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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Hope you get it sorted soon. And well done with the outstanding 😁
  2. Oh Froglet 😢 Try looking into what Cait mentioned- Ive heard it mentioned a few time now. It was something like smelling things deeply for around 10-15 times.
  3. It's a very inconvenient bike riding event.
  4. 🙀 Already!!! Well, we've had a good week. Hopefully we might have turned a corner with our little terror child! 🤞 He's beginning to understand we don't hit our friends (hard) around the head with our toys! Heat-wise this is my ideal weather which helps too 😁 I can't believe we only have six weeks left! Not even that if you break it down. 5 Mon/Fri. and 6 Tue/Wed/Thurs 🙀 (not that I'm counting 😂) We have RideLondon coming through our village this weekend - no one is happy about it as it was only 'thrown' at us in February, and not forward planned! Lots of disruptions for so many people (like weddings and other big family events that have already been delayed due to Covid). I really feel for many businesses that have struggled for two years and now are being forced to close over the weekend. Well, I've stocked up on some bedding plants (and I can actually walk to our little garden centre) so I'm set up for the weekend 😊
  5. 😂😂😂 .... Just found The Naked Knitting Club!🙀 go well with the naked gardening day from the other week!
  6. Well I might look your one up now! 😂 (can't do gardening- might as well find a book to read!
  7. May have said this last week, but it's actually scary how quick time in flying past. Torrential rain here too at the moment, which is equally good and bad 😭 I was hoping to do a bit of gardening. We're off to see Peppa Pig at the local Steam train Sunday hopefully the weather will be good- although it's so local that to be honest it won't much difference if it is raining anyway 😊
  8. It was actually set in America, and one of the main characters had just lost a very young child if that helps?
  9. I read a book years ago (I think when Kindles first come out!) it was called the Knitting club/circle/group [?]. It told the story of each of the members reasons for joining, I found it quiet a moving book - it stayed with me for a long time. I know my sister-in- law changed so much (for the better) when she joined a patchwork group - and she now makes the most fantastic quilts, none of the family even knew she had such skills!
  10. Busy, busy, busy you two!! Two lovely photos!
  11. They do play havoc with the lawn though!
  12. Well it was so clear and bright last night - We were able to watch our most effective slug repellents having a midnight feast on the patio! Two badgers 😁 Well done everyone who grows from seeds. I usually do sunflowers (everyone eaten last year 😬) and a few of the 'sow straight to soil' kinds. Zigzag, stay strong- I can see it is good to see out the year if you can, however- if it affects other job offers(or family life) then you need to put yourself first!
  13. Otherwise know as slug food in our house! 😭 although last year the cosmos did really well. Have you grown them from seedlings?
  14. Why not spend 30mins or so in the garden? That may help clear your head and the fresh air might motivate you, maybe even set up a small outdoor working space 😊
  15. The weeks are certainly flying past! Have fun a the pizza party- hope the weather stays good ☀️ We're doing the fall on family Sunday dinner - looking forward to that. Have a good weekend everyone!
  16. Happy birthday 🎂💐🥂
  17. Not really, but if I'm honest I recon it's because the LA is well and truly out of there depth setting wise! We get a weekly (although that's becoming a more bi-weekly of late) email update - a couple of online 'discussions' per term, and that's about it. I'm sure if they were properly staffed it would be another story altogether. They don't even push the online group meetings- if you miss the email or forget nearer the time that's it no reminders are sent out.
  18. I dread to think what would happen if we had an audit now! I don't think we've had anything near full attendance since the first lockdown 😳.... and as for the milk returns 🙀 I think many parents are making up for lost time and doing lots of outings/days out etc - or maybe even [shock/horror] they found out they actually like having their children and home with them! Lots of them off on holidays in the next few weeks too.
  19. Does anyone have to actually do anything with the forms or are they just left in the filing cabinet like us? I remember having to post them off years ago. (and they just went in the normal post box- no recorded/tracked malarky) Zigzag that's a pain! Ours just have hours taken up- no sessions or anything.
  20. I don't let our funding form go home!🤣
  21. Well my thought bubble is pretty much near to bursting at the moment! 🤣 Parent - "can you help me sort my 2yr funding code please?" ..... said parents live in a 995K+ house, works, had a partner, just got back from a long weekend in Spain ........ and was late this morning as she had to wait in for the cleaner who was running late!!! I told her she needed to sort it herself and just give me the code when she gets it! (obviously I do help some families) Anyway, had to go in today - but it was a really lovely chilled out morning- they kind that remind you why you do the job 😊 Have a lovely weekend everyone, at least the weather looks like it's on the up now 🤞
  22. They do sound like incredibly needy people (or person!) I couldn't be working with that level of entitlement for sure! I have to say we do have (on the whole) good parents.. plus I think being privately owned helps. Our have been really good this week as for the first time during the whole pandemic we actually have two staff off at the same time, and parents have offered to drop sessions if we have any problems 😊 Luckily, we always work at least one over, and today is the only day we may have had an issue- but I was able to cover, and even then I came home after an hour (well actually I went to Ikea to spend lots of money on things I never knew I needed 🤣🤣🤣)
  23. Didn't see that actually happening!🙀 Good Luck on whatever pathway you take 😊 (don't dessert us here though!!)
  24. Wow!
  25. She refused to pose by the bluebells, and wouldn't take her hat off either!!
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