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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Have a good weekend everyone. Hope baby arrives safe and well Froglet, and good that's it's after 31st August - so he's not the youngest in class! Sunnyday, hope your sister is now on the mend. Finleymaid, glad you had a good time on holiday, one of my staff has just got back form Croatia too! Sorry about the neighbours though. I'm really not sure about returning to work Monday - part of me is looking foward to the routine of being out of the house and using my brain... and part of me is happy being in my own company and would like that to continue too!!! (well once the 'extra family finally move back out again 😂)
  2. I do hope you sister fully recovers quickly. I offered my grandddaughter a 'one last summer treat' day out this week - she could pick whatever she liked the most.... ...what did she pick? A bus trip to the local concrete town to look at the fish (in a man-made pond thingy) 😂😂
  3. Yes, the summer has certainly gone very quickly. Sunnday and Froglet you both seemed to have acheived well this week! I've had a busy but enjoyable week. Making the most of having the family here, they'll be back home next weekend as the building work is finally done- just decorating left to do this week. I will say I actually need a 6 week holiday to recover now though! Can't believe I'm back to work on the 4th! Have a good weekend everyone.
  4. Ahhhhhh.... so sweet... a little c*****mas mouse!!!!
  5. You've acheived a lot! I just can't get motivated to do any sorting 😬
  6. 😳 Time is really wizzing by now... soon be able to talk all things C*****mas!!!!! 😁😁😁 (in my defence a do like to plan and be prepared for work well ahead, however, personally for home - well that's a different matter and stays firmly in the background until Dec) Had a busy week, walks, haircut, bus trip, beach and today is a lazy day. I have not done a single thing workwise since we broke up apart from doing the new registers (and buying a few bits of stationary😁) I was supposed to go into hall and have a good clear out. Guess what? - I've decided ***it! I shall do it all first day back in the afternoon once everyone gone home. I did collect the things that needed washing though, although even that was only the basics like to sofa cover etc, and not the dressing up and so on! Hope every one has a good weekend, only very light rain here, which i'm happy with for the garden. Has anyone else got the really bad weather that was forcast for today?
  7. Please, please, please do not mention jeans I have all of the sizes/styles!!! Jeans are the one thing I cant get rid of for some reason!
  8. Morning all. I just went into the hall (first time since we left straight after our last day party)... opened cupboard door - groaned, grabbed there bare basics of what I need ... then came home again! Hoefully FM is just enjoying the holidays.🤞 I do get the feeling that some are more carefull about posting now it is an open forum -especailly if unlike me they have a few more years to work. Nothing but a peacefull weekend planned for me - daughter and GC not here for the weekend 😊 I may just lay on the sofa for two days!
  9. I'm currently at that poin sorting out my wardrobe! 😭
  10. Wow, super impressed! I haven't managed to get a single thing done in weeks due to have a small shadow (GD) behind my every movemnet wanting to help! I might come an join you if Sunnydays happy to pop into mine for a day or so! (Have a great break)
  11. 'Pop up' vest's on a toilet training child! 😭
  12. Welcome to the forum Guest1. Glad the car eventually started! 🙂
  13. Sunnyday, really hope you get your call soon - nothing worse than waiting for 'that call' Froglet, you live my dream! Can't do anything at the moment due to the family being here -evertime I move a have a 3 year old by my side saying 'oww, what ae we doing now grandma' so crafting is out at the moment 😬😭🤣🤣 Nothing planned for the weekend.
  14. Well. the buying of stationery is my big retirement issue.... that said- the source of such delights is rapidly declining in my area.😭 What really gets my goat is when you carefully put the bunting up (that you've spent hours making) with an easy release knot- and someone just cuts it off! 😬
  15. Definitly this! I was getting really angry with the TV News last week with people getting upset about their ruined holidays.
  16. I need to do this with the granddaughter!!
  17. Yes!!!! This was my issue- halfway through talking to all the parents attending (which I totally hate anyway) I look out of the window, then see all the parents in winter clothing... then my brain almost reverts to the winter term!!!
  18. Week one of the Hoildays already gone 🙀 My plan to retire this summer have passed 🙀🙀!!! I shall 99.9% sure to retire by next summer though. I do plan to cut my hours further though. I have tended to be a 'bit more private' now this is an open forum...... but I guess if my staff have found me they've already worked out who I am 🤣 Therefore,I shall this- we currently have my daugher and the two GC staying with us while they have building work done. All I'm saying is - I love them dearly ... but I do hope the building work ends soon 🤣🤣😭!!! I wish the sun would come out, we've not really had an awful lot of rain, but it's just so grey, damp, and miserable outside. I even almost lost the plot on our last day concert at preschool, it was such a grey dank cold day I went into 'auto pilot speech' for the Christmas concert and almost told the parents it was time for them to apply for school places!!! Have a good weekend everyone! (PS- if my staff have found me- you know I love you all really - even if you do drive me around the twist sometimes! 😘😜) xx
  19. Yes this form is invaluable for updates and sharing information. (Please note- I clicked on this thread thinking it was about team building etc- I was going to commnet that we always go to the nice Italian in town...🤣)
  20. I missed this yeaterday - but i shall raise my glass a 7pm tomight xx
  21. We don't do planning as such - we have a sheet with all the children's names and where they're at on/what we are working on (very basic ie- sharing skills, cutting, etc) we did one sheet for each term and shredding old one as soon as we had the new list. Registers I'm not sure- we've kept all ours. That said, we registered in 2018 so we haven't got 'that' many yet!
  22. Please don't tell me this is an indicator...... I currenty have my 3 GD sitting next to me covered in face tattos 😳🤣😂 (she did it herself from a party bag 😭)
  23. That is such wonderful news, (and I am sure would have wanted you to share it.) Congratualtions to her- all her hard work has paid off 😊
  24. My condolenences to you and your family. I am truly shocked and saddened by this news, as other have said - even though we never met Panda felt like a true friend.
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