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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well I hope all the knees hold out. In my circle friends/work colleagues parttime medical consultants we refer to it simply as 'fat girls knee' 🤷‍♀️ Obviously this covers a range of symptoms. Well done Froglet, now that's out of the way it's time to REST!!!!!! Have a good week. I'm not really a big TV person and tend to just go for mindless films, although if you have netflx I did enjoy Magnolias, and Firefly Lane. both series but easy going. It does seem to be a long 5 weeks!!. We have a particulary challenging child, and to be honest it's bringing the whole team down at the moment. 🙁 We've had our funding rates - £4.77. Head in sand over what it will cost over the year, but have told staff that unfortunalty it could mean not much rise unless we lose a staff member! We havent had a rent increase for 5 years... electricity is included in our rent 😳, I have to say the scouts (our landlords) have been fantastic- but not sure if that can continue much longer.
  2. I'm getting in early as I keep thinking it's friday already! Inspired by zigzags summer post about he view from work, one of the things I will miss when I do leave is this... My view from work, taken this week
  3. I just want to add..... i really don't do change well!🤣
  4. Happy Birthday FSF! Hope everoen in HQ is having cake and wine tea 🎂☕🥂 Like others have said I think one of the things that really stick out when working with the 'early years' are the bonds you make with not only the children- but the families. Those bonds seem to last for years as you watch the families- and more often than not the sibling too - all develop and grow. (and it makes you feel REALLY REALLY old when those small people you nutured are now off to Uni!!!! 😳🤣 ....even older when you realise a couple have actually just gradutated 🙀😳😭!!!
  5. Like you say, the beauty of a forum is that you can go back and visit posts. Now im going to be honest and say I am soooo tired at the moment that I can't think of a worthy comment for this post!.... however I shall come back in a day or, possibly next week 😁😁
  6. You must feel better know what your're up against now. Nothing exciting to report here... the weeks just seem to go so fast now, my lovely dad used to say the older you get the faster time fly's, so true! 😳 Have a good weekend everyone.
  7. That all sounds too painful to even think about!
  8. She's fine now, just still a bit tired. The little one was tested for covid as sickness can be a symptom but she was clear.
  9. We are a sessional preschool, so you may be different if full daycare. We have scaled our snack right back to basics. We literlally just have fruit and breasticks, milk or water each day. Initially we cut down due to a child with servere allergies- then covid struck, prices started to rise- so to be honest with just stuck with simple. Children do help but with such a limited snack now there's not really much they can do other than hlep themselves- get there own cups and plates, pour drinks etc. There seems to be so many bugs going around I dont really want the children coughing and splutterring during the very basic food prep🤢
  10. Hello everyone 😊 A good week for you sunnyday - and I hope all continues well for you both. All well here, however the GD has just had the sickness bug that's currently doing the rounds locally.... Yesterday arrived to visit us yesterday morning walked through the door, promptly laid on the floor saying she needed to sleep (the child that has never napped during the day!)... then got up and vomited everywhere 😱. Ended up spending most of the day here sleeping/vomitting before she was well enough to risk the 20 min journey home. Obvisouly today she is almost back to her normal self 😂 (and my carpets have has a good clean!) Hope everyone has a good weekend. 😊
  11. Yes, I can get the bus in to the end of the central line- then straight in. 😁
  12. Yes, she did that first thing this morning xx Well, that's the thing - desperate for the bus pass for one reason, and one reason only.... photo ID! 🤣🤣 I still have my old paper drving license 😁
  13. Well, today has been eventful (for me!) 3 things have happened- 1) Daughter finally got Covid! - first case in direct family 😳 I collected GD as my DD was feeling so rough this morning and as I'd already spent yesterday with my GD climbing all over me and sitting on my head etc I may as well take a chance. Anyway DD's partner came home form work early this afternoon as he tested postive, not actaully ill though. (at the moment) Think we'll be having a little visiter for the whole weekend now. 2) I claimed my Bus Pass 🙀🤣 3) I actually put in to start my state pension!!!! 🙀🙀 ... more or less decided now. And it's been very sunny but cold here today.
  14. Fingers crossed its sorted soon zigzag. Yes it certainly is Friday again. New grandson is due in 5/6 weeks and time is just flying by! 🙀 So,so week at preschool. I have to admit although I do actually enjoy going into work I am now well and truly ready to leave (I think). I did say i would continue until my granddaughter leaves, but she could (should really) go local to her for her last year. Anyway it's a sunny but cold and windy day here today. I'm off out for a meal with an old friend this evening - hope the rain holds off until I'm back! 😊 Have a good weekend everyone
  15. If you clearly state that you offer funded places within you core hours of 9-3 and the addional times are an optional extra you should be fine- this is how many full day care setting make up the funding short fall. You would have to make it very clear though! Plus would wouldn't be able to 'make' them take up the extra 30mins- it would have to be an option extra.
  16. Gosh! I thought you were a year or so older than me 🙀 I'm 27!!!! 🤣
  17. Good to see most have had a good Christmas and new year. Hope the knee isn't giving to much grief sunnday, some times I think the Drs like to cause stress 🙁 My friend has a voicemail left at 7.30pm asking her phone them ASAP for test results (well woman clinic) ... only to be told when she eventualy managed to get throught to them- ' it was just to say that everyting was fine' !! Hope you're feeling a bit better now too froglet - i must admit I thought you meant you'd ordered 4 adult novels 🤣 I was thinking blimey she is a quick reader! Anyway it's my granddaughters 3 birthday day - and tomorrow she is actually having her first proper big family birthday party! She doesnt really like crowds of people I think that's her Covid legacy 😥 (somehow i seem to be hosting it - so I'd best get cooking and cleaning! 🙀🤣)
  18. I'll third that - Happy Christmas everyone, and a healthy happy new year xx
  19. We finished on the 14th! Like you the wages are the only thing done or even thought about - the new mw says I'll do it in January! And now relax .... 😊 How is your water situation now? You're not one of those that might be off until after Christmas are you? (just saw that on the news)
  20. We are sort of the same- wider issue covering two counties... Lots of comments on the village page about lack of pressure, my daughter 12 miles away has none, howver our little lane seems fine 😳 That said, we have such low water pressure here anyway- so maybe we just havent noticed!🤣
  21. My daughter's friend is trying to move- the whole thing has been a nightmare! Finger's crossed for a good outcome today 🤞🤞
  22. I'm rather hoping Froget Helen wins too.
  23. That does sound like long weeks 🙁 As a preschool we go back as early as possoble after summer and Christmas to can finish early. A few of our local schools are extending their daily hours by 15min or so so that they can break up early too (although if we had that option I'd probably want to do 'block weeks' of 6-6 a couple of weeks per term! 🙀🤣🤣
  24. Same here- first thing this morning it still looked pretty much the same as Monday morning, however the sun is now out and we are above freezing (+1 🤣) so hopefully something might melt!
  25. Well we finished yesterday (Yay!!!) Bit of a nightmare morning, but we did it. Snow' s still around and not much different from Sunday night. But it's sunny now and after starting the morning at -6, it's now only -2 so warming up at last!! It was very pretty driving thought the forest yesterday morning though. 😊 Staff meal tonight, and we have a festive minature train ride booked tomorrow with friends and the grandchildren looking foward to those now. Hope everyone is staying warm. xx
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