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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Great News! You'll soon have the drug thing sorted 😁 We're back on the 4th - so can can finish early again!
  2. My mum rang to me tell me there was a 'spy in the bed opposite, what should she do?" and that she couldn't sleep at night as the consultant kept trying to marry her while she was asleep. Drugs do do very weird things to the head!
  3. Have you done any interesting crafts? I need some inspiration !
  4. Not 'this' thursday, 'next' Thurday 😂😂😂 .... even I've got to try and make the funded hours to last into mid-Dec 😬 Hope Mr S soon turns the corner- the drugs really can mess with the head. xx
  5. Sunnyday- Hoping Mr S and your sisiter are all continuing on the road to recovery 😊 We had a lovely - but very cold and frosty week. Back to rain/grey again now though 🙄 Not long now before the Chrsitmas break - so a busy few weeks ahead. We finish next thursday... can't wait!
  6. Great News Another week flown by... I'm off on a short break next week. Next Friday will be the !st Dec!!!!! Can you believe it 🙀
  7. So, so please for you.
  8. Sorry to hear that Sunnyday. We're just back from the local after a pub lunch with just me and the GD. I may have made that sound nice- unfortunately it's a Havester now, but better than nothing! 😂
  9. He sounds like more than just ADHD is going on in his little life 😢 This job is getting so much harder for us now. It really is quite draining for the whole team and I hope you are managing to get outside support with him.
  10. I have to say my air fryer is the one item that has stayed out! It get used at least every other day, they do take getting used to though - and they may not be for people who like to cook everthing from scratch. Mine is only a cheap one, although i am seriously thinking of upgrading if/when this cheap one dies! (note: I also have a soup maker I love too! )
  11. It ceratinly is Friday AGAIN!! Fingers crossed for Mr S, and I really hope your sister is sorted out soon. Not sure of the 'lay-of-the-land' for you, but at least getting her to a hospital close to family and friends would make everyone feel better including your sister I would imagine- so fingers crossed for that too. Time does go so fast though, I cant believe my GD will be 4 soon... and then off to school in Sept!🙀
  12. The thought of Christmas is then only thing keeping me going at the moment!!! Today at work I got out the..... GLITTER!!!!!!!!!!! 😂
  13. 😁😁😁
  14. We had one little boy, and what worked for us was- NOT giving positve praise (think it caused him stress to try to maintain the good behaviour all the time?), and giving him 'adult' jobs to do such as tidying an area (not putting toys away but emptying the bins, sorting pencils and washing up paint pots sort of jobs- then thanking him as you would any adult with a very simple 'thanks mate' kind of thing. It was still quite hard work finding him 'jobs' to do though! It is very wearing though.
  15. Only just realised it't Friday 🙀 Now the dark nights are here i actually like to start thinking about C-mas, and I'm glad you had such a nice day yestereday Sunnyday. I had the granddaughter to stay again last night, and she has decided thursdays are 'sleepover nights' from now on 😂 I had to look after the grandson this morning 😳.... all i can say is he is not as easy going as his sister! I have renamed him the 'mountain goat' (and I have had to clear a lot of things away😂) I'm worn out!
  16. Glad you're both ok xx
  17. You mentioned Christmas! Yay!!!!
  18. They really are quite stunning. 😍 I'm still trying to decide if I can knit a two colour Christmas winter blanket made of squares!
  19. You too. 😊 The thing I can't get my head around why maths and not english? I mean (unless as you say it's the need to work out how much the government are shafting us) your average 0-5 year old doesn't really need above basic math skills! Far more important for people to have a good level of basic english? I guess math is universal subject, and english not so much so! (answered my own question there I think)
  20. Happy weekend every one 😄 x Back to work for some of us 🙀!
  21. Andy used to laugh at mine, but he is now fully converted and has become an advid list maker! 😂
  22. Happy Birthday! 🍰🎁🥂 xxxx (Is it the 'big one' 🙀, or is that next year?) xx
  23. Missed that one! Happy Birthday Sunnyday- hope you had a good one 🥂🎁🍰 x
  24. Morning everyone. Happy half-term if applicable 😊 Re- StormBabet: Andy is building a 'constuction' in the garden currently covered in tarpulin and has just had to go outside and relise all the trapped water 😂... during the '87 storm he was building a porch it almost blew away! 🙀 He appears to like building things during storms! Had the granddaughter for a sleepover last night, and I'm currently on a break from playing board games 😂.
  25. Another one here that adds just to cross off! 😂
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