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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Ive just tried googling it- it seems very 'closed shop' trying to find examples of it in action 😬 (I might just be very tired I've had to work 4 days this week)
  2. If I'm totally honest I stopped updating things months ago🙀!!!! It saved me hours of pointless work 😳 I will be sending home a reminder about keeping sick children off- even with 'just a cold'. We will be continuing with good ventilation with windows and doors open etc. To be fair our parents (other than one) have all been fantastic throughout and have been keeping poorly children off, however I think that's partly because we are sessional, parents that work have grandparents that pick-up, and in a way we are seen more as 'give the grandparents a break' than full childcare for working parents as we only offer two 6 hour days. I think it will be a lot harder on settings where 'childcare' is needed rather than a nice bonus (if you get my meaning) Has anyone else just received the email about Q-Codes, where it goes onto say we know longer need to keep details of all staff present including their shifts hours etc..... I thought that was basic H&S- knowing who's in the building for fire regs etc! (not to mention EY safeguarding reasons ).
  3. That looks interesting. Wish I'd know that when I made my unfinished temperature blanket 😩 The reason it remains unfinished its mainly because I crocheted the ends in as I was working, which has given it a wavy edge and it gives me the rage now when looking at it.
  4. Our are pretty good at pushing and pulling- that's my issue! (Hmmm actually a big bit of elastic might be better the wrap them in 🤣🤣)
  5. Such a pretty colour combination, and what a lovely idea.
  6. Not gonna lie.... I think I'd just wrap the children it it!!!! I know our current cohort just wouldn't 'get-it' to be honest, and I'm not sure it's worth the stress. We do only have one big hall though so can't take small groups off to do actives like this.
  7. I need to see a photo of this windmill! How is DIL feeling in herself though? My staff member kept testing positive until day 10, as did her son. (they both stopped testing on day 10 and just one with life as normal)
  8. That's what I was expecting, either that or he'd managed to sell loads back to the national grid!
  9. Keep going almost there! 😁
  10. We faired ok, just next doors tree in our garden- well leaning on our shed, but easy rectified. Andy helped the neighbour the other side with his fallen tree. I do seem to have lost a 3ft x 5th vinyl panel thingy that I was going to cut to fit our garden bench.... the strange bit is it was there are 6pm by which time the worst of the storm had passed- I remember thing wow that hasn't moved at all!! 🤣 An acquaintance at the other end of the village had a tree fall on his classic American car 😳
  11. Hope you mange to get away tomorrow.
  12. It's just been totally wild here for the last 30-40 mins.
  13. We have permanent low water pressure 😩
  14. The O2 is losing some of it covering 😳
  15. We have next doors tree in our garden - and a tree the other side is down and leaning on the power line... luckily not to our house though. We've had our half term this week so not having to think about closures. Hope everyone's ok.
  16. Yes a second this. I also think look back on the TDL and think about what's important, if you've managed so far without doing is it REALLY that important? What are the effects if it doesn't get done? If they are minimum- then just scrap them and move on! Try and start afresh with a new list with less on. I know being in a school is different from an early years setting, but please take care of yourself first 😊 You need to achieve a healthy work/life balance. You always sound very committed to your job role- but you need to put your own mental health first. Think- 'If I left my job tomorrow, would they still be able to carry on?' ...the answer will be - yes they'll carry on just fine! Bear this in mind when working on TDLs! Learn to say 'no, I can't do that' (and don't include 'sorry' in that statement!) and Delegate when possible.
  17. That's pretty good for a first attempt !
  18. Yes! Jimbob. He's just gone out after coming in a 7.30, sleeping then eating our cats food as well as a big bowl of his own... he's gone out because Andy has just gone next door to visit our elderly neighbour - so he will get more food (nicer!) there and spend the afternoon with her. He will then return here at 7-8pm, and wake us up around 3am to go out for the rest of the night. He has a definite routine going on!
  19. Yay,😁 It's just really weird how some seem to avoid it. I miss my holiday dog 🙁. But I do get the joy of taking my cat to the vet this week for a nice expensive teeth clean!
  20. Happy Friday everyone 😁 It's been a long six weeks for us, but hoping we're on the home straight now! Our numbers have shot up now after our January intake - but lots of little ones which can easily tip the ratio's over when you have staff off😩. Not sure about everyone else but we have so many summer borns this year for both age groups (3-4 + 2-3). What's been happening to cause that 😳- and it not the lockdown as these are all pre-covid children!! How are you both keeping sunnyday?
  21. If I were you the first thing I'd is check whether she'd opening it privately or not (most around here are nowadays - I can't think of one committee run locally) as that would cut down your research workload. If private you just need to rent her the room/space and she does the rest! And yes to ofsted check of premises, but that usually done when it ready to set up. Just for your ref- we're in a scout hut and pay around £12 an hour, heating/electric included (plus a phone line in, but we only dial out in an emergency) Currently no internet- but the scouts actually want it for themselves so they're trying to sort something out. We supply toilet rolls and hand towels ourselves - although we do a bit of give and take on that one!
  22. I really feel the need to try that out! I love the effect. ❤️ Please post the rainbow one finished as a think that will look quite stunning.
  23. How has the week been for everyone? (sunnyday excused after her update yesterday) Can't believe it another Friday and February to boot! I was hoping I could get in a quick grass cut today- but windy, rainy and sleety here so that ship sailed. Have a good weekend everyone.
  24. Really hope you both remain negative. 🤞 It all just seems so random, seems each of my staff members that have tested positive - their partners haven't, and with one her two boys had it and she didn't get it from them.
  25. Me too .... 😳
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