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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. ❤️❤️❤️
  2. Would have been Pander's birthday today - still keep expecting her to pop up to talk with us - I will raise a glass to her later ❤️
  3. Wishing nothing but the best for your brother x
  4. Hope that you can get a rest this weekend and that you soon start to feel better x
  5. Give me arts and crafts over anything that makes noise! End of term well in sight now louby. Wednesday was still wet but yesterday was good here - this rain, rain, rain and more rain is really getting boring now
  6. 🤣 it's one of those shops isn't it - I was fairly well controlled spending just £16.00 wool for me and some sketching stuff for Mr S
  7. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Off to explore Hobbycraft in a bit - whoop! In other news I am in danger of developing webbed feet any day now... Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  8. How funny - we are a great help to you young Froglet - we have chosen differently 🤣 Do tell us, please, which one you go for and of course we will need a photo of the finished article!
  9. The night out for our eldest granddaughter went to plan - we had to be at the venue first as we had the balloons for the tables - Mr S insisted on parking fairly close to the door - I said "we can't park here, she will see our car" - clever DIL spotted our car as they turned into the car park and distracted her - phew! We were in a quite wonderful room off the main eating area - the room is dedicated to the 'Stevenson Brothers' who make the most incredible rocking horses - there was the hugest, beautiful rocking horse high up in the ceiling rafters, we all spent some some time marvelling at that and all of four of the children aged between 3 and 8 were very interested in it- but the old woodworking tools which line the walls were only of interest to our littlest grandson who wanted daddy and granddad to explain the use of each one - the girls couldn't have cared less! Anyway - lovely surprise for our eldest granddaughter - she had been a bit worried about her passing out parade as she found the 'marching bit' quite challenging! She has her 'warrant card' now which she has to carry 24/7, who knew!
  10. Oooh - they are very special - I would go for Rosa Parks 'the only tired I am, is tired of giving in' - what an incredible woman.
  11. Morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? I seem to have had a busy week which is unusual for me - Monday was London for Mr S and his Lung Function testing (all as well as it could be which is wonderful), Tuesday joy of joys a mammogram for me, Wednesday Church cleaning, yesterday Knit and Natter which had a great attendance and was really enjoyable, my little group is two years old now and I am so glad that I started it, today Mr S has had a video call from surgical team which went well, although comment was made that it was actually a bit early for him to have had the Lung Function testing yet (well 'scuse me, they called him for it 🤦‍♀️. Also today - eldest granddaughter has her 'passing out' parade, we are so proud of her...I'm waiting now for DIL to deliver celebration balloons here which will go straight into my car as tonight the whole family (both sides) are meeting for a meal for her, she has no idea, she thinks she is just going out with her mum, dad and sister when in fact there will be 16 of us - whoop! Hope that the weekend is kind to all and that you get to spend it doing things that you enjoy with your special people x
  12. I think it was louby that made a temperature blanket
  13. Good morning - 'tis Friday Not just any old Friday but 1st March supposedly first day of meteorological spring - hmmm - could someone please let the weather Gods know - just rain, rain and a bit more rain here🌨️🤦‍♀️ This month brings lots of post-op checks for Mr S - starting with a visit to The Royal Brompton on Monday for lung function testing this to be followed by a 'phone call from the surgical team a few days later. Hope that everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend all x
  14. 🤦‍♀️
  15. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Lovely to see blue skies and sunshine after yesterdays biblical rainfall Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  16. That is very strange - but also very good!
  17. I'm a bit late to this... You definitely needed some extra sleep - no doubt about that! Activities - everything louby suggested + dough ( I would make loads) ...without knowing what exactly you are doing it is hard to know what to advise - is it just a one off session or something long term that you can purchase resources for?
  18. Much older than your little darling she is eight now - but still very particular about any input in her drawing and colouring! 🤣
  19. Love the idea of a 'grannyclava' 🤣
  20. Sleepover was great fun, thanks louby! She is very entertaining - never stops talking - we had some singing, dancing, colouring and film watching - also sorted out some toys that now need to be passed on - hmm - she would hang on to everything given half a chance! 🤣 I was a bit confused when at bedtime she said "nana, that cat bowl is creeping me out" - no idea what she was talking about, until she said "look on the shelf, that cat is looking right at me" - I have some shelving on my landing - top shelf is various very pretty bowls including one with cat faces...🤦‍♀️🤣
  21. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend all x
  22. Could someone please turn the tap off - rain, rain and a bit more rain... Waiting now for youngest granddaughter to be 'delivered' to me - she is staying the night with us ❤️
  23. Wow! Congratulations to all at FSF HQ Same age as me then! 🤣
  24. 🤦‍♀️🤣
  25. Oh no - to the poorly cat - has vet recommended anything for her? That power cut that I mentioned played havoc with my printer - deep sigh - made the most of DIL when she delivered granddog - I thought that I had uninstalled and reinstalled - however, she did it properly 🤷‍♀️I said "thanks so much, I owe you one, oh no I don't actually I've got your dog for the weekend"🤣
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