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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well, mines gone the opposite - was nice and healthy now it's fighting for it's life 😳
  2. Good to hear 😊. But we do still need to plan the party - I'm going to make an 'afternoon tea cake'. I need a good excuse to try making one!😂
  3. Hope your mum mends quickly. Looks like you'll have a busy half term! We had a staff inset day today, and it was good to just all catch up on paperwork and be able to laugh and chat for the morning. Every one has been so stressed this term, and I feel all staff are mentally exhausted - I know I am. It's the constant 'back of the mind' worry about everything going on. Scary it only six weeks left when we go back! 🙀 How are you feeling about this sunnyday? - it must be a really strange surreal feeling. I feel we should all have a retirement party for you!
  4. Peter is our children's current favourite ... I'm actually getting quite sick of it at the moment!😭
  5. Hope the dinner went well 😊
  6. Yet another week gone by... The children are so very LOUD this term! Behaviour on the whole good- just very very loud. I've worked three days - my new normal 😁 I've had my 2nd jab. No real reaction, although I bit uncomfortable at night as I lay on my side, and my cat lays on the other shoulder!!! - so a no win situation🤣
  7. Frère Jacques - to add cultural aspects ...
  8. Yes, we tend to use the essential information page too. However I've just gone onto our LA [Essex] website to look for it and I can't even find it now! 😂 The website is so difficult to navigate I think I'll give up looking. The advisors push the documents- but not easy to find unless they send a direct link.... me think's our LA need to do a bit of 'working in partnership' like they keep telling us to!
  9. 12 Different!!! We've had our first teacher visit today 🙀. A lot earlier than normal- and a scary reminder of how time is flying by 😳
  10. Not sure, but we we had our re-registraiton visit Ofsted were very quick to tell me we shouldn't be relying on LA audits/ paperwork as they [LA], usually have there own agenda when creating these, and they do not necessarily fit in with what Ofsted want to see!
  11. Ahh.... that looks like a top-tip for future tomato sauce based mealtimes!
  12. Exactly ! Naughty of us I know...... but we LOVED talking hair cuts during lockdown - that was interesting!
  13. Pretty sure a fair few our families that returned after Christmas have been doing this throughout 😟 (well not tourist attractions- but playdates with each other etc)... and at one point our LA was one of the highest in the south.
  14. Obviously needed it 😊 I've played the okey-cokey with some washing this morning 🤣 My top had a tomato stain on it and I was determined the sunlight was going to work its magic on it!!
  15. This is/was me! I was convinced I'd had a dud.
  16. I can go to for a 'walk in' second jab this weekend, but I'm booked in for Wednesday so I think I'll stick with that rather than queue up.
  17. I did last summer.
  18. Another Friday rolls past. 🙀 Been a good week, apart from the highly strung staff incident.🤣 My daughter is getting her jab today 😁. Feeling sorry/worried for all the teachers to young for the jab going into work next week with all the children unmasked and hugging.😟
  19. I'm kicking myself, we have literally just taken on a new (returning) member of staff.... which takes us to 7 now 😭😭😭 Just wish the weather would warm up a bit so we can at least do outside in comfort. We did try and sort one the other week while we were still 6- but it just ended up with four of us, and I'm not sure that helped really. Plus it was cold- even with outdoor heaters so we just ate and left without the wine and chat bit!!
  20. Our LA [Essex] try and push their transition passport however, we work directly with the school and they don't want them! We just work closely with the school and give then the information they actually want/need. Mostly verbal, and actually makes the whole process quite pleasurable rather than a task. I just nod and smile nicely to the LA if they ask about them. Info includes: Any concerns we have, how they are doing in the prime areas in general, any outside services involved, if they are EAL what level of understanding, ..... and the all important 'independence skills' - they actually ask the parents about this, but seem to prefer our assessment on this one!🤣🤣 During the last half term the children make a simple All About Me book, which we pass on.
  21. Not sure about the bolshy children - my staff were very highly strung today 😳... I actually had to call a 'time-out' on them this morning 😭 Which caused a few unhappy staff during the session. I think we need a proper staff night out with wine!!
  22. Checked, and my downwards are still there. The latest up dates are still COVID-19 May 2020, and COVID-19 July 2020. Debrad- I could possibly email you these two updates if you need them? Edited to add- just re-read your post Debrad and saw you had the updates in Dec.
  23. I checked last week on the site - AND managed to get the updates (there wasn't any after last summer I should add) Howeve-r the other day I got another 'invite' to join the portal 😳. I shall try again now and report back as to whether or not they have disappeared again.
  24. Thinking about Froglets post, has anyone else found that 'bolishi' has come early this year? Also for us it is the girls that are a nightmare, charging around screaming, and the boys are all very focused- yet a lot of 'tittle tattling' on their peers!!!!
  25. This. Tonight threat yourself kindly, possible with cake. xxxxx
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