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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Is it just me, or are more and more parents actually wanting us to do the whole TT thing?
  2. Good timing - have a fantastic long weekend 🥂
  3. Wow, you have had a week of it. I know what you mean though- I looked at our challenging newbie and actually thought I'm just too old for all this now 😬
  4. Manic laughter - looking for hens teeth springs to mind! I did mention to parent... and she 'welled up' 😢 so I really want to try and help her. I do want to start a plan really early on though, and have said it will be short sessions of the foreseeable until we can assess him properly. He not 3 until July and maybe he will settle with support. I'm having trouble loading the photo....although I have strangely managed to make it my desktop picture!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Well, the weeks are certainly flying by! We 've just had our first child in about 6+ years start that appears to have behavioural needs 😢 We are hoping that it's just a sensory overload at being in a group setting. During his second one hour settling session he hit 3 children, pushed over many, knocked all the chairs, over and hit out at one member of staff! I feel it's going to be a challenging year for us! 😭 (he will be with for 4 terms) We took my granddaughter to the bluebell woods Sunday hoping for an Instagram moment... she decided otherwise 🤣 I shall try and add a photo later. I am so cold I'm sitting with two jumpers on a the moment, hope the weather is better for others this weekend. Just a little sunshine would be good.
  6. Bit of a shock Friday for me I had to work 🙀🤣 combine that with an already four day week and I'm now totally confused as to what day it is!
  7. Everyone seems busy this morning!
  8. That's what I use! It's a mini one.
  9. I'm like this with clothes, it's rubbed off on Andy and he's started twitching at bad pattern matching on TV !🤣
  10. I'll be first in line!
  11. That's a shame as that's what I do. Are you not allowed them at all? I have mine late at night with a mug of hot chocolate and a bit of star watching.
  12. Lots of lovely knitting projects going on 😊 Froglet- my granddaughter would love your house! An elephant to sit on, and a dog to cuddle, she is totally animal obsessed!
  13. Love it! I've just been trying to read the instruction book and kept glazing over 😳 fortunately it's 'reasonably' similar to my old one🙂 I have a Bernina (updated my older one) Just need to decide what to actually make now, thinking of making some of the podlet things you were making last year? I won't be repairing gazebo's that's for sure as that's what upset my last machine 😬
  14. I know what you mean, I thought about the sewing bee 🤣 (on that subject I actually went our to a real shop today and bought a new sewing machine 😮... and I went to Tesco's! -first time in over two years!!!)
  15. Very nice...
  16. You just reacted to my post to quickly - get back to work and get it finished and done with! 🤣😊
  17. Well done - keep going!
  18. My thoughts entirely ! 😳 Feeling more positive/motivated today? 😊
  19. At least this was down a lane, the last one jammed up the whole high st through a busy town.
  20. And another today!
  21. That's beautiful ... as a pack away I'm now incredibly 🤢 (not ill!)
  22. Lorries are a pain! We had a spate of about 3-4 weeks when a few were parking up overnight down the bottom of our road as we are near to a border control point - luckily the parish council got onto it and it stopped. Also, I believe a lorry that took a wrong 'satnav' instruction was on one of those police/camera/action type programmes last week! It caused complete gridlock in the local town for a whole day.
  23. Sending positive thoughts your way, maybe set yourself a treat once x amount off list are completed?
  24. I was thinking about you and panders and the traffic. Been a quiet week for me, had the granddaughter for the usual two days - but at home instead of work. I rarely see her at work though, so had to put in more effort at home! 🤣🤣 It's funny how it's actually more tiring looking after one than a whole group! I'm now thinking I might buy a tuff spot and tray for the garden.
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