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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. you're in!!!! 🤣
  2. We scrapped sports day years ago! One year of moaning from parents about the lack of... then nothing. Sometimes we just do impromptu sports events with the children though 😊 Transition stuff - we ask each school what they want... most say nothing other than a 'visit and informal chat' . No end of year reports here either, we just try and chat with each parent. If we have a child were we never see the parent as they work full time we just send an informal chatty email etc. Since the demise of 'top up fees' we've cut down on a lot of things that are 'extras' and just stick to what we've agreed -providing early education only! I guess this might be different is you use the events for fundraising. I find many parents expect everything for nothing, and the more you provide the more they expect. End of term trip? Well that's a walk and picnic in the forest! We did have an end of term party for the leavers though we're not totally mean 🤣 (getting old and bitter 😂)
  3. Yes, but we are made of strong stuff.... we survived the 'stand pipes' of 1976!!!!!!
  4. We go back on the 1st September - but that's our choice as it means we can finish a week earlier at Christmas. I know what you mean about 1/2 weeks though- they just blend into a school week. Sunnyday - I just can't get the vision out of my head now 🙀🤣
  5. Oh I meant to comment on that too... lovely blanket, I sure someone will really appreciate it 😊
  6. Zigzag, I so pleased that yesterday was a positive experience for you and your family. 😊 Our last day was yesterday 😁 ........ all I can say is- in honestly covid has hardly affected us at all really, staff had it 'one at a time' so very conveniently didn't make too much difference as we always run at least 1 over ratio. I've not had it- staff joke it's because I have no friends!!! (A Korean Dr stated only people with no friends have escaped it, so it's a long standing joke amongst us now🤣). HOWEVER! .. chicken pox on the other hand- almost wiped out our last day party!!! I feel for any full daycare or settings due to be open next week though, and am so please we finished early.
  7. Well- wow, wow, wow, this year has flown past so quickly! this is our last Friday of the year (not that I work Fridays anyway) I had the granddaughter overnight Saturday, and again Wednesday night - we've had lots of fun together (I don't work Thursdays either!🤣) She loves going to the 'gardening centre' mainly because they do chocolate milk, and then she get's to count the various bags of soil... oh, and the opportunity to stick her hands in various water features !!!! Have a good weekend everyone 😊 Zigzag - I really do hope you manage to have a good last few days at your preschool even though it is a very sad time for you
  8. Zig-zag, really sorry to hear this. At least you were at his side, take time to care for yourself and your dear mum at this sad time. xxx
  9. Yes, she certainly showed lots of improvement as the weeks went by, and it was a close thing between her and Debora. I'm pretty sure we're going to see a lot more of Brogan, which although last weeks episode slightly annoyed me - I think she could be a fresh new face to promote home sewing on TV, and will appeal to younger viewers. (I've liked her all the way through though)
  10. Only 7 more working days for me (this school year!!) - and one of those is the leavers only day 😳😁 Not a tennis fan (hides under blanket 😮). And I still haven't gotten over BBC moving the Sewing Bee final over to BBC2 on Wednesday yet!!!!!!
  11. Found another - I like this one as it has examples of answers, extra Manager/deputy questions further down the document. Sample_Interview_Questions_and_Guidance.doc
  12. Have you tried 'goggling' I know I found interview questions this way as a lot of LA's have some good resources on offer. Devon used to be a good one- but not sure now. I've found this one form Oxford LA which it has a good few that you could use. :) Possible_interview_questions_for_EYFS.docx
  13. I shall make twitter my summer project 😊 .... I will also finally update the laptop too!
  14. Found it!!
  15. Does that mean I'm expected to learn what twitter actually is now ? 😂😂 (and where is it? - I can't see it😳) ...or am I expected to update my browser now (like my laptop keeps telling me daily!)
  16. Out of 16 children off to school we only have 4 boys! Out of those- one only does one day, and one is pre-verbal and lives totally in his own quiet world! In fact out of 38 on roll we have a total of 11 boys!
  17. I really miss our holiday dog 😢 I have to be honest our older ones (touch wood!) all seem fairly calm this year. that said they haven't done their school visits yet! Have a concern about one staying on, if he was 5 days older he would have been leaving for school - I really think he going to be unsettled in September. I have to say the chid that almost broke me into retirement is actually turning out not to bad 😁. When he started mum told us English is his first language... well at that point we hadn't seen dad so just assumed (wrongly!) he was English... turns out the poor little thing doesn't speak English at all, yes he knows lots of English words (nouns)but he has absolutely no understanding. I just think how scary it must of been for him to be left with a load of old woman jabbering away at him in gobbledegook - It's no wonder he kept running around throwing things at us - probably in own self-defence! Anyway, hope everyone is well and has a good weekend.
  18. Well deserved proud mum!
  19. I'm really not sure 😳😳😳 !!!
  20. Andy suffers from migraines - but only when 'not stressed' Well it has got better over the years but they used to be awful, but they only really happened when he had a 'come down' after being particularly stressed. Like the brain relaxing a guess. ... and I'm actually feeling a lot better today thank goodness, and I hope you are too 😊
  21. Well I've been ill today- and I don't do ill! 🤢 We have had couple off this week with tummy bugs, so I guess something must be going around... I suspect maybe one or two children have sneaked in whilst not being 100%. (the two off haven't been on since before half term so not them) Supposed to be going out for lunch tomorrow for my daughters birthday, but I think I'll be giving it a miss. On the plus side I have spent the day laying on the sofa watching TV all day 😁
  22. I got my weeks wrong 6 (not 5) left for us.
  23. Are you staying till the end of term? That said time will fly- can't believe it's only 5 weeks left! Notice I'm totally ignoring the day of the week thing 😂
  24. Very pretty garden 😊 I just leave the house when work need doing on it for the very same reason! 😂
  25. We've had our main Village event today it was good to see everyone out and about enjoying themselves.
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