That just about sums up my feelings at the moment too. I've just had my Oftsed renewal in the post today - and I'm actually thinking 'why the h*ll am I doing this?'
Not sure what to advise really. I pray each day that settings will be told to close, but each day that gets further from happening.
We opened and I would have far rather we didn't.
I'm fully supportive that some settings - Full day-care - can, and should open, but only if they can safely. Term-time preschools not really Settings should be open for parent that work, and for when they are actually at work only!
We had very limited numbers to start- but this week they have started creeping up, 2 more but then word gets out etc. .... I'm really not happy about it. At the moment we can open safely with 6/7 children.
I wonder what happens if you close after census/headcount day I wonder? I'm actually thinking of getting my local district council involved and asking them to do a civid-secure compliance check on us.
As I've said before, we are currently open for babysitting purposes only. Not really any 'education' as such happening. At the moment staff feel reasonably safe and that and that only is my top priority at the moment. The children are kept safe from harm. But that's as far as our service goes at the moment.