Yes, and they all seem to merge into a blur now, everything seem to change from one day to the next - I feel I just can't keep up any more, and I'm not sure if I even want to now!
Parents want to forget is exists now as the government say send all under 5s in regardless....... Ok, they may be low risk for being ill themselves , but what everyone seems to forget is the staff are actually human beings who have families themselves which may include high risk vulnerable members.
Staff are more stressed about passing it on- than becoming ill themselves which- it's really quite sad. Thankfully I'm lucky that I don't have elderly parents, or vulnerable family to worry about.
I understand that at some point we have to live with it...... but it's so ******** stressful actually being in the thick of it! One thing going about daily life as normal when you you are in control of the situation - totally different in a setting being coughed and sneezed on all day (and obviously some other jobs)
Rant over - have a good weekend everyone 😊