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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Arhh... get what you mean now.
  2. I kind of think as it says 'assistants' rather than 'each assistant I would read it as just 2 hour overall? It's one of those questions that I would email ofsted directly about- that way you have a paper trial if they do say each assistant = 2 hours.
  3. On a lighter note - should I be bringing in all my green tomatoes, or will they still ripen outside?
  4. It is a strange day.
  5. ..... And they are nowhere near as good as the old ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. No, you now have buy yearly! I purchased the new format last August, thinking at least I could update in July (so within a year) but that didn't work!
  7. Well, I went back yesterday for staff training day.... then I don't work Fridays 😁 so off today. I must say this is the first year that I've not been in for the first day with children so my mindset if definitely changing now. 😮😊 No smart meters in this house! And I still pay my bills quarterly. Hope you're feeling better soon Zigzag. 💐🍫🍇
  8. Classic! 🤣 I love all three of the dresses.... such lovely fabrics for all three!!
  9. A lovely photo. Hope you all had a fantastic day. xx
  10. cooking a mosaic project
  11. Really good, the children are going to love their new classmates. I feel I need to post a picture of my machine and the pile of unmade summer projects next to it 😂 I have done nothing productive this summer whatsoever and I can't believe it's all over next week 😮😭
  12. For you especially- the answer is always cake! Maybe with a simple 'I really appreciate your views/comments/observations (or whatever suitable word)
  13. Late check in from me... this 'over 50's dance class wears me out! Our 'step-grandson' also did well in his GCSE's and is over the moon! 😁 He has had a very hard year, his mother decided to move abroad last September - so a lot of personal stuff going on for him 😢. Anyway he aced it and can do his 6th choices, I am just so pleased for him. Just booked for Peppa Pig world in a couple of weeks... can my life get more exciting!! 😂😂
  14. I wish.... could explain why we haven't got a hosepipe ban yet though.😬
  15. Oh Gezabel, so sad for you and everyone involved. IVF is such a hard journey xxx
  16. Glad I'm not the only one 😂
  17. I always find just talking to them like another person in the room always helps! A bit like working with young children... I narrate my day 😂
  18. You are defiantly right about balance - I was like you (and Cait) described before covid struck, and, as you say possible an unhealthy obsession! Nowadays I am so much more chilled about what I do- and it really has become the 'bare minimum'. At the beginning of the six weeks I decided Monday's would be my only 'work day' ... and even that has proved too much for me! 😂. (I really must try harder as I do pay myself as normal during the holidays !!! 🙀- well, in my defence I do do quite a lot of thinking! 😂) We (home) are pretty much finically secure (🤞🤞) which I feel why I have become more 'chilled' ..... HOWEVER I grew up during some very hard times, (who remembers the 3 day week and power cuts etc?) and in the back of my my mind in the current climate I keep thinking- "I need this money just incase" At the moment I'm in a 'happy place' - even though currently having that - back to work- dread. I think having the knowledge that if the "$... hits the fan" at any point- I can just say enough in enough, and then quit helps though. xx That was me pre Covid!!!
  19. Well it's Friday again, and I have been to 2nd dance class today 😂 It's more of a social/ exercise class for the over 50s... it's new the only trouble is it's only two of us that go - and she's my friend anyway- so we just get to socialise in a different environment 😂 I need to try and do some preschool work on Monday, but I've cut down so much on what I do, and it hasn't made the slightest difference at work so I'm not sure why I did it all in the first place!!! I figure all I need to do is -registers, name tags, and print off funding forms- anything else can be done at work doing my working hours- I tend to go in and be 'on the floor' then come home and do paperwork type things in my own time. Decided from September I'll spend time at work doing it. Andy's been asking about my retirement - but not sure if I'm fully ready yet. I've cut down my hours but at the moment I do like the social side of working, however that said we've had a really good few years without any SEN (other than very low needs) and more importantly no behavioural issues - and I feel we've had a good run of everyone enjoying a stress free workplace. Have a good week-end everyone 😊
  20. An episode of Father Brown...
  21. Just the 12 week scan - but it feels my daughter told be so long ago now and I've had to keep quiet about it.
  22. 😂 I had my granddaughter overnight, she was up early- after sleeping on the floor 🤷‍♀️... she was then out on the patio staggering around in a strange clothing choice complete with headwear, looking like she was on her way home from a wild hen do!!! (I think she was celebrating officially becoming a big sister 😁)
  23. You now pay for the latest 😬 !!!!
  24. That's very kind of you. We have new 'next door-but one' neighbours- they've spent the whole day strimming the garden 😬
  25. She's lovely 😊
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