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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. We have rain too! Proper rain! We walked to the library (me and GD) it's about a mile, very gentle rain on the way back, it started to downpour just as we reached home 😁
  2. We had about a minute big wet spots around 7ish, then it stopped again.
  3. Anyone had any actual rain? Still nothing here 🙁
  4. Late to the Friday check in! (think I'm just trying to deny time is flying past) Nothing eventful in my week, and just planning a lazy weekend due to the heat.
  5. Yay! All the best to them both. Very, very similar to a friends of ours. ❤️❤️
  6. Sounds very similar to us. We do paper tracking as you described. We stuck with the DM in the end. Ofsted seemed happy enough with our staff knowledge rather then written next steps.
  7. I'd be on a constant tea break with that view!
  8. Honestly?... Well personally I'm not really finding it that much different! However, that could just be me, I'd cut down on so much paperwork in the last few years anyway - I'd done way with anything that was on no value to the child. We are a small team in a small setting (up to 26 daily) staff all know their key children. When we had our inspection in Nov Ofsted were happy enough, and the only thing they mentioned - which I rather stupidly brought up 😬! - was that we'd missed a few of our 'update' meetings due to COVID. 🤷‍♀️
  9. Good idea - but you need to cut some small cheese cubes too!
  10. Maybe we should all have a get together here!!
  11. Another week gone 🙀... and I can now book an online shop for September!!! A relaxing week, did preschool work on Monday (my regular only day I will do a couple of hours max preschool work) GD Tues, Weds +overnight. A do nothing day today. I may even have a nap this afternoon while watching a mindless film.
  12. I've know of settings where a staff member will actually take the child/children to a shared use toilet. The setting itself is secure from other hall users. This was a good few years ago now though, and maybe Ofsted wouldn't register the premises now?
  13. Still no rain here...sigh...
  14. I'd love to learn tatting.
  15. Well, you could always just crochet the bunting! Have a lovely crafty day, and get a good few days rest and relaxation in - sounds like you need that first 😊
  16. I use the bath water for my hanging baskets, and my neighbour has connected her bath to their water butt -so I guess it works fine (you just wouldn't need to wash the veg as they come out ready washed 😂)
  17. Having a quiet day day after a busy week. Two days looking after GD at home is hard work... although I did get banished to the bedroom one day (we seem to play '10 little monkeys' on a loop at the moment) .... then grandad arrived home and I was forgotten about- I did contemplate a quick snooze but thought better of it.🤣 Have people had proper rain lately? Everything is gradually dying off at the moment- our lawn is a 50/50 brown/green, although on the positive side we have had a full reprieve form slug attacks at the moment!!
  18. Not sure about actual fabrics, but you need to do the 'one seam' bunting - it's so much quicker and easier, however it does take slightly more fabric though. Personally I'd do gold lamme (can't spell it!) Not sure how it would hold up longterm outside though, and it's awful to sew! I guess you could use lycra and with that you could just cut singles and not even sew them. Ripstop (kite/tent fabric) might work? ..although again that can be a ***** to sew.
  19. You have every right to be angry ! At least our low pressure was for good reasons.
  20. But have they given a reason for it? At least our was low pressure do to water needed diverting to put out a field fire (or two)
  21. But did you actually get your water back ok? We had extremely low pressure - and we have very low pressure at the best of times - but we did lose our internet for the day!
  22. Checking in early, as tomorrow I have to go with my daughter for an appointment .... that I'm not allowed to tell people about for another few weeks 😁😁😁 How did everyone survive the heat? I didn't much enjoy it - but I not complaining when you see what many people have lost in the last few days 🙁
  23. We have a Zoom camera, that has a few apps (if that's the right word) on it - games, photo frames, etc. We have a few stories about online safety.
  24. OMG!!!! I think your water has been redirected from us! 🙀 We're on high alert do to burst main in nearby big town. 😂 (lucky we have a paddling pool full of water in reserve 😁....just hope it hasn't had any 'accidents' in it!!) Have the granddaughter for two days.
  25. We have very low pressure, and have been asked to restrict water use to essential only.
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