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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Sure is. I have never felt so undervalued in my life. Even my MP never bothered replying.
  2. That just about sums up my feelings at the moment too. I've just had my Oftsed renewal in the post today - and I'm actually thinking 'why the h*ll am I doing this?' Not sure what to advise really. I pray each day that settings will be told to close, but each day that gets further from happening. We opened and I would have far rather we didn't. I'm fully supportive that some settings - Full day-care - can, and should open, but only if they can safely. Term-time preschools not really Settings should be open for parent that work, and for when they are actually at work only! We had very limited numbers to start- but this week they have started creeping up, 2 more but then word gets out etc. .... I'm really not happy about it. At the moment we can open safely with 6/7 children. I wonder what happens if you close after census/headcount day I wonder? I'm actually thinking of getting my local district council involved and asking them to do a civid-secure compliance check on us. As I've said before, we are currently open for babysitting purposes only. Not really any 'education' as such happening. At the moment staff feel reasonably safe and that and that only is my top priority at the moment. The children are kept safe from harm. But that's as far as our service goes at the moment.
  3. Our staff start from 50 upwards! Well, at last we are coming down on the scale - but I worry our parents will become complacent and very soon start sending back At one point we were number one in the East of England - we are now 13th. We currently have a total of 11 out of 43 attending, spaced out over the week with 7 max per day. We are a BIG hall, and I'm not going to lie we are currently offering a 'babysitting service'. We've dived the hall in two..... us/them!!! It's working well for us, we all feel safe, and the children are more than happy to just literally play all day with very limited staff interactions 🙀. For example we do a group story time- but it's well distanced form the children - where as before we would do very small groups sitting on the sofa with them etc. Close-up one-to-one had stopped. All the doors and windows are open all day.... and we are finally getting used to the cold 🤣 In short. Staff are able to social distance, both from each other and the children on the whole.... the children just play as normal in dens etc.
  4. Had to get up early here to see the snow It was heavy snow at 8am- I laid in bed drinking coffee and planning a nice snowy walk...... by 8.20 it had turned to heavy rain 😬
  5. Mine did too the other week
  6. It's good the numbers are coming down. I guess that's down to parents keeping their children off. We only have a total of 8 out 42 attending a few days each a week - so even those aren't doing full attendance. We're hoping to do some online learning from next week. Anyone got any good ideas for this?
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. Well I have finally received confirmation of payment! (but still suspicious if it will not be straightforward!) Interestingly this was added- not sure I fully understand -well I do have complete covid-fog-brain, but this could something like what Dorset means? This means that due to the anticipated lower levels of attendance this term, ECC will need to analyse this data return to understand any impact this will have on the funding levels received from the DfE. Until such a time as we are able to do this, we have had to take the decision to suspend the proposed Early Years Emergency Covid Sustainability grant and the ECC 3p increase on the FEEE funding hourly rate for the time being. This is because having sufficient budget available to continue to pay the FEEE funding claims needs to take priority at this point. This will all be reviewed at a later date.
  9. Well originally Essex confirmed it would pay, then changed its mind. Their excuse was they could only confirm for a limited amount of time therefore they then said no. They also said that other LAs would't be able to pay the full term unless it was DFE approved anyway as they would have to find the money themselves? Did Dorset confirm before todays announcement ? (although as I said before I'm still waiting for the "HOWEVER..."
  10. Well I'm still waiting for the- However.....
  11. That's great news Essex are still dragging there heels big time, we had an online meeting today but still no news.
  12. Is it sad to say I've come to the point were I trust no one
  13. Fingers crossed too 🤞 Essex said at one point they would be, but then seemed to backtrack last Friday- which I knew they would! 😤 I had decided that if they didn't pay I would close. To be honest we have had 6 children max which we can cope with safely, and staff have said they are happy to work with the much lower numbers as it beats being stuck at home! - Although I have to say some of the children are really not enjoying it that much. We are just letting them play and we are not doing 1-2-1, or close up activities with them at the moment. We do actually manage to social distance ourselves form them most of the morning 🙀...... which know might sound wrong- but they are safe, well cared for, which seeing as none of the parents are key workers, they just want the children out of the house as they need them 'socialise' I'm really not feeling too guilty about it!
  14. A post from Dolphin, as they were having trouble posting, I posted in it's own thread - but incase that gets lost I've posted here too. This is a petition to close early years settings inline with the rest of education. You may have already seen it but could you please pass it on to anyone you know in early years and any of your family members and friends. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/566718 I don’t normal add anything to this site so not sure what I’m doing but I feel so strongly that this needs to done after having COV19 myself.(mar/April this year). I didn’t know how to post it on the forum so please could you post the above message as you seen to be a regular user.
  15. Posting for 'Dolphin' as they could work out how to post This is a petition to close early years settings inline with the rest of education. You may have already seen it but could you please pass it on to anyone you know in early years and any of your family members and friends. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/566718 I don’t normal add anything to this site so not sure what I’m doing but I feel so strongly that this needs to done after having COV19 myself.(mar/April this year). I didn’t know how to post it on the forum so please could you post the above message as you seen to be a regular user. thank you
  16. Me too! Although I did get asked my address as I deliberately omitted as my setting is in a different consistency (sorry keeps auto changing the word!).
  17. Not mine, but I just found this on a Facebook page - might be helpful to you? Just noticed is says Essex is awaiting- hope that's not a bad sign for us.
  18. This is the reply I got when a asked - (I'm not gonna lie- I'm still taking this with a pinch of salt until it actually happens, I can't forget the whole furlough fiasco ) Hi xxxxxxx Although this is not strictly in line with the current guidance from the DfE on how the FEEE funding should be administered for the Spring 2021 term, in Essex we are going to take the approach that if parents decide to delay sending their child to their setting, so long as the setting is open and a funded place is available we will continue to make the FEEE payments. We are also asking the DfE to revisit and amend how the funding should be paid to allow FEEE funding to be paid to providers that are needing to close / partially close due to Covid19. As soon as we have any further information comms will be sent out. Regards Sandie
  19. Am I ok to use this is my letter? I will giggle the words around a bit?
  20. So cross- the BBC 1'c news just gave the impression that all early years setting would continue to receive funding! No mention of what happens to some when the parent choose not to send. 😤
  21. Thank you for posting that.
  22. No, they are obviously far to busy being out all day to watch the news! Seriously though, we are in one of the highest infection rate areas is England.😩
  23. Yes in all honestly I haven't been out of the house since we finished 11th Dec, apart from work 3 times this week. I drive just under 3 miles mainly through forest to the very edge of the town my setting is in. I have just been totally shocked at the amount of people out and about in our local town.I've seen reports on local Facebook pages but never seen it for myself. Today I had to collect something, Andy wanted to give his car a run so he took me this afternoon, we did a loop and came back through the towns high st........ well it was like a normal busy afternoon! Everyone standing around chatting coffees in hand, all the benches has people on them, and not one parking space available. Added to this when I left work at lunchtime the park playground was completely overflowing with parents and children. I think the locals are now going back to normal 😳
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