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The worst appears to be over for us - apart from a very minor puddle of water on the porch floor and lots of leaf litter we seem to have come through it unscathed - hope also not speaking too soon.

As on half term have taken a leisurely stroll down the garden to check all is ok (we have woods at the back of us) and there seems to be no major damage there either - on a positive note the air is lovely and clear and fresh - definitely got rid of all the cobwebs.

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well i had battoned down the hatches sorted out the guinea pig and put on my ear muffs! but so far it's just a bit windy...my daughters boat had been cancelled sunday and monday so they can't go till tuesday ..but i think the coast seems to have been more battered than us.

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Dustbin and recycling carnage here. What a mess! you would think people would heed the warnings and either put their refuse out after the storm had passed or at least ensure that bags etc were tied

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Thinking about you all down there and sending virtual hugs. I know what this is like

Thank you Cait! Much improved here now - what a difference a couple hours can make :1b

Right must do something useful now! :1b

If the storm is heading towards others - stay safe x

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Had branches off a tree at the bottom of our garden - however the wind kindly 'lifted' them and threw them over into the back field without doing any damage to the fence......which I thought was very thoughtful of it!! xDxD


Luckily we had new overhead electric cables/poles put in during September so keeping fingers crossed there. Neighbouring village has power outage. Not sure about the rest of our village- as we're a bit out of the way.

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Dustbin and recycling carnage here. What a mess! you would think people would heed the warnings and either put their refuse out after the storm had passed or at least ensure that bags etc were tied

Here is East Sussex the CC were quite efficient and reasonably effective in letting folk know that the Monday refuse collection would not happen using the local news and social media streaming so we had a night free of things blowing up and down the street :D

Things had calmed down here but bit blowy again now....so glad it is half term, can you image how wind hyper those little ones would be in schools/settings today.....sorry of you are not term time only :(

I am finding myself a little irritated by some folk moaning that 'it wasn't much of a storm'...the agencies cant win can they, if they don't say a storm is coming and it happens they get in trouble and if they warn there is one coming and it isn't as horrid as predicted people moan....I am sure those folk with trees on their homes and cars feel like we have had a pretty impressive storm...oh golly I am ranting again....quick sunnyday come save me :o:(

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I am finding myself a little irritated by some folk moaning that 'it wasn't much of a storm'...the agencies cant win can they, if they don't say a storm is coming and it happens they get in trouble and if they warn there is one coming and it isn't as horrid as predicted people moan....I am sure those folk with trees on their homes and cars feel like we have had a pretty impressive storm...oh golly I am ranting again....quick sunnyday come save me :o:(

I am always on hand to save you Sue - but you don't need saving - you are absolutely right to rant......i have a feeling that those criticising have little imagination, have lost nothing or sadder still......have nothing to lose - gosh didn't quite realise how cross I was until I put that into words :ph34r:

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