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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I do enjoy felting.... but no matter how carefully you are- you always get the fingers!!!😩
  2. Bambo shoots???? 🤣🤣🤣
  3. My Bernina is playing up too, the feed dogs have dropped slightly (fixable) but one of the circuit boards has also gone and I can't always alter the stitch length - it only works properly in temperatures of 22-25! This one's 25+ years old and has seen a lot of use, I do have the 50 year old one in the loft- but that needs new motor - I always said it was my retirement project.... maybe I should get it down and start working on it!
  4. I've still not finished my 2019 temperate blanket 🙀.. well the temperature bit f it is finished but I just need to do a border but I've fallen out of love with it. Sewing wise my machine is playing up and I need to bite the bullet and either get a new one- or get the old one fixed, although the repair man said it's not really cost effective 😢
  5. To be fair this was commented on during our inspection early November- however it was more about (me/manager) being aware of all next steps in case staff went off sick especially during this pandemic. Stupidly I mentioned that we'd missed couple of staff meetings where we discuss all children and share our knowledge! She was fine with staff all just 'knowing' their key children. Our next steps are all very basic (support toilet training/ encourage playing together etc) and she was more than happy with that verbally from staff. We've always just had a list of all children with one or two worded next steps... until this inspection😭 Still as easy fix for us inspection wise 😊
  6. I think I've hit the point where I find it all a bit hilarious to be honest - I think it's the knowledge that at my age I can walk away now if I really wanted too. I read somewhere about writing letters to parents and putting down what you really think... then change to ink to white so they can't see it but you know it's there!🤣
  7. 🤣 .... and you can't blame this sense of entitlement on the pandemic. We have another, highly educated parents, residing at a very affluent address- desperate for a place..... can they answer an email/ complete paperwork in a timely manner? NO! A month passes since they request a place, another three weeks to answer the email to the sessions offered 😩 I'm only being patient as she's a 3 year old rather than the influx of two-year olds we seem to have! (and you should have seen the list of questions they emailed me - it was as if I was re-sitting my childcare exams all over again!!!)
  8. If it were me, I think my children wouldn't be well next week....... (although I would constantly be worrying about karma!)
  9. That's awful 😮
  10. Back to normality at work this week 😁 ... which means only working 3 days. Very quiet here, how is everyone coping? Anyway hope you all have a good weekend 😊
  11. We had one on the phone yesterday and whilst she was polite she seemed to have real problem with the fact we couldn't arrange our hours to sort her needs!😂 We're a term time session preschool.... she kept asking if she could bring the child early and collect early.
  12. Ours complain about the the 25p a day, and I'm not going to mention the £2 lunch club 😩 We are in a pretty affluent area- and I'm not kidding when I say it's only ever our lower income families that ever pay without a comment. And don't even mention our County's food voucher system- going by post codes!!
  13. Didn't want to read and run, but I'm sorry I can't really help much. We just charge 25p a day for snack but we are just a term-time preschool, with our age range of 2+ we can't really charge for nappies/wipes etc as we just ask parent to send them in if needed.
  14. What model?
  15. Yes the yellow thing is bugging me! I feel like it's some kind of Celtic embroidery stencil, I want to say for sort of 'tufty' type work (not sure how to explain that. May I crop the picture and put it on one of my sewing groups pages?
  16. The blue things- they are actually two that need cutting apart (like the airfix models circa 1967- they may still be the same for all I know 😂) They are then used to thread ribbon through knitted item such as baby booties and matinee jackets - circa 1980s ... things do not have ribbons like that anymore. You wrap the ribbon through (threw?) the prong bit then use like a needle. I have the feeling the yellow thing needs cutting apart too, my head is saying it's then used as embroidery templates.
  17. Yes, and they all seem to merge into a blur now, everything seem to change from one day to the next - I feel I just can't keep up any more, and I'm not sure if I even want to now! Parents want to forget is exists now as the government say send all under 5s in regardless....... Ok, they may be low risk for being ill themselves , but what everyone seems to forget is the staff are actually human beings who have families themselves which may include high risk vulnerable members. Staff are more stressed about passing it on- than becoming ill themselves which- it's really quite sad. Thankfully I'm lucky that I don't have elderly parents, or vulnerable family to worry about. I understand that at some point we have to live with it...... but it's so ******** stressful actually being in the thick of it! One thing going about daily life as normal when you you are in control of the situation - totally different in a setting being coughed and sneezed on all day (and obviously some other jobs) Rant over - have a good weekend everyone 😊
  18. I can confirm this- I'm completely done it. I actually thought today was Friday even though I had to work a full day and we only do mornings on a Friday! Anyway we are actually back to full staff from tomorrow, and I have the day off - well sort of... I just need to catch up on all the paperwork, funding forms, census and headcount!😂 ...and not to forget doing the invoices that are now well and truly overdue! 😩
  19. The blue thing is something to do with knitting, I think for when you do multi colour work -you wrap wool, as for the yellow thing- I do know but I've forgotten ... however I'm happy to confirm/deny it's use when someone else suggests it! (can you tell I'm a bit brain-fried after the last two weeks 😂)
  20. Hi, good to see you back again. Lots of recent changes, you need to look at the revised EYFS that came into force September 21. No need for so much written paperwork anymore - more of a case of 'you do you' for each setting! 😁😁.
  21. Frustrating more than difficult to be honest. It's the not being able to plan ahead. We work well as a small team and we are always one over ration anyway- but it must be really difficult for large settings.
  22. Sounds like an interesting walk 😂
  23. Yes! I have staff 'could' be back Tuesday, or then again it might be Thursday 😭. I don't actually mind either way if I knew for definite, with this system I won't know until Tuesday morning whether or not they're in!! The conversation in our house this morning- husband - 'are you working Tuesday' me - 'I dont know yet' husband - 'when will you know? I was thinking we could meet up with XXX for lunch. 'me - 'Tuesday morning' husband- walks of muttering on and on about what a way to run a business etc. me - refrains from throttling him!
  24. Yes this was our family too! Mum at home - both mum and dad positive they didn't tell us until the child tested positive at the weekend! the child was in Thursday and Friday. Thing is, dad collected the child ... I'm trying to believe he was on day 7 (or whatever) and had had a negative LFT before coming to us to collect child- staff think otherwise as they said with hindsight he acted shifty picking the child up quickly and trying to stay a bit distant etc 😬 I'm just glad that just before Christmas we actually stop parents coming into the setting again and we've stuck with that for the new year.
  25. And don't forget the 'any regular visitors' !!!
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