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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I love a list and a note book 😁
  2. Not sure about the rain being a shock - today we've woken up (well we were actually up earlier 😂) to bright sunshine - but the need to wear winter jumpers and hats! Friday we had t-shirts on!!! .... and yes, I've got the heating on!
  3. Morning 😊 Half term is indeed very soon!😁 Sunnyday - hopefully this will be a turning point for you sister now. I've had a 'sort of' stressful week (well three days). We have 'one of those' parents this year and quite honestly I just can't be bothered with it anymore. It doesnt really bother me a such- it just p***** me off. It puts such a downer on the day for the staff when she always walks in with the constant moan/digs. I'm really not sure why she sends her child to us five days a week if we have so many issues with us! Hope everyone else had had a good week with the beautiful weather at the moment, not sure if it's just the south though, I know Scotland had it bad last weekend.
  4. Hi everyone! I've had a few days away and the weather has been kind to us 😁 Sunnyday, hope your sister is on the mend. Froglet, hope you sorting tea... and yes I remember The House of Elliot !!! My daughter used to make us play/reenact it at home 😂 Cait - where biscuits are concerned RA go out the window! Mouseketeer - hope everything gets sorted this week for you Zigzag - enjoy the grandog and quiet times for a few weeks. Do you get busy again around Christmas?
  5. Beautiful photo's zigzag, gald you enjoyed it and had a restful time.
  6. How was the cruise- would you recommend it?
  7. Wow, that is good. 🍰 Not a very eventful week for me (thank-goodness after last week!) Brother fully recovered, lots of lovely hot water, and away for a few days next week. Have a good one all 😁
  8. Best wishes to them both 💞. It was third time lucky for my staff member, and I remember that scary feeling when she was told told "that's it- it's just a normal pregancy now"(even for me- as she is my daughter's friend and they were both pregnant together). Everything crossed for them x
  9. Hi, I'm in preschool, so can't help with timetables. However, I just wanted add our last cohort that just moved up to reception where the worst year ever! Personally I do put it down to Covid with this age group and the lack of social interactions lack of groups at 12-24th months. We have already noticed the difference with our this year's group and they are already far more settled with listening and attention (and tidying up)- but this age group only really missed 6-9 mths groups. I hope things settle with you, but I will be honest it was the year that almost cracked our staff into changing careers!
  10. Snap 😂 Although, new boiler means I have been focrced to sort the airing cupboard.... and I do seem to have far far too many old towels and duvet covers!
  11. I know! I had the granddaughter for a sleepover last night..... laying in bed she asks 'will it be snowing in the morning when we wake up' and I actually though 'who knows' 😳😂
  12. Well, at least 'The Gods' are good at sharing is all I can say!!!!!!! Sorry Sunnyday.... all I can say is 'Been There, Got the T-shirt. This week: Boiler died Hot water tap on bath started gussing water 11.30 pm (fortunately due to broken boiler at least the water wasn't scalding hot) Sibling rushed into hospital - ok now though. Good news, new taps came yesterday, new boiler tomorrow, brother hopefully home again Sunday/Monday. Although it's been a nighmare week, I do fell blessed that everything was fixable (including brother), that we could afford to have the work done, and even though yes, the NHS does have problems- at least once they get started they do a good job. Hope evvyone (apart from me and sunnyday) have had a good week, and at least the weather is a bit brighter today.😊
  13. This has reminded me we once had a parent that was trying to ride one of the trikes during her child's settling session! To be fair she was very young mum.
  14. Not a lot of excitement here this week, end of 2nd week already 😳 I can 'walk-in' for a covid jab from Tuesday at a local chemist. Bit of a joke in this house as I NEVER get anything offered to me by the Dr's- whilst Andy get lots of texts 😂 (and yes they do have my number). Lunch out today with the granddaughter she has just start at a school nursery and is not happy as they don't have scissors and gluelike grandma's nursery 😳😂 ... my guess is with there ratios they probably want to see what they are dealing with before leaving the scissors out! (well I do hope that's why 😬) Sunnyday, you do have to plan for Chr*****, which is exactly why we need to be able to dicuss it in September! 😂😂😂 🎅🎄 Lovely weather here, sunflowers have finally flowered- and are covered in bees 😁 and I've had more strawberries this week than the whole of strawberry season!
  15. Good avice already given, but it has reminded me of when we had similar - In our case it was a much wanted IVF child aged 4, in the end we suggested they helped out in the kitchen washing up etc- well it turned out one session of washing and drying 26 cups and plates soon had them leaving quickly! Could you try the reverse to child settling process - as getting mum to leave for 15 mins, then 30 etc? This works for us as we are in a park with a cafe within miuntes 'waving' distance, so sending them there works well as they still feel close by.
  16. Good point there!
  17. Well as long as you're in ratio they can't really say anything really? Would they be doing a full inspection or just a short compliance type visit?
  18. Personally, I would explain this to the inpsector during the 'call' giving them the option to rearrange to give time for you to sort extra cover? I asked what paperwork she would want to to see anyway - then I just sorted it our and put it all on a table ready for her and just left her to it!
  19. Good to hear your sister is in the right place now, also things moving again for Mr S. I shall be going doen to 9 currenlty do 15 - I shall do some bits form home though. Pur..lessse do not mention the parents this year!!! 😂 Excel is my firned here too!
  20. Oh, Sunnyday I really do hope things get better for you. 💐 (((Hugs))) We've had a good first Week. Have already decided I will cut my hours (again) from next week. 🙀
  21. Any better today? If they do get around to doing an induction (Not doing them is yet another SG red flag!) this would be an ideal time to meaniton your SG role and what you've observed. Do they have supervison in place? New jobs are hard at the best of times- let alone when you see things that shouldnt be happening 🙁
  22. Sorry to hear about your setting's closure. I think any new job takes a while to settle into, however your new place does seem to have some bad practise going on! Does it have any possitives to focus on, maybe you could build up from those? What kind of setting it it? Have they taken you on in the hope you will change things, or they just an old setting very set in there ways? Our setting has been around for years and always used to share toilets, but that has changes now that ofsted removed the 1 toilet - 10 children rule. We now do as you say and staff use the mens, children use the ladies. Sorry, lots of questions, but I do hope things get better for you.
  23. Yes, since covid I've really had a mindset shift change! I am far more relaxed about things now, and have definitely realised a lot of things we do just aren't necessary!!
  24. Your trip sounds wonderful! You must report back please- as this is something I really want to do. 🙂 Had our first day back.... it was hard we had 9 children in! 🤣 Hope everyone else has a good start to the term. I (we) managed to make a good start on cleaning out the cupboard this morning 🙂 I had planned to do it on my own this afternoon, so a bonus. Again I have proven to myself I really don't need to be so 'in control' of everything, and actually not having everything done before the start of term is really not that important at the end of the day, also that I can actually work through stuff 'at work' in worktime and I do not need to encroach into my own free time.
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