Can the nervous child do shorter sessions and build up? This is how we've handled our screamer, and it's woking well- as he goes home just as he's really getting
Pack-away problems-
We have actually put so much less out now, and we are also trying to go with things that can be dumped and the end of the session -like anything that can be recycled, lots of boxes and paper bags for 'shopping' etc! Our best new resource so far this year is ........4 rather large roadwork cones! We have a big hall and they haven't made it to the outside yet- they children love them. We just stick them outside the fire door at the end of session -quick and easy.
Are there things already in the hall you can adapt? Our children love it when the 'big tables' are out! We use them to make dens etc, again quick and easy.
Mushroom trays are your friend!......... particularly now, if you can get a few . They are light, stack together and we use them to get small amounts of our usually free choice bits out. Added bonus is they are great for washing resources.
I guess if your 3rd staff member is able to return and do very light duties- i.e. just watching, supervising this could make a huge difference, as you can put less out- and have a 'staff runner' if anything else is needed.
For drying paintings we just hand a bit of string and make a washing line across the windows.
We use the park a lot as we do not really have an outside area, small yard type thing, so not sure how that will work from Monday.