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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Ive just had trick or treaters - granddaughter 9ths, and her friends - 1yr and 6mths. 😁🎃 I live towards the end of a long dark lane....... we don't actually get any as it's to dark and creepy down our end. These were our first lot in 25years 🤣
  2. I don't think the weather help either. I've had a couple of mini meltdowns this week. At least if it's bright and sunny you can do an outdoor meet-up.
  3. Virtual hug from me too, (((x))). Life is so difficult at the moment.
  4. Good, it's not just me that thinks that. I did try and log in and it just sent me a code to book tests. I'm not sure what it's like getting test locally (yet.) The only two I know have booked tests have both been essential worker families and I'm not sure if they got them through their workplace portal or normally. (both negative results)
  5. James and the giant peach ?
  6. Well, I registered on the employer site, and got my password back within days, all good. But do I need to do anything else now? Am I fully registered? I was expecting to have to log in and create a password etc- but I can't seem to find that option.
  7. 😁😁
  8. Have a great day, I know it won't be what was originally planned - but you can rock this one 😁🍰🍮 xx
  9. Photo or it never happened! Washing up liquid and string is my answer though.
  10. I have never felt so shattered this early in the year 😳 I guess it could be an age thing, but all the staff seem to feel the same. I'm guessing it the constantly being on a high state of alert. I've given up on a TDL this half term. Update the registers and that's about it I'm afraid. Sending postive vibes for those full yearers - you have my utmost admiration this year! 🏆
  11. fingers crossed 🤞 for laptop. My daughter dropped her phone down the toilet- without giving to much information......... someone used toilet, flushed it 🙄- and the phone worked fine after a couple day, although no one wants to hold it now though 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Well I registered on the 18th- and just got a password today! lynned55- we're in tier 2 too.... our county actually asked to be put in- my daughter has far more cases in her area but they're still in T1 (10 mins drive away ) 😬
  13. Hope you've had a good day 🍰🍫🥂 xx
  14. Hope you're feeling better soon 💐 xxx
  15. We've been practically an indoor setting since we returned in September. We have a really small impractical outdoor space, and the park has been difficult to use at the moment- as the children always want to use the park equipment like we used to- and I'm not allowing that at the moment as it has other uses there most of the time. We do have a massive hall though and we have the doors and windows open at one end which we treat as our outdoor area, we've cut down on resources, and rotate......... and get through a lot of 'all in one' spray each week! Staff only ever were masks when cleaning 🤣 Joking aside I'm really beginning to worry that a lot of early years workers (and some other sectors) are going to have lung problems in years to come from all the chemical spraying 😢 We do all ours outside first thing in the morning.
  16. Well today I've been offered an antibody test as part of ONS survey 😳, and Andy was offered a covid test as part of the survey earlier this week. All good, apart from the fact our Drs have given the wrong postcode for us- so probably neither of us will be able to participate- as the couriers won't be able to find us to collect the samples! My daughter that lives across the border in a Tier 1 is desperate for us to do them- so I've put her on the case to sort it 🤣🤣
  17. Essex, and actually in a very low case area!
  18. Us too 😢 (and I'll admit I've had a little cry today ) I hope you can still make your birthday special though xxxx
  19. What amuses us is we space them out for snack and lunch, any group type activities etc............... we turn around and there's 10 children all huddled up together under a table! 😭
  20. Hello 😊😊😊😊, sounds like 🍮 🍰 needed. I went to bed at 7.30 last night and slept solid until 7 this morning 🙀 Totally unheard of for me!
  21. Not going to lie - the cleaning is doing my head in big-time 😭
  22. Love them!
  23. And we were worried when 3 tested positive in a school about 10 miles from us 😳 Have to admit I think you may have our share of SEND, we have none this year so far- but we do have 'red flags' for one little child showing classic signs of AS but might just be early days of settling in.
  24. We've been a bubble of 35 over the week since we opened in Sept works well for us
  25. Been thinking about Mr S too. x
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