😂 I was just about to put a post on our village Facebook page !!!!
  22. Now brownies.... that's another eating option!
  23. Actually a lot of actually's there!
  24. Well I'm about - but I'm keeping quiet as otherwise it looks like I have nothing better to do..... 🤣 Oh, hang on............. I actually have nothing better to do.😳 I'm actually contemplating whether or not to actually bother with a Christmas dinner or not? Might just have lasagne instead, same with making shortbread and mince pies.... do I bother? If I make them I will eat them- and I seriously need to cut down on calorie intake, plus id rather just have wine and chocolate.(and a lot less hassle) 🤔
  25. What fantastic news! Maybe it's because the vaccine is time sensitive? It only last 3.5 day once the batch is opened- so maybe having a later appointment helped. I put my details into a 'date generator' and it said to expect it around 24th April- 5th May 😳
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