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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well done - have a good long nap this afternoon!
  2. Have you tried Avon "skin so soft" ? I fine it a really good deterrent, although you do need to be careful if using it in full strong sun as it can act like tanning oil. xx
  3. 😳 What!!!!! THAT IS devotion to the job! I had one 4yr old sleep over last night and that was enough for me 🀣 Miss jibber jabber jibber jabber all night!
  4. Springer-doodle - he does appear to be a bit the 'thick' side ..... just spent 10 mins barking at the door-stop! πŸ™„!
  5. Has anyone got a darkended room I can lay in for an hour or so please? 😜 Had the two grand children visiting, and 6 month old dog we are looking after for a few hours,..... not a good combination 😭🀣🀣
  6. Although I will say I'm not loving this series, it just seems to be lacking something. How are you finding it ?
  7. ...if you say so.. Sewing Bee watch here 🀣🀣
  8. Maybe you need to extend your portfolio to include very unfetchting childen's hats? I'm sure a have a few patterns!
  9. Nice to hear from you again! 😁 I sooo need one of those! (i'm pretty sure my mum made me something very similar to the first picture on your link - it was an awful green thing, I still remember it well 😳) I have a load of vintage patterns looking for a home....... I might just parcel them all up to you! 🀣
  10. Morning all, had a slight panic then logged on and no message yet from sunnyday..... so I went and made a coffee and when I returned - volia!! Pretty average week workwise, but we are on a final countdown πŸ˜„ My 'work head' is already in September (new starters in place, registers drawn up etc) The problem is my 'weather head' already thinks it must be October! 🀣... I might even start talking a about Christmas soon 😳😎 That said, I have no love for either tennis or football, and Andy came in the other day and asked if I was actually watching a christmas film in July!... I pointed out this was my only option currenlty available. Rainning here, annoying as I have a couple of pots under a big tree - and i will acutally have to go out and water them later 😭.
  11. Hi every one! Checking in early for Friday round-up as I'm out tomorrow 😁 We had a wonderful girlie trip and the GD even got to sit in the cockpit and had a photo with the captain on her first flight πŸ˜† (the plane had landed!) Back to reality now .... only 2 more weeks and 2 days left!!!! Please note: there appears to be no talk of retirement coming from me yet again! 😭 My daugher would like GS to attend, so that will take me to 2026!!! not sure I can last that long if I'm honest - but I will be cutting down to just two days in September πŸ˜„ Have a good week-end everyone xx
  12. We just make sure our routines thoughout the year all work towards the 'school readyness' aims/goals. No writing names for our children- unless they show an interest that is.
  13. We don't do end of year reports πŸ™€ We do ask our feeder schools if they want them and they always tell us not to bother. That said, they do come in and visit the children in the setting. We feed three schools, however if we do have a odd 'out of area' different school we do offer a report- but again they usually only want an over the phone chat with the key-person. We are a small'ish setting so we work closely with parents anyway, also they get a Memory Book wheh the child leaves so I dont think they even notice they don't get a report. Our LA would love us to use their transition document though! 🀣
  14. All welcome- we actually have a very generous luggage allowance 🀣
  15. Menorca - we going for a short holiday for GD's first plane journey. I keep checking the weather there, and they do keep having a few cloudy days... but hopeful for a few day sun at least!
  16. Somewhere nice and warm but not too hot!
  17. Make it next Friday Stansted and you can come on our short 'girlie break' (named by GD as just us three generation on gilrs going🀣)
  18. Well I had a letter last week saying they were cancelling one of our cars insurance in 14 days time.... I'd forgotten to update the new bank card details- mindyou it took 6 weeks for them to notice!
  19. Well, Ive logged on early for 'clothing for the day advice' due to the weather! I mean WHAT am I supposed to wear? 😭 Yesterday found a nail in my tyre, this morning up early to take car in around 8ish. Cold but sunny - long leeve t-shirt, thin jumper long jeans. Car sorted within 10 mins - very sunny and I'm now getting hot, home change into something more summery.... sun now gone in and I'm cold again! I'm supposed to be going out for lunch- do I wear summer/winter clothes!!!!!! 😭😭😭 Have a good weekend everyone 😊
  20. 😳 I think the weather is really messing with our brains at the moment πŸ™ It's just so 'grey' ! Well the 'nice' weather only really lasted 1.5 days for us. 😳😭 I've put a jumper on - but at least it's not raining. Only 5 weeks and 2 short days for us - can't wait!
  21. It certainly is Friday AGAIN! A good week here.... using pefect time the granddaughter finally caught chicken pox on Saturday! We'd been on tender-hooks all last week as over half her nursery class were off. We couldn't tell her about last weeks (expensive non-refundable)afternoon tea until the day- just incase, but we had a lovely afternoon, then Saturday morning the first spot arrived 😳! All nicely scabbed over now, and perfect timing for her holiday in two weeks time 😁 Have a good weekend eveyone. xx
  22. Yes, as long as the manager is on the floor (not literally!🀣) ediited to add - unless they want to be!
  23. Interesting!
  24. You have been busy .... especially love the little booties!
  25. Hope you get some nice outside time too with your grandchildren today 🀞😊
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