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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Any left? I can be there in no time at all
  2. Well, lets be honest about this - the children sing them all year anyway!!!!!!!
  3. Love him!
  4. I hate this last half-term! I always find once the children start having their transisition visits they become very lary and ready to move on!!! My favorite is the half term before Christmas.
  5. Late to the Friday check in. Lovely weather and I'm away with my daugher and the children for a few days. Hope everyone has a good weekend, a good half-term to those off.
  6. Sound like an exciting day to look foward to 😊 (scary that's it's 50 years though!!! 🙀)
  7. Well, the week has wizzed by as normal - almost had an out'n'out argument with a staff member oover how many week until half term - it turns out one week left 🙀 I thought we had another week! Panic set in for me as we're going away Wednesday! We've had a drizzly grey morning, but the sun is now shining again, hoping for a good weekend.
  8. 🤞 xx
  9. But when would this be from? We already have our rates from April 23.
  10. Welcome to the forum Pin. :)
  11. Onwards and upwards as they say.😊
  12. Yes and 5 whole workdays next week too!! 🙀 (mind you I only work mon-weds anyway 🤣)
  13. You have me sussed.... I used to collect biro's from places, but thought I might be able to 'up my game' 🤣
  14. Have a great day Cait - Happy Birthday 🍰🥂🎁🎈🎈🎈
  15. Ok, I'm on my way... might take a while as I think I'm going to need an Ark and a wetsuit to get there! I have never seen as much rain as we've had this eveing 😳
  16. Oh, I remember the excitment of a new colour when doing mine!🤣
  17. Busy weeks one way or another for everyone it seems! Not sure where my week has gone to be honest- but i've not done a lot.😳
  18. Thanks for the link, I think I'll make one for GD x
  19. All this 'busy-ness' is making me feel very lazy !!
  20. Well, I almost missed last friday and the week went to fast! Not only is time flying past I do not seem to get very much done either lately 😳 I shall be around to your sunnyday - should i bring anything? Today I have put some washing out, brought in back in again... and, I am now trying to work out whether or not to put it back out again 😭 Nothing much planned for the weekend but we are going to the 'outlaws' for a birthday dinner which will be nice. Zigzag - hope we get some warm sunny weather that will be kinder to you knees.
  21. Busy few days here! Hope you had a good day in the end ZigzagM my friend had her 'alert' two weeks ago!😳. Sunnyday- good here the knee is finally on the mend.
  22. (((((xx)))) 💐☕🍰🍫 Try and find some time to rest as well as work!
  23. Well if it makes you feel better we had a - 'how could we have completely forgotten our pack-away routin in two weeks' morning! 🤣 Finished late today (very late) 😳 Seriously hope we're more on the ball tomorrow!!!
  24. My neice is 36 next week - now that it scary!! 😳 (in my head she's about 22 now 🤣)
  25. Sam = S.A.M = Steroid Appointment Maker ? 🤣
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