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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I just made him try after he kept saying it wouldnt work.... and I can confirm it didnt work 🤣 (but it still sounds like a good idea in my head!)
  2. Anyway, Andy wants to get out and clear paths.... I told him to use the leaf blower - he gave me a 😳 look. Can someone tell me is this not a good idea? Seems perfect in my head. 🙄
  3. I recon about the same going by the news? I could get out, but I've reached the age where I'm more worried about my hips than the preschool parents! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. 🤣🤣🤣!!! I've just tried adding a photo of 30min or so of snow but i cant get it on the laptop at the moment. I would just like to tell everyone- I did say I am 'checking out' of the preschool..... well for the first time EVER, I looked out of the window this morning (early) and said to myself 'no, not opeing today' without a care or concern about funding implications or any guilt whatsover 🤣🤣 (should add no working parents today anyway). I 'could' get to work (3.5 miles) and the farmer down the road has just cleared our road, however just been told the car park is closed anyway 🤣 and it's permit parking only everywhere else so no point going in anyway! 🤷‍♀️
  5. Just looked out the window 😭 Can't believe it!!!! Nothing there 30 mins ago... now it like a 'whiteout' 😬
  6. A bit like my nasturhiums really- they finally got knocked out by the weather yesterday!
  7. It's Friday, and I'm shattered! 🤣 Have a good weekend everyone xxx
  8. In the end I was almost bordering on rude- I had to more or less put the phone down on her!
  9. I always think there's something quite magical about sea glass 😍 Love the crochet 🌲! Looks like you're enjoying the break 😊
  10. We just sing a few songs, the children dress up as sorts... bobble hat for snowmen etc. Not to stressfull and the parents like it 😊 We are a preschool 2+, term time only. Yesterday I had a parent of a 17month child (phone call) asking me to help sort her sons childcare at a full time setting as she couldnt find a place- so could I do it for her! 😳🤣
  11. We've tried various methods - making one big car for the whole group that they all sign etc. But we have gone back to just giving out a list of first names again now, however, the one thing we do now is we only give then out the last day as they are leaving! Cuts out the whole 'oh no, we need to do a card for XXXX" thing..... and by the time they all come back in Jan they've all forgoten anyway!!😂
  12. Another week gone already! 😳 I enjoyed CentreParcs, but I don't think I'll be rushing back 😂 I've never been on a committee 😮 Only the PTA. I did run a Raibow group for many years though. 😊
  13. Hi riseandshine, I can't take the full credit for this as I'm pretty sure i found it online somewhere and slightly adapted for us. From this document I made an even simpler one page display - and that was the only thing our inspecter looked at! (Nov 21) I can't find that one at the moment- but it literally said something like ...'we want our children to leave here ready to be confident and highly motivated to learn when they start primary school' we then listed about three things- able to dress/feed themselves, happy to try new activies/experiences, and confident to ask adults for support when needed. To be honest the one page thing was really for the staff as a prompt sheet- but the inspector seemed to like the clear simplicity of it. OUR CURRIC - PDF.pdf
  14. That sounds reasuring 😊 We can't actually do a lot of the activites as they have a min age of 3 and the GD is 2.11, suits us as I'm taking lots of bits/bobs to do ourselves in the lodge. Some of the christmas activites are a bit 'coal to Newcastle' to be honest - we dont need to pay £15 to decorate a stocking ... when they only cost a £1 in the works, same with decorating christams cookie sessions! 🤣🤣 To be honest we just want the 'Christmas feeling' with lots of twinkly lights and log fires etc. (Yes - i'm packing a full on hot-chocolate kit 😁😁) Do you have a plane for your break?
  15. Thetford, Norfolk. I'm going openminded as this is out of my comfort zone! 🙀🤣. I'm more of a 'cottage with family' type person really (although i do like a nice hotel- where they make your beds and cook you nice food 😂)
  16. Well, my Friday didn't start well, daugter and granddaughter coming over for 9am to go shopping... daughter got a puncture on the motorway, so Andy and I went to collect GD as the recovery was over an hour - was going to swap drivers and leave Andy with the car, but in the end the AA turned up quickly. Delayed the whole day and now i feel out of kilter as by the time she got a new tyre (from our wondeful villiage tyre place) half the day was gone 😭 We are off to Centre Parcs for the week Monday 😁 Enjoy your break zigzag. Sunnday - you have no idea how envious I am of your wreath making course! I really want to do one and no-one will come with me! I wanted to do one as a team 'thing' for staff- and they looked at me as if I was mad.... and we've ended up with a curry night instead! 🤣 I did do one about 20 years ago though 😋 Have a good weekend/week everyone xx
  17. Have you ever tried any of the 'Healthy Living James' recipes? Not sure if he has a brownie recipes, but he does have loads of quick and easy gluten free ones. I've never tried them but they keep popping up on my FB news feed for some reason.
  18. Yes, Friday's here AGAIN! Bright sunshine here, and a full line of washing out. I have a full display of nasturtiums out 😳.....nothing from them all summer now a stunning disply of bright colours 😁
  19. Agreed! - I never pick the edge pieces! 😂
  20. Wow! Well done to you and your team 😁
  21. I will be honest and say I have tried the salted caramel one and it was nice. Bought on offer.
  22. Betty Crocker? (Dons tin hat and runs to take cover 😮🤣)
  23. I think i need a food parcel send down south!!!
  24. A lovley thing to do 😊
  25. Hope you had a good day 😊
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