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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. That must take some getting used to 😒 xx
  2. Now I can actually see that in my head - start with sleeve (knit to correct lengh) add body to either side, knit a sholder/body, make head hole, sholder/body again decrease back to the second sleeve. 🀣
  3. Yes, one of the modern day things I actually love!
  4. I have now have the strange urg to knit one just to try it out! πŸ˜‚ It made me think of what we used to call 'french knitting' - a wooden cotton reel with 4 small nails on the top.
  5. having read the last 7 posts, I just want to say I am totally confused and have a headache! 😳🀣 ... off to google knitted i-cords now πŸ™‚ (everydays a school day here πŸ˜‚)
  6. Going to try that!
  7. Nope, none here πŸ™ We get the odd 'big spot' for a few mins, then it blows over. Ohww, I love this! Might try something similar for my granddaugter - she heavily into 'perfum making' at the moment (haven't a clue where she got the idea from 😳) this might help move her on a bit.
  8. ....off to google 'well dressing'...
  9. Froglet- I hope it wasn't from one that's staying in your class next year! Not that you're counting!! Six more days for me (not that I'm counting either!
  10. Not me! Evidence below.... (but glad yours has returned 😊) Honest answer? I havent a clue!!! Stopped bothering with these the years ago! School neither wanted or read them, the only peolpe pushing them were our LA. Only ones that will get any written paperwork are SEND even those are more or less the 'one plans' The schools visit us- we talk- that's it!!
  11. Bit of a sad post there Zigzag 😒
  12. Managed to remember it's Friday this week 🀣 Parents - I think it's the Generation Z's, I think they grew up in the 'good years' and expect everything to be handed to them 😬 I think this age group are also most shocked/affected by the COL crisis as possiby never really had to struggle before, new TV's, mutliple cheap holidays etc. Yes, some may have been affected by the 2008 crash- but may have been to young at actually notice! I also think many are working more/longer hours now too, but not getting the same luxuries it afforded before and therefore are more tired themselves - for example we have a food chain pub near us, a few years ago at around 5-7pm it used to be full of parents/children all having a quick meal on the way home from work/school/nursery (still in uniforms- including parents!) nowadays the pub is almost empty at these times, I guess it now means having to cook at home more... later nights for everyone = even more tired, cranky parents and children! We have some fantastic parents, we also have an equal amount of needy ones too! Have a good weekend everyone x 😊
  13. Well, the times flying so fast i actually missed last Friday. I do not even want to talk about needy parents!
  14. We had rain! Lots of it this morning!
  15. Well I think we had about ten spots of rain. Little bit of drizzle saturday night but still needing to water things 😬
  16. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We just has 6 big drops of rain!! The non-chicken chicken pox sound weird! We had a child last summer that had one spot that looked like CP, she had it about a week or so Drs +pharmacist (plus others) said def not CP.... then about two weeks later she was totally coverered in full on CP! Good for you froglet - taking the leap and booking a break 😁
  17. I am sooooo going to try that with the granddaughter tomorrow!
  18. We have a birthday this weekend too. (suprise party invoved) Hope everything goes as planned for the Mr S's op - the not knowing actually dates etc is really unsettling 😬 Have a good weekend everyone xxx
  19. What a beauty!
  20. That is atually so funny, the sort of thing that happens in our village 🀣 One year two people got invited to switch on the Christmas lights - both invited by different members of the Parish council and no knew until the actual night!
  21. Love the fabric and colours - reminds me of my favorite pjs! Trying to add a photo but i can't do it 😬
  22. EXACTLY!!! Andy has just commented on just why is 'that child' (granddaughter 🀣) running up and down the consevertory Orangery singing 'Jingle Bells' on full volume?? 😭😭🀣
  23. Sorry to hear about your stress levels at the moment. πŸ™ The funded 2 yr olds can add a lot of pressure for no financail gain. Although depending on birthdays at least you can plan your numbers for the next year. This year unfortunately most of ours have summer birthdays (not that we have that many)
  24. Just grabbing my winter jumper and ill be there! 😁🀣
  25. The heating came on this morning! I made myself a coffee and went back to bed! I have a load of bedding plants to put in... but in my mind it is now about October - so I keep forgetting I need to wrap-up and get outside to actually plant themπŸ˜‚
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