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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. And you too Sunnyday!!
  2. It turned out to be the butternut squash curry! I’m going to have to look up Magnet chess! I know! Congratulations!!
  3. You get a lot of points for knowing that it's Friday! I had a lovely couple of days at my sisters. She did a brilliant job hosting Christmas, my mum seemed to cope with stepping back a little which was good. We played lots of games, ate lots of food and went to see a local light trail which was beautiful as well as lots of chatting! Then back home but my sister came up to mum and dad's and my brother came down so we had another family day with the youngest members - lots of excitement! Today is my first day on my own for a while and whilst I enjoyed the family time this is lovely too. I have been for a quick walk to post a card, made mushroom soup and done some crocheting. I have something mysterious out of the freezer for dinner (it's either chilli or butternut squash curry - the label seems to have disappeared!) and am contemplating booking some theatre trips and days out for next year. Glad you enjoyed your Christmases Sunnyday and Louby. Hope Mr S is feeling better soon Sunnyday. It is very gloomy out and the fire in my living room has decided not to work at the moment so I'm going to light several candles and snuggle up under a blanket.
  4. I made it! Currently sat eating a chocolate orange and reading a Christmas book. I didn’t quite get everything I wanted to done but nearly.
  5. Thanks everyone, hanging in there. My poor children today - so many tears and tantrums because they are SO tired. This has been the longest term ever.
  6. Please can it be Friday today? I’m not sure I can do two more days.
  7. Please don’t be sad for me! An old friend (we met at playgroup!) messaged this morning to say she was coming up to see her mum and dad and could she call in? We haven’t seen each other for at least 2 years and had a lovely catch up. Plus it actually motivated me to tidy up downstairs. I couldn’t not feed her so made Christmas crinkle cookies and mulled apple juice.
  8. It will - barely a week and a half before we’re back but that’s partly why I’m working hard now, am doing my best not to work at all over Christmas which rarely happens!
  9. Glad Mr S is behaving! Good news about your sister too. I don’t finish until the 22nd. This weekend am mostly sleeping and trying to do jobs so I can be properly off over Christmas as it’s such a short break this year.
  10. Oh my goodness! I’m sure you can manage it all Sunnyday! I was late at school setting up Santa’s grotto for him to visit on Monday and then for Mrs Claus to tell stories in the next day. Ghis morning I’m being lazy and am still in pjs. Tomorrow I’m meeting a friend to eat and chat in the afternoon then we’ll go to a candle lit carol service in the evening. It’s become an annual tradition that I love. Sometime around those things I need to fit in my TDL. I might just review it today and then actually work tomorrow. Will decide when I see how much is on it! The lure of a completely school free day (ie getting it all done today) is strong though …
  11. Oh Sunnyday I am SO pleased to read that news! What a lovely start to the weekend.
  12. Nothing out of the ordinary at the moment - both my nieces requested ‘Aunty Froglet socks’ for Christmas which is a compliment but resulting in some frantic knitting!
  13. Hi Sunnyday, sending you and Mr S and your sister lots of love. Please take care of yourself in all your busyness caring for them. I’ve had the usual busy week we finished with a visit to our local Christmas Tree festival today. I have just treated myself to pizza and need to do some work tonight to meet some deadlines then my weekend should be mostly planning and a bit of crafting. We have a festive stay and play session next week so I need to go a pinteresting for some fresh ideas - I’ve been recycling the same few for the last couple of years! Other than that just being cosy as such a cold few days is forecast!
  14. So pleased to hear that Sunnyday!
  15. Great news Sunnyday, so pleased to hear it! I’m having a chilled hour catching up on Bake Off before a manic day of schoolwork as tomorrow I’m spending the day with my sister and her family - they’re taking me to see The Nutcracker as my birthdays present!
  16. Just woke and checked in to hear this concerning news. Do we need to stage some kind of intervention?!
  17. It sounds like a really lovely day Sunnyday! we have clear blue skies here too today although it is really cold. I am planning to blitz the rest of the school TDL. I have reduced it to the absolute must do or the world will end list! The this evening I’m out for dinner with a friend. This weekend I have nothing special planned - just a weekend of calm before heading back to school next week. Have a lovely time everyone, whatever you’re up to!
  18. Don’t worry, she’ll never know! I’m knitting some festive socks. My two nieces have also both requested socks for Christmas!
  19. Thank you FM. Great ideas. I am going to do some serious thinking and planning tomorrow then will go in and transform my space.
  20. That looks delicious and you’re not late to the party - am carrying on until at least next Friday! give or take a couple of years… Yep it is the big one this year.
  21. My latest pair of socks. My first proper attempt at colourwork. I started them the first day of the summer holidays but it’s taken three attempts to get the tension right so I could actually get them over my foot!
  22. Thank you!! My day will be spent with family and friends with a bit of sock knitting thrown in. It started with blueberry pancakes - it has been lovely so far!
  23. I have definitely broken a few pastry things in my time but I don’t think I’d have attempted that! Then I’m a bit of a gung ho cook rather than a precision one! I couldn’t do the pretty things they do on Bake Off! My morning off may be turning into a a day off…
  24. Sssh, I took the morning off - am knitting and catching up with Bake Off. Sunnyday, Infind myself re-reading lots or very familiar ‘cosy’ things. It’s like my brain just doesn’t want anything remotely challenging.
  25. I think I do - like children’s shoes but not attend to anything!
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