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Funding for 2016/2017

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I think I read we've get £3.59 now and because of the Govt raising the 'living wage' in April, we've got an extra something to help us with that. This extra isnt a permanent thing from what I recall, but is the result of Birmingham council surveying providers.


How do you know the rates are set to increase this year? I would have thought any increases would come from September 2017 unless you are in one of the 8 Early Implementation areas for the 30 hours?


I might have forgot something that was supposed to happen, and i am now curious to find out?


I've just looked back at emails from our LA from the last few years and we've usually been informed of funding rates in March. We have an Early Years business meetings for all settings in City on 24th February so I'm hoping to find out then.

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Isnt there supposed to be a 'New National Funding Formula' - to be considered in September16?


Can't see us getting any kind of increase until this has been decided upon - then we may get a few extra pennies!


No I'm not talking about the 2017 rates, I'm talking about rates for this year. Any changes good or bad. :(

So better not be 'bad' - we are on our 'uppers' as it is :ph34r:


I think we usually get this info in March - but I could (well might be) be mistaken......


I think January is the time we submit Census and around March get a letter about funding. I might be wrong. It would be great if there will be any increase but I doubt. March is sadly the mist depressing time of the year.


Are the other organisations/industries that would expect you to sigh a contract without actually giving you the final figures ?


Our contract has to be returned next week or delays in funding payments.

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Hi everyone funding

rates just found out the differences settings get, private day nursery the lowest rate not only do we have to pay vat that we can't claim it back, and pay business rates on top compared to maintained schools. Why should there not be one level for all providers .WE do not treated our children any different to full fee paying children we hot say we will give example £1.50 less care. Maintained nursery schools pay no business rates get more funding money per child and deliver the eyfs same as a nursery .But get more money, and to top it off child-minders receive the highest rate no business rates can have up to eight children do not need 2 staff if they have one child .

What is happening fair pay for all .Local authority cutting childcare but wants private day nursery to meet there needs well Mr Prime minister give us your support to help get Britain back in the red and people back to work and we can employ more staff and help local people .Rant over !!!

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In our area maintained nursery children if eligible can claim free school dinners from 2 years, but saying this 2 local school nurseries are desperate for children one told me 'there dragging people in' their words not mine and yet us and two other settings in close proximity are bursting at seams. Who ever you are maintained/voluntary or PVI it all goes in your reputation and is and should be an even playing field, with funding being the same for all. we all love and care for the children the same with us all delivering the same practice guidence :)

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They were exactly my words too louby loo. They expect you to have a business plan, and a cash flow sheet but with no figures to do this with.

I thought the threat of withholding funding without the return of the contract declaration quite insulting.

How far in advance have they agreed the formula figures and why can't these be shared with the providers immediately.:(:(

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We do get a bad deal in the private sector in comparison and this has always been the case. However, we usually have more freedoms with regarding opening times, fee's we can charge etc. and the business model works quite well in many cases.


Yes funding rates could be fairer for all settings and this should be the case. It is strange to understand why some areas, ie the Midlands get a lower rate to many north west areas for example.


The Government have their budgets and targets to meet, just like any corporation. Local Authorities make bids to the Government showing how much overall funding they need allocating. I suppose the factors to include are how many settings per area, welfare levels per area, deprivation per area, quality of teaching per setting, etc etc and there will be many of reasons for the amount of allocated funding a Local Authority needs.


Then once the local authority have the funding, they then also have budgets and targets to meet. They take what they require from the funds, so again depends on circumstances per local authority. The rest of the money is then divided out to the settings.


So we have a lot of people being paid good money in the public sector, and in my personal opinion, i feel this could be managed a lot more economically and thus we would benefit more in the PVI sector.

Posted (edited)

west sussex have e mailed and said that there will be no rise in free entitlement rate

Hi there, I'm W Sussex and haven't received an email, when did you get it? Thanks

Edited by polly2211

No worries, I thought I'd missed out on something! ::1a


where I am, we've known for a year what the new rate will be, as they are going to single formula funding across the board. So,


April-Aug 2015 WAS £6.50p for Childminders; £4.04 for Maintained nurseries/school and £3.71 for PVI's


following a vote by all providers, it will be a same flat rate now of £3.81 for everyone and 2 YF will be £4.97


We all thought, I think, that we'd get a better rate, but £3.81p is it


where I am, we've known for a year what the new rate will be, as they are going to single formula funding across the board. So,


April-Aug 2015 WAS £6.50p for Childminders; £4.04 for Maintained nurseries/school and £3.71 for PVI's


following a vote by all providers, it will be a same flat rate now of £3.81 for everyone and 2 YF will be £4.97


We all thought, I think, that we'd get a better rate, but £3.81p is it

Where are you Narnia?

At least if you're PVI you are getting an increase, not sure I'd be happy with a decrease!


Well, there was uproar a few years back when they pushed up the childminder's rate ( from the same as ours) with no consultation ( we were told it was because 'it's unfair to childminders to have a low rate, as they can't take as many children as a setting can'..................insert your own swear words here..................). At least we HAVE been consulted this time and this seems fairer

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