If I'm totally honest I stopped updating things months ago🙀!!!! It saved me hours of pointless work 😳
I will be sending home a reminder about keeping sick children off- even with 'just a cold'. We will be continuing with good ventilation with windows and doors open etc.
To be fair our parents (other than one) have all been fantastic throughout and have been keeping poorly children off, however I think that's partly because we are sessional, parents that work have grandparents that pick-up, and in a way we are seen more as 'give the grandparents a break' than full childcare for working parents as we only offer two 6 hour days. I think it will be a lot harder on settings where 'childcare' is needed rather than a nice bonus (if you get my meaning)
Has anyone else just received the email about Q-Codes, where it goes onto say we know longer need to keep details of all staff present including their shifts hours etc..... I thought that was basic H&S- knowing who's in the building for fire regs etc! (not to mention EY safeguarding reasons ).