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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. B****y loads, my staff are very good at coming back from training, convincing me we need this, that and everything else which rarely gets put into practice 🙄
  2. We’ve had a big piece for years, purchased following training in developmental movement play, a lot of it was about forces, to be honest along with the giant scrunchie, yoga rolls and gym balls purchased on the back of said training it doesn’t come out much but it is fun, one child in each corner pulling and twisting it, pulled tight with a soft toy to bounce on it, I think I just bought it off ebay but you could try a fabric store.
  3. Thank you, we are red alert now and as Dorset had advised all schools to close we followed suit and to be fair funding were quick to email out saying it was your choice but you will keep funding 👏 I will probably venture in and do a bit of catch up later though. who else got out a day early for half term? stay safe everyone 🤞
  4. Mine doesn’t do that (iPad) jut the shared to clipboard …I didn’t even know there was a clipboard 😂
  5. It did say 16 hrs u til the next one, share just said ‘saved to clipboard’, no idea where that is on an iPad 🙈 It’s the same concept as the tv show Lingo Thanks
  6. Thanks Panda..so there isn’t an app? I keep seeing people post grids of squares (no letters) on Fb when they’ve done the days grid, I did the one today on nytimes.com (or think I did 🤔) but then thought it wasn’t the right thing as I couldn’t see how they were sharing from there?
  7. No but want to…how do you get it?
  8. It intrigues me that by sticking a pin in a bit of fluff you can make it look like something 🤷‍♀️ we all had leaves yesterday and some people had blue rockets but the leaves have vanished today 🧐
  9. Last crochet project and now back to knitting baby cardi’s 🧶 that is a fab blanket, I would have the patience for that. I started making a patchwork bed cover at high school but after 3 years it just about fit Sunday bed …that wasn’t for me, I’d really like to try felting sometime.
  10. In theory it is Cait, we are much more about monitoring who is on track and with the right provision/resources/enhancements they’ll continue to progress naturally and putting more focus on how we can support the chn who aren’t progressing as we’d expect, we are more about what will the adults next step be than having hundreds for all the chn but it’s quite worrying this week to see how many managers are saying their Ofsted inspectors are giving recommendations because they don’t have written next steps, when all the webinars Jules mentions above are enforcing moving away from all that paperwork 🥺
  11. There is that Louby! I write my newsletters with my heart first and then go back and rewrite using my head (will probably get me hung one day) ….this weeks ‘heart’ was “for f*** s*** after nearly 2 years which part of if we send them home with symptoms they need a PCR test don’t you get?” 🤭 it’s all so exhausting, they should know the drill by now 🙄
  12. 🤣 wonder if it was the same person I had, offered 2 days, came back with ‘that’s great, they’ll come alternate Tuesdays & Thursdays and arrive at 10am’ ….I don’t think so 🧐
  13. We charge 30p an hour for funded 3 & 4 yr olds, we list it as snacks, seasonal activity resources, supplying waterproofs (we replace them for a pastime), visits/visitors (admittedly not much of that has happened for a while, the vast amount of hygiene products we go through (if they saw how many paper towels a child pulls out at a time they’d get it)., a few question it when they first get the invoice because they haven’t read what they’ve been given before booking a place but once explained they all pay. we submitted a funding claim of 4600 hours last term for our 3 & 4 yr olds, our funding rate is 68p less than our hourly rate giving a deficit of over 3K, why should we be expected to take hits like that term after term 🤷‍♀️
  14. This is the problem, no knowing what you’re going to be doing tomorrow or the day after and dropping it to days 5 & 6 has just added another ‘uncertain’ day to the equation 🙄 In theory I’m supernumerary (that isn’t the reality very often, even pre-Covid), so many children need a higher level of support that I feel bad just thinking ‘you’re in ratio get on with it’, I really don’t get how setting’s run to ratio …I take my hat off to them, but I’m sure no one gives a thought to the fact that a managers work doesn’t just disappear when covering ratio’s, especially if you’re the one doing all the admin as well as the childcare manager role 😞
  15. Haha yeah…’can I just run through this list of questions with you incase I need to report you to Ofsted’ 🙈
  16. This waiting for 2 neg tests 24 hours apart is making life more difficult than knowing someone was off for 10 days or a family is isolating for 10 days, now you don’t have a clue when staff will make it back or families should be out of isolation 🤷‍♀️
  17. That was it sunnyday ….very intrusive with what they thought we be telling them, now trying to back track and say it was for Cm’s who are the registered person but it clearly said ‘anyone working with children’ and anyone associated to settings ‘such as committee’ members amongst others 🤦‍♀️ They must have all taken medical degrees whilst ‘working from home’ 😖
  18. A Covid man down this week so a week in ratio and not much of my work done, thankfully I’d done a fair bit the last week of the hols in case it happened so not too stressed, 🤞 for a full team next week….I’m sure everyone else just think your job magically does it’s self when you have to cover 🧐 Thankfully all the chn seem well this week and some confident new starters, one is already a concern 😔 Who read the vanishing Ofsted notification document? 😖 Have a restful weekend all.
  19. It really is sunnyday, we had a family who were positive at the start of Sept as we started back, I stuck to my ‘need proof of a neg PCR before the child comes’, the parent was sending me screen shots of Gov guidance asking where it says that, I sent them the agreement they’d signed with it stating our position on it and 2 days later they had to tell me the child was positive, they could have been in for a couple of days before the result was back….it just doesn’t make any sense, I realise the test is just a snapshot in time but feel it buys us a couple of days that the child might show symptoms anyway 🤞
  20. The advice from the DfE email (yesterday) is under 5’s are advised to have a PCR test if a household member is positive but don’t have to isolate whilst waiting for the result ….which is just ridiculous and I will continue to ask for proof of a negative result before they come in. Good Luck to you all with whatever the next term brings, I think it’s going to be a trying one 🙁
  21. Wishing all my forum friends and team FSF a happy and healthy 2022 with lots to look forward too and Thanks for being here throughout 2021 😊
  22. Wishing you all a happy and relaxing Christmas however you are spending it and hopefully 2022 will be kind to us all 🎄
  23. How can it be ok now to test within 7 days of testing positive but before today it was ‘don’t test for 90 days’ 🤷‍♀️
  24. I bet the ‘win at all costs’ parent took over the homework project 🤣
  25. Sad for you Froglet, really hope the symptoms stay quite mild and pass quickly 😔
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