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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I'm contemplating getting head torches for me and Andy to wear in the evenings to save on electricity 🤣
  2. Every little thing you do will make a huge difference to mum and the children. xx
  3. Buried mine under the gas and electric bills.... 😮🤣
  4. £165.9 here!
  5. How behind? To be honest if it's on a couple of months or so I's just continue as you do now. We call ours '2-3 Progress Checks'.
  6. Well done!!!! Just go with the bottle! It's just such an immense feeling of relief once it's over 😁 (although I will be honest the next day I felt it was all a bit of an anti-climax 😳, but happy to be able to just relax and enjoy ourselves)
  7. Good Luck. Hope it all goes well- just remember to sell yourself big 😊
  8. Are they actually coming tomorrow?
  9. So sad to hear.
  10. Snap! Lets just say we have a lot of 'single' on paper parents 😬 ....and don't get me started on the Food voucher schemes.
  11. Our issue is- we have very few 'fee paying' customers 🙁
  12. It really is fun and games for you! Hope the dad turns up.
  13. I must admit although my manger(me) rate is lower than yours I do pay myself for all the work I do at home too.
  14. Just keep drinking the wine maybe ........ 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Have a good meal tomorrow 😁 (positive thinking here!) Glad the 'KnK' continues to be fun as well as doing a good deed (the blankets)
  16. If funny how relieved you feel once you've had the phone call. :) Hope the cold feels better soon. I've had a sinking cold for the last two weeks- I swear I have had every know covid symptom- all separately- spread over the whole 2+ weeks!! Obviously I've tested (everyday for the first 1.5 weeks) but given up now. I did go to work as testing negative but kept away from everyone as much as possible.
  17. I'm afraid to say it's min wage here 🙁, 50p extra for deputy and £1.00 for manager. I will say our staff do have it quite easy through, we are a not for profit group and run well over ratio at all times. I could lose staff and pay more (2 out of 5 per day)- but they'd have a far harder workload each day. We haven't had a rent increase for almost 6 years - so I fully understand that that needs to go up due to rising costs of electricity any time now. Worrying times all around.
  18. Did you have two weeks now instead of three weeks at Easter? We're just finishing a week early in July 😁 Hope the week went well with your dad.
  19. That's really quite stunning! I love it! It's like a rainbow tartan :)
  20. Glad it went well :)
  21. Owwww I don't work Thursdays! Best update my river crossing bank details!!! 🤣 Good Luck and have fun 😊
  22. Yes we do, but we give them out at home time- and remind children they need to follow the parents wished (obviously in child language way with a talk about healthy eating etc.! 🤣) We actually only give them out while the parent is in control at collection time though. We also give a small chocolate treat at easter- again this is given directly to the parents. It\s only ever 1 or 2 very small choc bunny/chicks, usually in rice crispy nest. I'm a bit funny about giving small solid choc eggs though, as they can be a choking hazard - so its always those 'flat' choc things - about 12 for 75P ones
  23. We have an old oak tree on our front border with our neighbour! It's (just) in her garden, but it does appear pretty solid.🤞
  24. .... and sales of Calpol will shoot up!
  25. Your 'aving a laugh mate!!!!!!! I bet they're all having a hissy fits about having to go out to settings again!
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