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Revised EYFS Now Available


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I'm disappointed that they have not yet provided information about the EYFS profile. That is the part that will be the biggest change for Reception teachers I think.


It's the STA that will be issuing the exemplification/guidance for EYFSP not the DfE direct (although they are a wing of the DfE1). They are trialling it with some LAs. But don't panic, all you need to do is gather evidence just as you always did and then match it to the 3 bands of attainment at the end of the year.



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excited...no scared....excited...no scared....excited...no scared......excited........can't make up my mind which I am....Love the new format but a bit concerned about the proposed two year old checks.

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I'd like to thank everyone for the links/downloads too. :1b


the site kept crashing when I was tryings earlier- so have been able to print it all off ( :angry: :angry: :angry: ) and read a my leisure later.

The printer wasn't happy- and I am not going to be able to give each staff a copy of the DM bit - which I would have liked to have done. :( :(

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and mine has just run of of ink :o


but dear other half has just left to do an 18 mile round trip to get new cartridges :D bless him!


Now that's just the sort of thing my husband would do!

And thanks from me too everyone! :wub:

NOW, any thoughts on these documents? And ... do we refer to it as the EYFS or the NEW EYFS?

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Are they really not going to provide a ring-bound printed version of this?

That is so ridiculous, it's the national curriculum for goodness sake.

We have been sent 3 glossy ring bound booklets containing Healthly Eating Plans and recipes. Must have cost the government a fortune. I would far rather have had a copy of the EYFS for my staff.

Are you reading this Sarah Teather???

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As you have all been so fab and uploaded the docs (STILL cant get on the site!!) perhaps you could just print an extra copy off and stick it in the post? Hahaha, only joking, but my printer wishes I wasn't! Think a lot of chocolate is going to be consumed tonight whilst I get my head around it. :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure if this was ever addressed in the consultation period, but what happens to all those children who don't attend a setting when they are two? From my reading of it the practitioner checks are supposed to supplement the HV 2 year old assessment, but if a child doesn't attend anywhere does the HV do a more detailed check then? How will they know the child if, as is the case locally to me, the family doesn't have a named HV after the first birthday, and where are these HVs as in my area they are using level 3 trained childcare staff to do the checks, but not ones who know the children?

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Are they really not going to provide a ring-bound printed version of this?

That is so ridiculous, it's the national curriculum for goodness sake.

We have been sent 3 glossy ring bound booklets containing Healthly Eating Plans and recipes. Must have cost the government a fortune. I would far rather have had a copy of the EYFS for my staff.

Are you reading this Sarah Teather???


np hard cpies just down to LAs to sort - if they have the budgets - i know we will try but will have to wait and see B)

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I have just finished my first read through and my think no major changes, However the 2 year old assesment (of which we currently do for all our children in our particular format ). The cynical part of me would like to know is this not what Health visitors use to do and i know there is a shortage of them but are they not paid by the goverment for this job so my question is are we to recive a payment for this sevices

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I am working on my new planning format, loving the prime and specific areas. I also had wondered about the 2 year old checks like holly, some children only access our provision when they recieve funding (term after 3rd birthday) who will do their checks?


Also thinking about the SEF, I have almost finished it after some considerable years but I bet the devils change the format of it now before I do and I will be back to the drawing board again!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: the SEF ...

Last time (back in the day) when they changed the format of the SEF they cut and pasted all the bits we had already done into the 'new' relevant boxes and it was pretty easy (for us anyway) to have a quick whizz through and add in any extra bits that we needed to - I just did it as part of the 6 month review. I seem to remember it wasn't a traumatice experience!

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I just want to say thank you for posting it on here. huge thanks


No we are not sad just very dedicated people who just want the best and to be the best


good luck eveyone , hugs

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